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Namespaces | Functions
wrap_angles.hh File Reference

Functions to wrap angles in different ranges. author Kale Kundert ( More...

#include <numeric/NumericTraits.hh>
#include <numeric/numeric.functions.hh>


 Unit headers.


template<typename T >
numeric::wrap_2pi (T const &angle)
 Wrap the given angle in the range [0, 2 * pi). More...
template<typename T >
numeric::wrap_pi (T const &angle)
 Wrap the given angle in the range [-pi, pi). More...
template<typename T >
numeric::wrap_360 (T const &angle)
 Wrap the given angle in the range [0, 360). More...
template<typename T >
numeric::wrap_180 (T const &angle)
 Wrap the given angle in the range [-180, 180). More...

Detailed Description

Functions to wrap angles in different ranges. author Kale Kundert (