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GeneralizedKIC side chain closure.


Hi all,

I want to generate cyclic peptides in a binding site employing the anchor design approach similar to and I need to do the closure by amidation between two side chains (K/E) or side chain/C-terminal.

Post Situation: 

Proper indexing of grafted residues by CCDEndsGraftMover


I found that the grafted residues by CCDEndsGraftMover do not have proper indexing. They have no chain ID, and all residue numbers are 0. If the XML option copy_pdbinfo was set to 1, the grafted residues just shared the same chain ID and residue number as the original segment. I am wondering if there are any movers that do the following tasks.

Post Situation: 

Sequence symmetry during FastDesign for repeat protein design


I want to design a repeat protein that self-assembles into a designed structure. As a result, I want each repeat to acquire the same sequence after the FastDesign mover. Is it possible that during FastDesign mover, all repeats are mutated the same way? Is there any Taskoperation (or mover) I can call to set up such a constraint?

Post Situation: 

Get fasta from PDB script correction - Solved


Dear researchers,

Those who really want to use the script to generate the FASTA files from PDB, generally face some sorts of errors.

The most common error is: TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

Post Situation: 

Unrecognized D-Leu name / C-terminal ACE



I am designing a macrocycle with simple_cycpep_predict that contains a D-Leu in the N-terminal and an acetylated ASP in the C-terminal. My sequence_file (-cyclic_peptide:sequence_file) is DLE ........ ASP

1) When I run the app it doesn't recognize the D-Leu name:

Post Situation: 

Nanobody design


Hi everyone,

I am trying to design a nanobody using an available antibody. After grafting heavy chains from an antibody to a known nanobody scaffold, and aligning with the antibody-antigen complex structure, I obtain nanobody-antigen compelx structure. I am trying to use Rosetta design to increase its affinity to antigen as well as sample possible new CDR sequences using the options,

Post Situation: 

simple_cycpep_predict - Design mode - The base name "ARG" was added more than once



I am using simple_cycpep_predict in design mode to find derivatives of a peptide for disulfide cyclization. For the -cyclic_peptide:allowed_residues_by_position option I am using the following file:

Post Situation: 

RIFdocking:Unable to locate database file chemical/residue_type_sets/fa_standard/residue_types/


Hello, everyone, I encountered some problems when I was doing Step 19: Actual motif grafting of RIFdocking.
First, I need to turn my scaffolding into a silent files. The command is as follows:

cat scaffolds.list | silentfrompdbsparallel > scaffolds.silent

After the command is run, I got the following error:

Post Situation: 


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