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Can I use the relax mode application for removing clashes in a membrane protein homology model?

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Can I use the relax mode application for removing clashes in a membrane protein homology model?

I am trying to fix the clashes in a homology model structure I have created of a membrane protein. I tried fixbb to fix only the sidechains, yet I still get clashes ):. Therefore, I want to try to use the relax application in rosetta3.1 to remove clashes. My questions are:
1. Is it O.K to use relax for a membrane protein? If so, what flags should I use to indicate in relax that I want the calculations done on a membrane protein (for instance, would adding -score:patch no_solvation be enough?)
2. How can I make sure that my final result will be clashes free yet not so far structurally from the original input structure?

Thank you,

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Thu, 2012-12-20 05:45

I can't say that relax HAS been used in this manner before, but I expect it ought to work. Tweaking the scorefunction as you describe is probably sufficient for your needs for a membrane protein.

There is a flag:
-relax:constrain_relax_to_start_coords Add coordinate constraints to backbone heavy atoms, based on the input structure.
which probably will satisfy your second question.

Thu, 2012-12-20 07:30

Thank you very much,

Thu, 2012-12-20 08:05