Rosetta  2020.11
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Classes | Namespaces
FileContentsMap.hh File Reference

Declaration for a file-driven definition for the active states in a multistate design and the set of mathematical expressions that together define the fitness function for the sequence being designed. More...

#include <utility/io/FileContentsMap.fwd.hh>
#include <utility/pointer/ReferenceCount.hh>
#include <map>
#include <platform/types.hh>


class  utility::io::FileContentsMap
 The FileContentsMap is a class that will minimize the number of times files are accessed from disk. The first time the contents of a file are requested, it will cache the contents the file in memory as a strings. All subsequent requests for the contents of that file will then be delivered without having to go to disk. WARNING: The FileContentsMap will not update the contents that it holds for a file after the first time it loads it, so if the contents change on disk, the FileContentsMap will be out of date. More...


 unresizable vector whose size is known at compile time, which may be allocated on the stack, and which indexes from 0.

Detailed Description

Declaration for a file-driven definition for the active states in a multistate design and the set of mathematical expressions that together define the fitness function for the sequence being designed.

Andrew Leaver-Fay (