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Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread running "from rosetta import*"

I am trying to make PyRosetta run on an iMac with Mountain Lion.
I have Python 2.7 installed from the official installer in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python
and IPhyton installed with easy_install in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/ipython.

Python and IPython work perfectly with other application but when I try PyRosetta something goes wrong and I obtain always the same error:

In [1]: from rosetta import*
Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread
Abort trap: 6

Post Situation: 

problem with fixed_membrane option of membrane abinitio

Hi to all

I want the models of membrane abinitio in the same membrane center vector and membrane normal vector, so I used the option -membrane:fixed_membrane to get the center at [0,0,0] and membrane normal in the z-axis

I use this arguments to run "membraneabinitio"::

-in:file:fasta ../rosetta_inputs/cterm.fasta
-in:file:frag3 ../rosetta_inputs/aat000_03_05.200_v1_3
-in:file:frag9 ../rosetta_inputs/aat000_09_05.200_v1_3
-in:file:spanfile ../rosetta_inputs/cterm.span
-in:file:lipofile ../rosetta_inputs/cterm.lips4

Post Situation: 

fixbb and HETATM


I want to use fixbb on a pdb file that contains ions (the ions are classified as HETATM in the pdb file) in addition to the protein chain (whose atoms are classified as ATOM in the pdb file). My question is: If I use fixxb on the pdb file for repacking, will the algorithm consider the presence of the ions or will it ignore them?

Post Situation: 

Rosetta Scripts: Loop Modeling w. Selective Repacking


Two questions:

1) I have recently started using Rosetta Scripts and would like to know if there is a way to model a loop while optimizing chi angles of only selected residues. I remember you had previously alluded to TaskAwareMinMover - is that the route - if so how ? I am using the following XML file:

Post Situation: 

the extracted pdb file

I used the rosetta3.4_membrane_homology_modeling to build a pdb file. but when I extract them from the silent file, my target pdb didn't looks like a normal protein, even like a jumble of segments.

Did I make a mistake?

the silent file was created by this command line: ~/rosetta3.4/rosetta_source/bin/minirosetta.linuxgccrelease @flags, and the flag file was attached.

to extract the pdb file from silent file by: ~/rosetta3.4/rosetta_source/bin/extract_pdbs.linuxgccrelease @convert.flags,and the convert.flag was also attached.

Post Situation: 

Rosetta 3.4 on Mac OS X v 10.6.8


I just downloaded Rosetta 3.4 from the RosettaCommons website and am trying to compile it. However, it keeps failing with the following message (while Rosetta 3.3 compiles fine) :

Processor: 2.66 GHz Intel Core i&
Memory: 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Command Line: (executed from within rosetta_source directory): ./ bin mode=release

Post Situation: 

to create the template pdb file

Dear everyone.

I used the rosetta membrane homology modeling, recently, when I tried to create the template pdb file by the script, the error of "attempt to assign missing density from parent[86] as a takeoff for query[167]" occurred. it righet that the parent pdb file do have 86 residues.

my zone file is :
zone 17-29 : 1-13
zone 41-46 : 14-19
zone 80-82 : 20-22
zone 88-92 : 23-27
zone 110-167 : 29-86

the aligment file is:

Post Situation: 

membrane ab initio error after montecarlo

I'm running rosetta 3.4 membrane abinitio protocol. Right after it says the total weighted score of the monte carlo of the second stage I get this error messege:

ERROR: seqpos <= size()
ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/conformation/Conformation.hh line: 289
membrane_abinitio2.linuxgccdebug: src/utility/ void utility::exit(const string&, int, const string&, int): Assertion `false' failed.

my command line is:

Post Situation: 

Can I use the relax mode application for removing clashes in a membrane protein homology model?

I am trying to fix the clashes in a homology model structure I have created of a membrane protein. I tried fixbb to fix only the sidechains, yet I still get clashes ):. Therefore, I want to try to use the relax application in rosetta3.1 to remove clashes. My questions are:
1. Is it O.K to use relax for a membrane protein? If so, what flags should I use to indicate in relax that I want the calculations done on a membrane protein (for instance, would adding -score:patch no_solvation be enough?)

Post Situation: 

fragment_picker problem

I'm trying to run fragmet_picker on my sequence using this commnad:

/home/advas/tools/rosetta3.4/rosetta_source/bin/fragment_picker.linuxgccrelease -database /home/advas/tools/rosetta3.4/rosetta_database -in::file::vall /home/advas/tools/rosetta3.4/rosetta_tools/fragment_tools/vall.jul19.2011 -in::file::fasta 2anna.fasta -frags::ss_pred 2anna.psipred_ss2 predA -frags::scoring::config simple.wghts -frags::bounded_protocol -frags::frag_sizes 9 3 -frags::n_candidates 200 -frags::n_frags 200 -out::file::frag_prefix frags -frags::describe_fragments frags.fsc

my sequence is

Post Situation: 


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