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jagged_array.functions.hh File Reference

some useful functions for jagged_array More...

#include <protocols/mean_field/jagged_array.hh>


 The instance of Loops contained by AbrelaxApplication should be replaced by a LoopsOP.


template<class T >
protocols::mean_field::max (jagged_array< T > const &input)
 Find the largest value in a jagged_array. More...
template<class T >
protocols::mean_field::min (jagged_array< T > const &input)
 Find the smallest value in a jagged_array. More...
template<class T >
jagged_array< T >::Size protocols::mean_field::arg_max (jagged_array< T > const &input)
 find the index of the largest value in a jagged_array More...
template<class T >
jagged_array< T >::Size protocols::mean_field::arg_min (jagged_array< T > const &input)
 find the index of the smallest value in a jagged_array More...
template<class T >
jagged_array< T >::Size protocols::mean_field::num_elements (jagged_array< T > const &input)
 returns the number of elements in a jagged_array More...
template<class T >
protocols::mean_field::add (T const &operand_from_ja, T const &other_operand)
 implements add function using operator += More...
template<class T >
protocols::mean_field::subtract (T const &operand_from_ja, T const &other_operand)
 implements subtract function using operator -= More...
template<class T >
protocols::mean_field::multiply (T const &operand_from_ja, T const &other_operand)
 implements multiply function using operator *= More...
template<class T >
protocols::mean_field::divide (T const &operand_from_ja, T const &other_operand)
 implements divide function using operator /= More...
template<class T , class T_2 >
protocols::mean_field::divide (T const &operand_from_ja, T_2 const &other_operand)
 implements add function using operator += More...
template<class T >
void protocols::mean_field::operator+= (jagged_array< T > &input, T const &operand)
 overload operator += to allow addition of T operand to all elements in jagged_array More...
template<class T >
void protocols::mean_field::operator+= (jagged_array< T > &input, utility::vector1< T > const &operands)
 overload operator += to allow addition of vector1<T> operands to jagged_array in a column-dependent manner More...
template<class T >
void protocols::mean_field::operator+= (jagged_array< T > &input, jagged_array< T > const &operands)
 overload operator += to allow addition of jagged_array<T> operands to jagged_array in an element-dependent manner More...
template<class T >
jagged_array< T > protocols::mean_field::operator+ (jagged_array< T > const &input, T operand)
 overload operator + to allow addition of T operand to all elements in jagged_array More...
template<class T >
jagged_array< T > protocols::mean_field::operator+ (jagged_array< T > const &input, utility::vector1< T > const &operands)
 overload operator + to allow addition of vector1<T> operands to jagged_array in a column-dependent manner More...
template<class T >
jagged_array< T > protocols::mean_field::operator+ (jagged_array< T > const &input, jagged_array< T > const &operands)
 overload operator + to allow addition of jagged_array<T> operands to jagged_array in an element-dependent manner More...
template<class T >
void protocols::mean_field::operator-= (jagged_array< T > &input, T operand)
 overload operator -= to allow subtraction of T operand from all elements in jagged_array More...
template<class T >
void protocols::mean_field::operator-= (jagged_array< T > &input, utility::vector1< T > const &operands)
 overload operator -= to allow subtraction of vector1<T> operands from jagged_array in a column-dependent manner More...
template<class T >
void protocols::mean_field::operator-= (jagged_array< T > &input, jagged_array< T > const &operands)
 overload operator -= to allow subtraction of jagged_array<T> operands from jagged_array in an element-dependent manner More...
template<class T >
jagged_array< T > protocols::mean_field::operator- (jagged_array< T > const &input, T operand)
 overload operator - to allow subtraction of T operand from all elements in jagged_array More...
template<class T >
jagged_array< T > protocols::mean_field::operator- (jagged_array< T > const &input, utility::vector1< T > const &operands)
 overload operator - to allow subtraction of vector1<T> operands from jagged_array in a column-dependent manner More...
template<class T >
jagged_array< T > protocols::mean_field::operator- (jagged_array< T > const &input, jagged_array< T > const &operands)
 overload operator - to allow subtraction of jagged_array<T> operands from jagged_array in an element-dependent manner More...
template<class T >
void protocols::mean_field::operator*= (jagged_array< T > &input, T operand)
 overload operator *= to allow multiplication of all elements in jagged_array by T operand More...
template<class T >
void protocols::mean_field::operator*= (jagged_array< T > &input, utility::vector1< T > const &operands)
 overload operator *= to allow multiplication of jagged_array by vector1<T> operands in a column-dependent manner More...
template<class T >
void protocols::mean_field::operator*= (jagged_array< T > &input, jagged_array< T > const &operands)
 overload operator *= to allow multiplication of jagged_array by jagged_array<T> operands in an element-dependent manner More...
template<class T >
jagged_array< T > protocols::mean_field::operator* (jagged_array< T > const &input, T operand)
 overload operator * to allow multiplication of all elements in jagged_array by T operand More...
template<class T >
jagged_array< T > protocols::mean_field::operator* (jagged_array< T > const &input, utility::vector1< T > const &operands)
 overload operator * to allow multiplication of jagged_array by vector1<T> operands in a column-dependent manner More...
template<class T >
jagged_array< T > protocols::mean_field::operator* (jagged_array< T > const &input, jagged_array< T > const &operands)
 overload operator *= to allow multiplication of jagged_array by jagged_array<T> operands in an element-dependent manner More...
template<class T >
void protocols::mean_field::operator/= (jagged_array< T > &input, T operand)
 overload operator /= to allow division of all elements in jagged_array by T operand More...
template<class T >
void protocols::mean_field::operator/= (jagged_array< T > &input, utility::vector1< T > const &operands)
 overload operator /= to allow division of jagged_array by vector1<T> operands in a column-dependent manner More...
template<class T , class T_2 >
void protocols::mean_field::operator/= (jagged_array< T > &input, utility::vector1< T_2 > const &operands)
 overload operator /= to allow division of jagged_array by vector1<T> operands in a column-dependent manner More...
template<class T >
void protocols::mean_field::operator/= (jagged_array< T > &input, jagged_array< T > const &operands)
 overload operator /= to allow division of jagged_array by jagged_array<T> operands in an element-dependent manner More...
template<class T , class T_2 >
void protocols::mean_field::operator/= (jagged_array< T > &input, jagged_array< T_2 > const &operands)
 overload operator /= to allow division of jagged_array by jagged_array<T> operands in an element-dependent manner More...
template<class T >
jagged_array< T > protocols::mean_field::operator/ (jagged_array< T > const &input, T operand)
 overload operator / to allow division of all elements in jagged_array by T operand More...
template<class T >
jagged_array< T > protocols::mean_field::operator/ (jagged_array< T > const &input, utility::vector1< T > const &operands)
 overload operator / to allow division of jagged_array by vector1<T> operands in a column-dependent manner More...
template<class T >
jagged_array< T > protocols::mean_field::operator/ (jagged_array< T > const &input, jagged_array< T > const &operands)
 overload operator / to allow division of jagged_array by jagged_array<T> operands in an element-dependent manner More...

Detailed Description

some useful functions for jagged_array

Aliza Rubenstein (