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How to import SymmDock models into Rosetta for local docking and energy minimization

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How to import SymmDock models into Rosetta for local docking and energy minimization

We are dealing with a gap-junction protein which forms a hexamer of identical subunits. Now, we want to dock the subunits into a hexamer to examine the overall complex structure. Initially we have created models of docked complexes of our protein on the Symmdock server. Now we want to import the Symmdock models into RosettaDock server for a local docking search. Please help rearding how to import SymmDock models into Rosetta for local docking search and energy minimization

Post Situation: 
Fri, 2012-07-20 13:20

What degrees of freedom do you want? You want hexamer symmetry docking for the same monomer? Rosetta will want an input monomer from your hexamer (as PDB is easiest) and a symmetry definition file describing the symmetry of your system:

Fri, 2012-07-20 13:31