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how to control alignment for energy_based_clustering



I am using the energy_based_clustering application to cluster results from a protein-protein global docking job. One of the partners is kept fixed, so I would like to cluster based on the RMSD of the moving partner alone, without any alignment. I assume that the clustering algorithm is aligning the whole structure to minimize RMSD. Is this correct? If it is, is there a way to skip the alignment and calculate the RMSD directly from the input structures?

Post Situation: 



Hi , I'm beginner to Rosetta . In ligand_docking , it is said "chain_id F does not exist" . There are two ligands and one receport to dock ,   I can not define chain F or chain X (in my dock.xml).  I can not undersstand  some answers about this question. I wish receive the answer.


the process in ligand_docking:

Post Situation: 

Run protein-protein docking parallelly by mpi


I run docking_protocol parallelly by mpi (Command: mpiexec -np 10 $ROSETTA_BIN/docking_protocol.mpi.linuxclangrelease @flag_docking).

But the error below occurred.



Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned.

a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.

Post Situation: 

snugdock(sequence position requested was greater than the number of residues in the pose)


Dear users, 

When I did snugdock, my native input structure and snug input structure share the same number of residues and residue indexes, but the error still shows up "sequence position requested was greater than the number of residues in the pose".
I attach both files and appreciate any suggestion. Thanks!

Post Situation: 


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