Rosetta  2020.11
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Namespaces | Functions File Reference

Functions implementing the Crick equations for a helical bundle (a helix of helices). More...

#include <cmath>
#include <numeric/types.hh>
#include <numeric/constants.hh>
#include <numeric/xyzVector.hh>
#include <numeric/crick_equations/BundleParams.hh>


 Unit headers.


Real numeric::crick_equations::PP (Real const &r0, Real const &omega0, Real const &z1, bool &failed)
 Calculates P, the repeat distance of the major helix in the z-direction. More...
Real numeric::crick_equations::P_omega0 (Real const &r0, Real const &omega0, Real const &z1, bool const epsilon_equals_one, Real const &dr0_dt, bool &failed)
 Calculates P*omega0 (the repeat distance of the major helix in the z-direction times the major helix turn per residue). More...
Real numeric::crick_equations::ALPHA (Real const &r0, Real const &omega0, Real const &Pomega0)
 Calculates alpha, the tilt angle of the minor helix. More...
Real numeric::crick_equations::COSFXN (Real const &t, Real const &omega, Real const &delta_omega)
 Calculates cos(omega*t+delta_omega) More...
Real numeric::crick_equations::gradnorm (Real const &r0, Real const &omega0, Real const &Pomega0, Real const &s0, Real const &c0)
 Calculates the norm of the gradient vector. More...
Real numeric::crick_equations::SINFXN (Real const &t, Real const &omega, Real const &delta_omega)
 Calculates sin(omega*t+delta_omega) More...
Real numeric::crick_equations::X_BUNDLE (Real const &t, Real const &r0, Real const &omega0, Real const &delta_omega0, Real const &r1, Real const &omega1, Real const &z1, Real const &delta_omega1, Real const &delta_z1, Real const &epsilon, Real const &dr0prime_dt, bool &failed)
 Calculates the x-position on the helix of helices given the Crick parameters for the bundle. More...
Real numeric::crick_equations::Y_BUNDLE (Real const &t, Real const &r0, Real const &omega0, Real const &delta_omega0, Real const &r1, Real const &omega1, Real const &z1, Real const &delta_omega1, Real const &delta_z1, Real const &epsilon, Real const &dr0prime_dt, bool &failed)
 Calculates the y-position on the helix of helices given the Crick parameters for the bundle. More...
Real numeric::crick_equations::Z_BUNDLE (Real const &t, Real const &r0, Real const &omega0, Real const &delta_omega0, Real const &r1, Real const &omega1, Real const &z1, Real const &delta_omega1, Real const &delta_z1, Real const &epsilon, Real const &dr0prime_dt, bool &failed)
 Calculates the z-position on the helix of helices given the Crick parameters for the bundle. More...
xyzVector< Real > numeric::crick_equations::XYZ_BUNDLE (Real const &t, Real const &r0, Real const &omega0, Real const &delta_omega0, Real const &r1, Real const &omega1, Real const &z1, Real const &delta_omega1, Real const &delta_z1, Real const &epsilon, bool &failed)
 Calculate the x,y,z coordinates of a point on the helix of helices given the Crick parameters for the bundle. More...

Detailed Description

Functions implementing the Crick equations for a helical bundle (a helix of helices).

Vikram K. Mulligan (