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Bug Report - Encoding issue


I had to do a hard shutdown of a workstation while remodel was running (mpiserialization, openmpi) and when it booted up, i ran remodel again. It had no issues running but checkpoint.txt has a different encoding now like this:

I have no idea why or how, but i purged and reinstalled gedit and it stays the same. I also tried vim and it doesnt display the checkpoint number properly either. It doesn't bother me at the moment, but might be worth checking out why it happens.

Post Situation: 

How many iterations of remodel is enough?


Hello. I am wondering how many iterations is enough for remodel? Its a de-novo C-terminal extension: loop + helix of about 30 residues.


-in:file:s p_final.pdb
-remodel:blueprint final.blp
-remodel:num_trajectory ????
-remodel:save_top 5
-hb_srbb 1.0
-ignore_zero_occupancy false

Post Situation: 

Metal Ion in symmetric design


I would like to run a design protocol on a protein that has, as its asymmetric unit, 2 proteins with an ion. I have done some purely AA-based symmetric design before with 2 chains controlled by separate virtual jumps and my own python-generated symdef file but I'd rather avoid doing that again :-) 

My hope was that I could put (even if suboptimal) the 2 chains and the ion in a single chain and proceed as usual in symmetric design with one chain.

Post Situation: 

Segmentation fault (core dumped) in rosetta_scripts.default.linuxgccrelease after blueprint file reading


Dear Sir and Madam,

When I run such a script "~/rosetta_src_2020.08.61146_bundle/main/source/bin/rosetta_scripts.default.linuxgccrelease -parser:protocol Design.xml -s some_relaxed_protein.pdb -database ~/rosetta_src_2020.08.61146_bundle/main/database/ -restore_talaris_behavior true -remodel:use_pose_relax true -score:set_weights pro_close 0 cart_bonded 0.5 -nstruct 10 -out:prefix design_" for insertion one amino acid, replacement one original amino acid into another and building additional disulphide I meet with the following error:


Post Situation: 

"core.kinematics.FoldTree" error upon running RAbD


Dear all, 

I am trying to running RAbD with the following command:

antibody_designer.linuxgccrelease \
   -l design_input.list \
   -primary_cdrs H3 \
   -graft_design_cdrs H3 \
   -seq_design_cdrs H1 H2 \
   -do_dock \
   -paratope H3 \
   -mc_optimize_dG \
   -mc_total_weight .001 \
   -mc_interface_weight .999 \
   -out:path:all designing\
   -out:file:scorefile designing_scores.fasc\
   -nstruct 3 | tee designing.log

Post Situation: 

How to choose designed antibody


Dear all,

I am trying to use Rosetta dock and antibody design modules to design antibody in order to improve the affinity of the antibody to the antigen.  Firstly I docked the antibody to the antigen. In this step I got 500 and antibody-antigen complex models and selected top 10 models based on the lowest I_sc energy. Then I ran AntibodyDesign using a command like the follow for each of the 10 complex models:

Post Situation: 

Coupled Moves crash with Membrane Protein - residue_edge is undefined for root vertex


Hi All,

I came across the Coupled Moves protocol recently and it sounds like an interesting alternative to FastDesign that I've been predominantly using. I tried to implement the CoupledMoves Mover within my RosettaScripts design script, however, I keep coming across the following error:

ERROR: FoldTree:: residue_edge is undefined for root vertex
ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/kinematics/ line: 2317
[0m[0mprotocols.rosetta_scripts.ParsedProtocol: [0m[31m[1m[ ERROR ][0m Exception while processing procotol: 

Post Situation: 

Difference between interface_delta_X and dG_separated?


Hi, everyone!

I am using RosettaLigand design protocol to design some mutants, in order to improve binding affinity to a small molecule. When I was using InterfaceAnalyzer, there were 2 values representing binding affinity, interface_delta_X and dG_separated. I want to know the difference between these 2 values and which one I can use during the filter process.

Any suggestion will be appreciated!


Post Situation: 


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