Rosetta  2020.11
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locator_schemas.hh File Reference
#include <utility/tag/XMLSchemaGeneration.fwd.hh>
#include <string>


 Tags used to tag messeges sent by MPI functions used to decide whether a slave is requesting a new job id or flagging as job as being a bad input.


void basic::resource_manager::locator::xsd_type_definition_w_attributes (utility::tag::XMLSchemaDefinition &xsd, std::string const &locator_type, std::string const &description, utility::tag::AttributeList const &attributes)
 Define the XML schema definition for a ResourceLocator that contains no subtags but may contain any number of attributes (aka options). More...
void basic::resource_manager::locator::xsd_type_definition_w_attributes_and_repeatable_subelements (utility::tag::XMLSchemaDefinition &xsd, std::string const &locator_type, std::string const &description, utility::tag::AttributeList const &attributes, utility::tag::XMLSchemaSimpleSubelementList const &subelements)
 Define the XML schema definition for a ResourceLocator that contains subtags and attributes (aka options). More...

Detailed Description

Andrew Leaver-Fay (