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non-zero ddG of binding even without mutations

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non-zero ddG of binding even without mutations


I was trying to work with the "calculate protein-protein ddG" tutorial. The tutorial comes with a resfile for mutating an Alanine with Tryptophan at residue 98. Following the steps gives, I get a ddG value of -6.6533 REU.

However, when I replace the line "98 D PIKAA W" with "98 D PIKAA A" (i.e. esentially replacing the alanine with alanine), I'm still getting a ddG value of 6.6643 REU. Can anyone point out why I might be getting a non-zero ddG even though I'm not even 'mutating' the proteins.



Post Situation: 
Wed, 2023-06-07 17:19