Rosetta  2016.11
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Classes | Namespaces
StringResourceStream.hh File Reference

A thin wrapper around an std::stringstream for use with the ResourceManager. More...

#include <basic/resource_manager/ResourceLocator.hh>
#include <basic/resource_manager/locator/StringResourceStream.fwd.hh>
#include <sstream>


class  basic::resource_manager::locator::StringResourceStream
 The StringResourceStream is a wrapper class for a std::stringstream that can be used to construct a resource. Useful when reading the resource stream in to memory (e.g. from a database or from multiple files) before trying to construct the resource. More...


 Tags used to tag messeges sent by MPI functions used to decide whether a slave is requesting a new job id or flagging as job as being a bad input.

Detailed Description

A thin wrapper around an std::stringstream for use with the ResourceManager.

Matthew O'Meara (