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DFS_sort.hh File Reference

A depth first search with sorting for edge visitation. More...

#include <boost/graph/depth_first_search.hpp>


 unresizable vector whose size is known at compile time, which may be allocated on the stack, and which indexes from 0.


template<class IncidenceGraph , class DFSVisitor , class ColorMap , class SortFunc >
void utility::graph::depth_first_visit_sort_impl (const IncidenceGraph &g, typename boost::graph_traits< IncidenceGraph >::vertex_descriptor u, DFSVisitor &vis, ColorMap color, SortFunc const &func)
 depth_first_visit_sort_impl is a slightly modified version of the recursive version of the Boost function depth_first_visit_impl, allowing the visitor class to prune nodes and edges. See depth_first_search_sort for details More...
template<class VertexListGraph , class DFSVisitor , class ColorMap , class SortFunc >
void utility::graph::depth_first_search_sort (const VertexListGraph &g, DFSVisitor vis, ColorMap color, typename boost::graph_traits< VertexListGraph >::vertex_descriptor start_vertex, SortFunc const &func)
 A sorted depth first search. The parameter func should be a callable object which takes two graph edge descriptors, and returns true if the first should go before the second in ordering. More...
template<class VertexListGraph , class DFSVisitor , class ColorMap , class SortFunc >
void utility::graph::depth_first_search_sort (const VertexListGraph &g, DFSVisitor vis, ColorMap color, SortFunc const &func)
 A sorted depth first search. The parameter func should be a callable object which takes two graph edge descriptors, and returns true if the first should go before the second in ordering. More...
template<class VertexListGraph , class SortFunc , class P , class T , class R >
void utility::graph::depth_first_search_sort (const VertexListGraph &g, SortFunc const &func, const boost::bgl_named_params< P, T, R > &params)
 Named Parameter Variant. More...
template<class IncidenceGraph , class DFSVisitor , class ColorMap , class SortFunc >
void utility::graph::depth_first_visit (const IncidenceGraph &g, typename boost::graph_traits< IncidenceGraph >::vertex_descriptor u, DFSVisitor vis, ColorMap color, SortFunc const &func)
template<class IncidenceGraph , class DFSVisitor , class ColorMap , class SortFunc >
void utility::graph::depth_first_visit (const IncidenceGraph &g, typename boost::graph_traits< IncidenceGraph >::vertex_descriptor u, DFSVisitor vis, ColorMap color, SortFunc func=SortFunc())

Detailed Description

A depth first search with sorting for edge visitation.

Rocco Moretti (