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Issues with modifying dock.xml for multiple ligand docking


Hello all, 

I've been having some issues in modifying my dock.xml file for a multiple ligand docking run. I been trying to use the paper "RosettaLigand docking with flexible XML protocols" as a reference but no luck. According to the paper I should be trying to modify the <LIGAND_AREA> and <INTERFACE_BUILDER> taggs, but the paper only shows an xml file for a single ligand dock. I'm pretty new to this and rosetta scripts, so I'm not sure exactly how to proceed. Anyhelp would be appreciated. 

Post Situation: 

multi ligand docking using rosetta script



  Hi all.

  I'm trying to dock  my ligand with HEM to CYP using rosetta script with XML protocol

  overall running process seems to complete without any problem, and rosetta script seems to recognize HEM and  ligand as separate entity

  But in some conformer generated by rosetta-script, there is severe clash between HEM and ligand.

  For this kind of conformer, rosetta total_score was extremely high and I could filter out this kind of unfavorable structure based on rosetta score

Post Situation: 

Ligand being read as part of protein structure



I'm attemping a docking run with a protein that acts on an amino acid substrate. (tyrosine) Whenever I initiate the run it gives me the warning:

[ WARNING ] skipping pdb residue b/c it's missing too many mainchain atoms:    1 W TYS TYR:CtermProteinFull:NtermProteinFull:sulfated missing:  CA .

And then the error: 

[ ERROR ]: Caught exception:

File: src/core/pose/

 chain_id W does not exist

Post Situation: 

Protein Ensemble RosettaLigand Docking


Dear Rosetta Users, 

I have an ensemble of protein conformations obtained by means of MD (Molecular Dynamics) simulation.
I would like to know if a recent protocol is available to dock one ligand to this protein ensemble using RosettaLigand.


Thanks in advance.


Post Situation: 

RosettaLigand ERROR: Error in core::conformation::check_good_cutpoint_neighbour()


Dear Rosetta Users, 

I am trying to generate 20000 structures by using RosettaLigand, but the application keeps on crashing with the following errors:

[FILE]: src/core/conformation/

[LINE]: 654


[ ERROR ] UtilityExitException

Post Situation: 

Chain name being read as residue



I am attempting a ligand docking run in a P450 docking both the heme cofactor and ligand simultaneously. I was able to have a successful run with just the heme group but when I attempt to add in the ligand I get an error. Currently, I've been getting the error "unrecognized mm_atom_type_name W" where W is the chain name for my ligand. I've attached my docking file, initial structure pdb file, and my options file so they can be looked at to help me resolve this issue. Thanks in advance!

Post Situation: 

Argument Error while running



I am facing trouble running the script ligand I have prepared the pdb file and params file as instructed. I have also added the params file to the default directory and updated residue_types.txt file. The following error gets invoked. Please do help rectify the error.

Post Situation: 


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