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utility::options::BooleanOptionKey Class Reference

Automatic hidden index key for boolean options. More...

#include <BooleanOptionKey.hh>

Inheritance diagram for utility::options::BooleanOptionKey:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 BooleanOptionKey ()
 Default constructor. More...
 BooleanOptionKey (BooleanOptionKey const &key, std::string const &id_a, std::string const &identifier_a=std::string(), std::string const &code_a=std::string())
 Copy + identifier constructor. More...
 BooleanOptionKey (Key const &key)
 Key constructor. More...
 BooleanOptionKey (Key const &key, std::string const &id_a, std::string const &identifier_a=std::string(), std::string const &code_a=std::string())
 Key + identifier constructor. More...
 BooleanOptionKey (std::string const &id_a, std::string const &identifier_a=std::string(), std::string const &code_a=std::string())
 Identifier constructor. More...
BooleanOptionKeyclone () const
 Clone this. More...
virtual ~BooleanOptionKey ()
 Destructor. More...
BooleanOptionKeyoperator= (Key const &key)
 Key assignment. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from utility::options::ScalarOptionKey
virtual ~ScalarOptionKey ()
 Destructor. More...
ScalarOptionKeyoperator= (Key const &key)
 Key assignment. More...
bool scalar () const
 Scalar option key? More...
bool vector () const
 Vector option key? More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from utility::options::OptionKey
virtual ~OptionKey ()
 Destructor. More...
OptionKeyoperator= (Key const &key)
 Key assignment. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from utility::keys::AutoKey< Option >
virtual ~AutoKey ()
 Destructor. More...
AutoKeyoperator= (AutoKey const &key)
 Copy assignment. More...
AutoKeyoperator= (Key const &key)
 Key assignment. More...
std::string const & id () const
 ID. More...
std::string & id ()
 ID. More...
AutoKeyid (std::string const &id_a)
 ID assignment. More...
std::string const & identifier () const
 Identifier. More...
std::string & identifier ()
 Identifier. More...
AutoKeyidentifier (std::string const &identifier_a)
 Identifier assignment. More...
std::string const & code () const
 Code. More...
std::string & code ()
 Code. More...
AutoKeycode (std::string const &code_a)
 Code assignment. More...
Index private_index () const
 Index. More...

Private Types

typedef ScalarOptionKey Super


class utility::keys::SmallKeyVector< BooleanOptionKey, BooleanOption >

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from utility::options::OptionKey
< OptionKey
- Public Types inherited from utility::keys::AutoKey< Option >
typedef utility::keys::Key Key
typedef Option object_type
typedef std::size_t index_type
typedef std::size_t size_type
typedef Option Object
typedef std::size_t Index
typedef std::size_t Size
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from utility::keys::AutoKey< Option >
static Size n_key ()
 Number of keys with distinct indexes. More...
- Protected Types inherited from utility::options::OptionKey
typedef utility::keys::Key Key
- Protected Member Functions inherited from utility::options::ScalarOptionKey
 ScalarOptionKey ()
 Default constructor. More...
 ScalarOptionKey (ScalarOptionKey const &key)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ScalarOptionKey (ScalarOptionKey const &key, std::string const &id_a, std::string const &identifier_a=std::string(), std::string const &code_a=std::string())
 Copy + identifier constructor. More...
 ScalarOptionKey (Key const &key)
 Key constructor. More...
 ScalarOptionKey (Key const &key, std::string const &id_a, std::string const &identifier_a=std::string(), std::string const &code_a=std::string())
 Key + identifier constructor. More...
 ScalarOptionKey (std::string const &id_a, std::string const &identifier_a=std::string(), std::string const &code_a=std::string())
 Identifier constructor. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from utility::options::OptionKey
 OptionKey ()
 Default constructor. More...
 OptionKey (OptionKey const &key)
 Copy constructor. More...
 OptionKey (OptionKey const &key, std::string const &id_a, std::string const &identifier_a=std::string(), std::string const &code_a=std::string())
 Copy + identifier constructor. More...
 OptionKey (Key const &key)
 Key constructor. More...
 OptionKey (Key const &key, std::string const &id_a, std::string const &identifier_a=std::string(), std::string const &code_a=std::string())
 Key + identifier constructor. More...
 OptionKey (std::string const &id_a, std::string const &identifier_a=std::string(), std::string const &code_a=std::string())
 Identifier constructor. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from utility::keys::AutoKey< Option >
 AutoKey ()
 Default constructor. More...
 AutoKey (AutoKey const &key)
 Copy constructor. More...
 AutoKey (AutoKey const &key, std::string const &id_a, std::string const &identifier_a=std::string(), std::string const &code_a=std::string())
 Copy + identifier constructor. More...
 AutoKey (Key const &key)
 Key constructor. More...
 AutoKey (Key const &key, std::string const &id_a, std::string const &identifier_a=std::string(), std::string const &code_a=std::string())
 Key + identifier constructor. More...
 AutoKey (std::string const &id_a, std::string const &identifier_a=std::string(), std::string const &code_a=std::string())
 Identifier constructor. More...
void assign_Key (Key const &key)
 Key assignment. More...
 operator Index () const
 Index value conversion. More...
Index index () const
 Index. More...
Indexindex ()
 Index. More...
AutoKeyindex (Index const index_a)
 Index assignment. More...
bool equals (Key const &key) const
 Equal to a Key? More...
bool less_than (Key const &key) const
 Less than a Key? More...
bool comparable (Key const &key) const
 Comparable to a Key? More...

Detailed Description

Automatic hidden index key for boolean options.

Member Typedef Documentation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

utility::options::BooleanOptionKey::BooleanOptionKey ( )

Default constructor.

Referenced by clone().

utility::options::BooleanOptionKey::BooleanOptionKey ( BooleanOptionKey const &  key,
std::string const &  id_a,
std::string const &  identifier_a = std::string(),
std::string const &  code_a = std::string() 

Copy + identifier constructor.

References utility::keys::KeyLookup< K >::add().

utility::options::BooleanOptionKey::BooleanOptionKey ( Key const &  key)

Key constructor.

utility::options::BooleanOptionKey::BooleanOptionKey ( Key const &  key,
std::string const &  id_a,
std::string const &  identifier_a = std::string(),
std::string const &  code_a = std::string() 

Key + identifier constructor.

References utility::keys::KeyLookup< K >::add().

utility::options::BooleanOptionKey::BooleanOptionKey ( std::string const &  id_a,
std::string const &  identifier_a = std::string(),
std::string const &  code_a = std::string() 

Identifier constructor.

References utility::keys::KeyLookup< K >::add().

virtual utility::options::BooleanOptionKey::~BooleanOptionKey ( )


Member Function Documentation

BooleanOptionKey* utility::options::BooleanOptionKey::clone ( ) const

Clone this.

Implements utility::options::ScalarOptionKey.

References BooleanOptionKey().

Referenced by vary_bond_geometry().

BooleanOptionKey& utility::options::BooleanOptionKey::operator= ( Key const &  key)

Friends And Related Function Documentation

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