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Structure prediction

How to provide multiple templates for Robetta with RosettaCM option?

Structure prediction

The FAQ of robetta said "You can load multiple templates, modify the alignments, add constraints, and more before submitting.“ However, I cannot find the option for loading multiple templates on the Robetta webserver. Is that possible?

Post Situation: 

RosettaCM: threading okay, but hybridize loses many secondary structure

Structure prediction

I use two templates to run the RosettaCM, each template representing different parts of the target. The threading step can retain most of the secondary structure. However, when doing the hybridize step, one part in the target loses half of its beta-sheets. Is this a common issue?

Post Situation: 

RosettaCM: "Ligands must be added to all templates"

Structure prediction

The RosettaCM requires Ligands must be added to all templates with a non-zero weight in the XML file!

In my case, the templates represent different parts of the target, so some template includes the ligand while some template does not. Do I really need to add the ligand to the template that does not have the ligand?

If it is necessary, how to do it? It is not likely to use some alignment to "estimate" the ligand location in the template.

Post Situation: 

Add a ligand with only one atom (i.e. Zn) to the RosettaCM

Structure prediction

My understanding for adding the ligand is to use the molfile_to_params script to generate XXX.cen.params, XXX.fa.params, XXX.tors files. 

My ligand is just a one atom Zn. When molfile_to_params script is used, I got this error

Post Situation: 

How to Perform point mutations with NCAA

Structure prediction

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to mutate multiple residues of a peptide with NCAA to determine their structure and ΔΔG of mutation on Rosetta. 

I would be grateful if anyone could share any research article, material or guidance to proceed on this matter.


P.S. - I am a beginner at Rosetta without any bacl ground in coding or bioinformatics. Any help and advice is appreciated.


Post Situation: 

Obtaining all PDB IDs containing similar binding sites for a specific ligand

Structure prediction

Hi all, 

Is it possible to search the proteins having similar binding sites for a specific ligand in Rosetta? I need to classify proteins based their binding site similarities -in terms of RMSD. If it is possible, how can I do this? Thanks in advance. 



Post Situation: 

Internal error while running AbinitioRelax

Structure prediction

I am trying to learn Rosetta without any background computer science or bioinformatics. I tried to run the AbinitioRelax.default.linuxrelease program with the proper input files and got the following internal error -

[FILE]: src/core/chemical/
[LINE]: 149
[ ERROR ] UtilityExitException
ERROR: Unable to open file: /home/rosetta/main/database/chemical/residue_type_sets/fa_standard/residue_types.txt


Post Situation: 

Blast error for rosetta antibody: No argument value given for Query file

Structure prediction

Hi there,

 When I try to run rosetta antibody with,

"antibody.linuxgccrelease -fasta mAb2.fasta | tee grafting.log"

I encounter error message " ERROR: basic.execute encounter error while runnning blastp [-db, /home/user/rosetta/rosetta3.13/main/database/additional_protocol_data/antibody//blast_database/database.FRH, -query, grafting/frh.fasta, -out, grafting/frh.align, -word_size, 2, -outfmt, 7, -max_target_seqs, 1024, -evalue, 0.00001, -matrix, BLOSUM62]

 How can I solve it?


Post Situation: 

Blast error for rosetta antibody: No argument value given for Query file

Structure prediction

Hi there,

 When I try to run rosetta antibody with,

"antibody.linuxgccrelease -fasta mAb2.fasta | tee grafting.log"

I encounter error message " ERROR: basic.execute encounter error while runnning blastp [-db, /home/user/rosetta/rosetta3.13/main/database/additional_protocol_data/antibody//blast_database/database.FRH, -query, grafting/frh.fasta, -out, grafting/frh.align, -word_size, 2, -outfmt, 7, -max_target_seqs, 1024, -evalue, 0.00001, -matrix, BLOSUM62]

 How can I solve it?


Post Situation: 


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