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down_cast.hh File Reference

Fast polymorphic down-casting functions. More...

#include <utility/assert.hh>


struct  utility::RawType< T >
 Meta-programming classes to provide the pointer type for down_cast. More...
struct  utility::RawType< T & >
struct  utility::RawType< T * >


 unresizable vector whose size is known at compile time, which may be allocated on the stack, and which indexes from 0.


template<class Target , class Source >
Target utility::down_cast (Source &s)
 Fast assert-checked polymorphic down-cast: reference argument. More...
template<class Target , class Source >
Target utility::down_cast (Source *p)
 Fast assert-checked polymorphic down-cast: pointer argument. More...

Detailed Description

Fast polymorphic down-casting functions.

Stuart G. Mentzer (
A fast polymorphic down-cast when the cast is known to be valid
The cast validity is assert-checked in debug builds