Rosetta  2016.11
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SecondaryMatcherToDownstreamResidue.hh File Reference

Class declaration for secondary matcher that generates upstream-only hits matching the geometry of one upstream residue with another upstream residue generated in a previous round. More...

#include <protocols/match/downstream/SecondaryMatcherToDownstreamResidue.fwd.hh>
#include <protocols/match/Matcher.hh>
#include <protocols/match/downstream/DownstreamAlgorithm.hh>
#include <protocols/match/downstream/SecMatchResiduePairEvaluator.fwd.hh>
#include <protocols/match/downstream/SecondaryMatcherToUpstreamResidue.fwd.hh>
#include <core/types.hh>
#include <core/chemical/ResidueType.fwd.hh>
#include <core/conformation/Residue.fwd.hh>
#include <utility/pointer/ReferenceCount.hh>
#include <utility/vector1.hh>
#include <list>
#include <core/id/AtomID.hh>


class  protocols::match::downstream::SecondaryMatcherToDownstreamResidue
 A class for an algorithm. Given a conformation of the downstream partner, the algorithm is responsible for producing a set of hits. More...


 The instance of Loops contained by AbrelaxApplication should be replaced by a LoopsOP.

Detailed Description

Class declaration for secondary matcher that generates upstream-only hits matching the geometry of one upstream residue with another upstream residue generated in a previous round.

Andrew Leaver-Fay (
Florian Richter (