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core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation Class Reference

A symmetric conformation: has an additional data member "SymmetryInfo" class. More...

#include <SymmetricConformation.hh>

Inheritance diagram for core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 SymmetricConformation ()
 Default CTOR. More...
 SymmetricConformation (Conformation const &conf, SymmetryInfo const &symm_info)
 Default CTOR. More...
Conformationoperator= (SymmetricConformation const &src)
 copy constructor More...
virtual Conformationoperator= (Conformation const &src)
 equals operator. Must override this, since the operator= that takes a SymmetricConformation will not be used if both references are of type Conformation. More...
ConformationOP clone () const
virtual bool same_type_as_me (Conformation const &other, bool recurse) const
 determine the type of the ConformationOP More...
SymmetryInfoCOP Symmetry_Info () const
SymmetryInfoOP Symmetry_Info ()
virtual void set_dof (DOF_ID const &id, Real setting)
 DOF. More...
void set_secstruct (Size seqpos, char setting)
 set the secondary structure of a sequence position More...
virtual void set_torsion (TorsionID const &id, Real setting)
virtual void set_jump (int jump_number, Jump const &new_jump)
 set a jump More...
virtual void set_jump (AtomID const &id, Jump const &new_jump)
 set a jump More...
virtual void set_bond_angle (AtomID const &atom1, AtomID const &atom2, AtomID const &atom3, Real setting)
virtual void set_bond_length (AtomID const &atom1, AtomID const &atom2, Real setting)
virtual void set_torsion_angle (AtomID const &atom1, AtomID const &atom2, AtomID const &atom3, AtomID const &atom4, Real setting, bool quiet=false)
virtual utility::vector1< boolget_residue_mask () const
virtual Real get_residue_weight (core::Size resid1, core::Size resid2) const
 returns a residue-pair weight More...
virtual void replace_residue (Size seqpos, Residue const &new_rsd, bool orient_backbone)
 replace residue More...
virtual void replace_residue (Size seqpos, Residue const &new_rsd, utility::vector1< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > const &atom_pairs)
virtual void fold_tree (FoldTree const &fold_tree_in)
 set the fold_tree .. update symminfo if jump numbering changed More...
virtual FoldTree const & fold_tree () const
 FoldTree access. More...
< core::Real
get_transformation (core::Size resid)
 Get the transformation controlling resid i. More...
PointPosition apply_transformation (PointPosition Xin, core::Size residfrom, core::Size residto, bool rotationonly=false)
 Remap coordinate X from resid i's frame to resid j's frame. More...
PointPosition apply_transformation_norecompute (PointPosition Xin, core::Size residfrom, core::Size residto, bool rotationonly=false) const
 Remap coordinate X from resid i's frame to resid j's frame assumes that the transformations are already computed (thus can be const) More...
void recalculate_transforms ()
virtual void set_xyz (AtomID const &id, PointPosition const &position)
 Symmetric set_xyz. More...
virtual void batch_set_xyz (utility::vector1< AtomID > const &ids, utility::vector1< PointPosition > const &positions)
 Symmetric batch_set_xyz. More...
virtual ~SymmetricConformation ()
void append_residue_by_jump (conformation::Residue const &new_rsd, Size anchor_residue, std::string const &anchor_atom="", std::string const &root_atom="", bool start_new_chain=false)
 Append a new residue by a jump; clones this append to all copies. More...
void insert_conformation_by_jump (Conformation const &conf, Size insert_seqpos, Size insert_jumppos, Size anchor_pos, Size anchor_jump_number=0, std::string const &anchor_atom="", std::string const &root_atom="")
 Append a new conformation by a jump; clones this append to all copies. More...
virtual void detect_disulfides ()
 Detect existing disulfides from the protein structure. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from core::conformation::Conformation
 Conformation ()
 constructor More...
virtual ~Conformation ()
 default destructor More...
 Conformation (Conformation const &src)
 copy constructor More...
void clear ()
 clear data More...
ConformationCOP get_self_ptr () const
 self pointers More...
ConformationOP get_self_ptr ()
ConformationCAP get_self_weak_ptr () const
ConformationAP get_self_weak_ptr ()
void debug_residue_torsions (bool verbose=false) const
 debugging More...
void show_residue_connections () const
 Show residue connections for debugging purposes. More...
void show_residue_connections (std::ostream &os) const
 Show residue connections for debugging purposes. More...
bool sequence_matches (Conformation const &other) const
 do the names of all residues in this and src match? More...
Size size () const
 Returns the number of residues in the Conformation. More...
bool empty () const
 Returns true if this conformation does not have any residues. More...
bool is_residue_typeset (std::string tag) const
 convenience test for residue_type_set ( based on two middle residue – to avoid hitting on ligands or pseudos ) More...
bool is_fullatom () const
 convenience test for residue_type_set ( based on two middle residue – to avoid hitting on ligands or pseudos ) More...
bool is_centroid () const
 convenience test for residue_type_set ( based on two middle residue – to avoid hitting on ligands or pseudos ) More...
bool is_membrane () const
 convenience test for if the conformation contains information for a membrane protein More...
bool contains_carbohydrate_residues () const
 Return true if this conformation contains any carbohydrate residues. More...
void contains_carbohydrate_residues (bool setting)
 Set whether this conformation contains any carbohydrate residues. More...
Size chain_end (Size chain) const
 Returns the position number of the last residue in <chain> More...
Size chain_begin (Size chain) const
 Returns the position number of the first residue in <chain> More...
Size num_chains () const
 Returns the number of chains. More...
utility::vector1< Size > const & chain_endings () const
 Returns the list of chain endings. More...
void chain_endings (utility::vector1< Size > const &endings)
 Sets the list of chain endings. More...
void insert_chain_ending (Size seqpos)
 Marks <seqpos> as the end of a new chain. More...
void delete_chain_ending (Size seqpos)
 Deletes <seqpos> from the list of chain endings. More...
void reset_chain_endings ()
 Resets chain data so that the Conformation is marked as a single chain. More...
void chains_from_termini ()
 Rederive the chains from the termini/polymer status. More...
char secstruct (Size seqpos) const
 Returns the secondary structure the position <seqpos> More...
void set_membrane_info (membrane::MembraneInfoOP mem_info)
 Setup a Membrane Info object in Conformation - pos & topology. More...
membrane::MembraneInfoOP membrane_info ()
 Returns the const MembraneInfo object in conformation. More...
membrane::MembraneInfoOP membrane_info () const
 Returns the const MembraneInfo object in conformation. More...
void update_membrane_position (Vector center, Vector normal)
 Update Normal, Center in the Membrane. More...
void check_valid_membrane () const
 Check that a new membrane position is valid. More...
AtomTree const & atom_tree () const
 Returns the conformation's AtomTree. More...
chemical::AA const & aa (Size seqpos) const
 Returns the AA enum for position <seqpos> More...
Residue const & residue (Size seqpos) const
 access one of the residues More...
ResidueOP residue_op (Size seqpos)
 Access one of the residues, using OP. More...
ResidueCOP residue_cop (Size seqpos) const
 access one of the residues, using COP More...
chemical::ResidueType const & residue_type (Size seqpos) const
 access one of the residue's types – avoids coord/torsion update More...
ResidueCOPs const_residues () const
 Inefficient – constructs copy of residues_. More...
void insert_residue_by_jump (Residue const &new_rsd_in, Size seqpos, Size anchor_pos, std::string const &anchor_atom="", std::string const &root_atom="", bool new_chain=false)
 Insert a new residue by jump. If new_chain is "true", then seqpos must be the last residue of one chain (i.e. residue(seqpos).chain() != residue(seqpos+1).chain() ) More...
void insert_residue_by_bond (Residue const &new_rsd_in, Size seqpos, Size anchor_pos, bool build_ideal_geometry=false, std::string const &anchor_atom="", std::string const &root_atom="", bool new_chain=false, bool lookup_bond_length=false)
 Insert a new residue by jump. If new_chain is "true", then seqpos must be the last. More...
void append_residue_by_bond (conformation::Residue const &new_rsd, bool build_ideal_geometry=false, int connection_index=0, Size anchor_residue=0, int anchor_connection_index=0, bool start_new_chain=false, bool lookup_bond_length=false)
 Append a new residue by a bond. More...
void append_polymer_residue_after_seqpos (Residue const &new_rsd, Size seqpos, bool build_ideal_geometry)
 glues to seqpos and perhaps also seqpos+1 More...
void safely_append_polymer_residue_after_seqpos (Residue const &new_rsd, Size seqpos, bool build_ideal_geometry)
 glues to seqpos and perhaps also seqpos+1, removes termini variants if necessary More...
void prepend_polymer_residue_before_seqpos (Residue const &new_rsd, Size seqpos, bool build_ideal_geometry)
 glues to seqpos and perhaps also seqpos-1 More...
void safely_prepend_polymer_residue_before_seqpos (Residue const &new_rsd, Size seqpos, bool build_ideal_geometry)
 glues to seqpos and perhaps also seqpos-1, removes termini variants if necessary More...
virtual void replace_residue (Size seqpos, Residue const &new_rsd, utility::vector1< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > const &atom_pairs)
 function to replace a residue based on superposition on the specified input atom pairs More...
void delete_polymer_residue (Size seqpos)
 Delete polymer residue at the given sequence position. More...
void delete_residue_slow (Size seqpos)
 Slow method that relies on FoldTree::delete_seqpos, rebuilds atomtree, can handle jumps/root residue. More...
void delete_residue_range_slow (Size range_begin, Size range_end)
 Slow method that relies on FoldTree::delete_seqpos, rebuilds atomtree, can handle jumps/root residue. More...
void detect_bonds ()
void detect_pseudobonds ()
void declare_chemical_bond (Size seqpos1, std::string const &atom_name1, Size seqpos2, std::string const &atom_name2)
 Declare that a chemical bond exists between two residues. More...
void rebuild_polymer_bond_dependent_atoms_this_residue_only (Size seqpos)
 Rebuilds the atoms that are depenent on polymer bonds for the specified residue only. More...
void rebuild_polymer_bond_dependent_atoms (Size seqpos)
 Rebuild the atoms ( like HN(seqpos), OC(seqpos+1) ) that are dependent on the polymer bond between seqpos and seqpos+1. More...
void rebuild_residue_connection_dependent_atoms (Size seqpos, Size connid)
AtomID inter_residue_connection_partner (Size seqpos, int connection_index) const
 This returns the AtomID of the atom in the other residue to which the "connection_index"-th connection of residue seqpos is connected to. More...
< core::id::AtomID
bonded_neighbor_all_res (core::id::AtomID atomid, bool virt=false) const
 get all atoms bonded to another More...
void fill_missing_atoms (id::AtomID_Mask missing)
bool atom_is_backbone_norefold (Size pos, Size atomno) const
 returns true if atom is part of backbone. More...
void set_stub_transform (id::StubID const &stub_id1, id::StubID const &stub_id2, kinematics::RT const &target_rt)
 Set the transform between two stubs – only works if there's a jump between the two sets of stubatoms. More...
kinematics::RT get_stub_transform (id::StubID const &stub_id1, id::StubID const &stub_id2) const
 get the transform between two stubs More...
void set_jump_atom_stub_id (id::StubID const &id)
kinematics::Stub stub_from_id (id::StubID const &id) const
kinematics::Stub upstream_jump_stub (int jump_number) const
 The upstream and downstream Stubs are the coordinate frames between which this jump is transforming. More...
kinematics::Stub downstream_jump_stub (int jump_number) const
 The upstream and downstream Stubs are the coordinate frames between which this jump is transforming. More...
void set_polymeric_connection (Size res_id_lower, Size res_id_upper)
 identify polymeric connections More...
void set_noncanonical_connection (Size res_id_lower, Size lr_conn_id, Size res_id_upper, Size ur_conn_id)
 Create an arbitrary covalent connection between two residues. More...
void update_polymeric_connection (Size lower_seqpos, bool update_connection_dep_atoms=false)
 Update the polymer connection status between lower_seqpos and lower_seqpos+1 based on chainID's and termini. If update_connection_dep_atoms is true, positions of atoms dependent on the polymer connection are updated. More...
void update_noncanonical_connection (Size lower_seqpos, Size lr_conn_id, Size upper_seqpos, Size ur_conn_id)
 Update the connection status between the lower_seqpos residue's lr_conn_id connection ID and the upper_seqpos residue's ur_conn_id connection ID. More...
void fix_disulfides (utility::vector1< std::pair< Size, Size > > disulf_bonds)
 Assigns disulfide bonds based on a pre-determined list. More...
virtual void create_new_parameters_set ()
 Create a new (empty) ParametersSet object and add its owning pointer to the current Conformation object. More...
virtual void add_parameters_set (ParametersSetOP newset)
 Add a (predefined) ParametersSet object (via its owning pointer) to the current Conformation object. More...
virtual core::Size n_parameters_sets () const
 Get the number of parameters sets defined for this Conformation. More...
virtual void clear_parameters_set_list ()
 Delete the list of ParametersSetOP objects. More...
virtual ParametersSetOP parameters_set (core::Size const index)
 Access one of the ParametersSets objects linked to this Conformation. More...
virtual ParametersSetCOP parameters_set (core::Size const index) const
 Const access to one of the ParametersSets objects linked to this Conformation. More...
void copy_segment (Size size, Conformation const &src, Size begin, Size src_begin)
 copy a stretch of coordinates/torsions from another Conformation More...
void insert_fragment (id::StubID const &instub_id, FragRT const &outstub_transforms, FragXYZ const &frag_xyz)
Real dof (DOF_ID const &id) const
 Returns the AtomTree degree of freedom (DOF) <id> More...
Real torsion (TorsionID const &id) const
 Return the torsion angle OR rigid-body offset for <id> More...
Real torsion_angle (AtomID const &atom1, AtomID const &atom2, AtomID const &atom3, AtomID const &atom4) const
 Returns the torsion angle defined by <atom[1-4]> More...
Real bond_angle (AtomID const &atom1, AtomID const &atom2, AtomID const &atom3) const
 Returns the bond angle defined by <atom[1-3]> through the AtomTree. More...
Real bond_length (AtomID const &atom1, AtomID const &atom2) const
 Returns the bond length between <atom1> and <atom2> through the AtomTree. More...
const Jumpjump (int jump_number) const
 Returns the Jump with jump number <jump_number> More...
const Jumpjump (AtomID const &id) const
 access a jump More...
PointPosition const & xyz (AtomID const &id) const
 access xyz coordinates of an atom More...
virtual void batch_get_xyz (utility::vector1< AtomID > const &id, utility::vector1< PointPosition > &position) const
void insert_ideal_geometry_at_polymer_bond (Size seqpos)
void insert_ideal_geometry_at_residue_connection (Size pos1, Size connid1)
void update_actcoords ()
void update_actcoord (Size resid)
void update_orbital_coords (Residue &rsd) const
void update_orbital_coords (Size resid)
DOF_ID dof_id_from_torsion_id (TorsionID const &id) const
id::AtomID jump_atom_id (int jump_number) const
bool get_torsion_angle_atom_ids (TorsionID const &tor_id, AtomID &id1, AtomID &id2, AtomID &id3, AtomID &id4) const
 get four atoms which defined this torsion More...
bool get_jump_atom_ids (core::Size jump_number, AtomID &upstream_id, AtomID &downstream_id) const
 get two atoms connect by jump More...
void update_domain_map (DomainMap &domain_map) const
 Generate a domain_map from the current dof/xyz moved data. More...
bool structure_moved () const
 has the structure moved since the last call to reset_move_data or reset_structure_moved More...
void reset_structure_moved () const
 reset the structure_moved_ bool More...
void reset_move_data ()
 forget all the structure modifications More...
virtual void push_passport (core::environment::DofPassportCOP)
pop_passport ()
virtual bool has_passport () const
virtual bool is_protected () const
template<typename MemFn , typename Ptr >
utility::signals::Link attach_connection_obs (MemFn fn, Ptr ptr) const
 attach ConnectionEvent observer function More...
template<typename MemFn , typename Ptr >
bool detach_connection_obs (MemFn fn, Ptr ptr) const
 detach ConnectionEvent observer function More...
template<typename MemFn , typename Ptr >
utility::signals::Link attach_general_obs (MemFn fn, Ptr ptr) const
 attach GeneralEvent observer function More...
template<typename MemFn , typename Ptr >
bool detach_general_obs (MemFn fn, Ptr ptr) const
 detach GeneralEvent observer function More...
template<typename MemFn , typename Ptr >
utility::signals::Link attach_identity_obs (MemFn fn, Ptr ptr) const
 attach IdentityEvent observer function More...
template<typename MemFn , typename Ptr >
bool detach_identity_obs (MemFn fn, Ptr ptr) const
 detach IdentityEvent observer function More...
template<typename MemFn , typename Ptr >
utility::signals::Link attach_length_obs (MemFn fn, Ptr ptr) const
 attach LengthEvent observer function More...
template<typename MemFn , typename Ptr >
bool detach_length_obs (MemFn fn, Ptr ptr) const
 detach LengthEvent observer function More...
template<typename MemFn , typename Ptr >
utility::signals::Link attach_xyz_obs (MemFn fn, Ptr ptr) const
 attach XYZEvent observer function More...
template<typename MemFn , typename Ptr >
bool detach_xyz_obs (MemFn fn, Ptr ptr) const
 detach XYZEvent observer function More...
void clear_observers ()
 clear all observers More...
void receive_observers_from (Conformation const &src)
 fire a ConnectionEvent::TRANSFER to transfer observers from some source Conformation More...
void debug_pause (bool flag) const
 wait for stdin after sending a GeneralEvent signal More...
bool debug_pause () const
 waiting for stdin after sending a GeneralEvent signal? More...
void buffer_signals ()
 block signals from being sent and buffer them to be sent after unblocking More...
void block_signals ()
 block signals from being sent More...
void unblock_signals ()
 allow signals to be sent More...
bool buffering_signals () const
 are signals being blocked and buffered? More...
bool blocking_signals () const
 are signals being blocked? More...

Private Member Functions

core::Size get_upstream_vrt (core::Size seqpos) const

Private Attributes

SymmetryInfoOP symm_info_
std::map< char,
< numeric::HomogeneousTransform
< core::Real > > > 

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from core::conformation::Conformation
typedef kinematics::Jump Jump
typedef kinematics::FoldTree FoldTree
typedef kinematics::FoldTreeOP FoldTreeOP
typedef kinematics::AtomTree AtomTree
typedef kinematics::AtomTreeOP AtomTreeOP
typedef id::AtomID AtomID
typedef id::AtomID_Mask AtomID_Mask
typedef id::DOF_ID DOF_ID
typedef id::TorsionID TorsionID
typedef kinematics::DomainMap DomainMap
typedef std::map< id::AtomID,
typedef std::map< id::StubID,
- Protected Attributes inherited from core::conformation::Conformation
ResidueOPs residues_
 container of Residues More...

Detailed Description

A symmetric conformation: has an additional data member "SymmetryInfo" class.

Handles symmetrizing of some of the conformation-changing methods of Conformation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::SymmetricConformation ( )

Default CTOR.

References Tsymm_.

Referenced by clone().

core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::SymmetricConformation ( Conformation const &  conf,
SymmetryInfo const &  symm_info 
core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::~SymmetricConformation ( )

Member Function Documentation

void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::append_residue_by_jump ( conformation::Residue const &  new_rsd,
Size  anchor_residue,
std::string const &  anchor_atom = "",
std::string const &  root_atom = "",
bool  start_new_chain = false 
PointPosition core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::apply_transformation ( PointPosition  Xin,
core::Size  residfrom,
core::Size  residto,
bool  rotationonly = false 

Remap coordinate X from resid i's frame to resid j's frame.

References recalculate_transforms(), symm_info_, and Tsymm_.

Referenced by append_residue_by_jump(), batch_set_xyz(), insert_conformation_by_jump(), replace_residue(), and set_xyz().

PointPosition core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::apply_transformation_norecompute ( PointPosition  Xin,
core::Size  residfrom,
core::Size  residto,
bool  rotationonly = false 
) const

Remap coordinate X from resid i's frame to resid j's frame assumes that the transformations are already computed (thus can be const)

References symm_info_, and Tsymm_.

Referenced by core::scoring::methods::RG_Energy_Fast::eval_atom_derivative().

void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::batch_set_xyz ( utility::vector1< AtomID > const &  ids,
utility::vector1< PointPosition > const &  positions 
ConformationOP core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::clone ( ) const

make a copy of this conformation( allocate actual memory for it )

Reimplemented from core::conformation::Conformation.

References symm_info_, and SymmetricConformation().

void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::detect_disulfides ( )
void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::fold_tree ( FoldTree const &  fold_tree_in)

set the fold_tree .. update symminfo if jump numbering changed

set the fold_tree, update symmetryinfo

Reimplemented from core::conformation::Conformation.

References core::conformation::Conformation::fold_tree(), core::conformation::symmetry::get_asymm_unit_fold_tree(), core::kinematics::FoldTree::num_jump(), and symm_info_.

Referenced by core::conformation::symmetry::show_foldtree().

virtual FoldTree const& core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::fold_tree ( ) const
utility::vector1< bool > core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::get_residue_mask ( ) const

Returns a mask of residues over which scoring is restricted. Only these residues will be used in constructing the neighbor list

Reimplemented from core::conformation::Conformation.

References symm_info_.

core::Real core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::get_residue_weight ( core::Size  ,
) const

returns a residue-pair weight

Returns a weight to be used when scoring this residue.

Reimplemented from core::conformation::Conformation.

References symm_info_.

numeric::HomogeneousTransform< core::Real > core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::get_transformation ( core::Size  resid)

Get the transformation controlling resid i.

References recalculate_transforms(), symm_info_, and Tsymm_.

core::Size core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::get_upstream_vrt ( core::Size  seqpos) const
void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::insert_conformation_by_jump ( Conformation const &  conf,
Size  insert_seqpos,
Size  insert_jumppos,
Size  anchor_pos,
Size  anchor_jump_number = 0,
std::string const &  anchor_atom = "",
std::string const &  root_atom = "" 
Conformation & core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::operator= ( SymmetricConformation const &  src)

copy constructor



References core::conformation::Conformation::operator=(), symm_info_, and Tsymm_.

Referenced by operator=().

Conformation & core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::operator= ( Conformation const &  src)

equals operator. Must override this, since the operator= that takes a SymmetricConformation will not be used if both references are of type Conformation.

Reimplemented from core::conformation::Conformation.

References operator=(), and core::conformation::Conformation::operator=().

void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::recalculate_transforms ( )
void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::replace_residue ( Size  seqpos,
Residue const &  new_rsd_in,
bool  orient_backbone 
void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::replace_residue ( Size  seqpos,
Residue const &  new_rsd,
utility::vector1< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > const &  atom_pairs 
bool core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::same_type_as_me ( Conformation const &  other,
bool  recurse 
) const

determine the type of the ConformationOP

Reimplemented from core::conformation::Conformation.

References core::conformation::Conformation::same_type_as_me().

void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::set_bond_angle ( AtomID const &  atom1,
AtomID const &  atom2,
AtomID const &  atom3,
Real  setting 
void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::set_bond_length ( AtomID const &  atom1,
AtomID const &  atom2,
Real  setting 
void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::set_dof ( DOF_ID const &  id,
Real  setting 
void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::set_jump ( int  jump_number,
kinematics::Jump const &  new_jump 
void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::set_jump ( id::AtomID const &  id,
kinematics::Jump const &  new_jump 
void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::set_secstruct ( Size  seqpos,
char  setting 

set the secondary structure of a sequence position

Sets secondary structure character of a sequence position. Will resize the secondary structure array if the requested sequence position is larger than the length of the array.

Reimplemented from core::conformation::Conformation.

References core::conformation::Conformation::set_secstruct(), symm_info_, and core::conformation::symmetry::TR().

void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::set_torsion ( id::TorsionID const &  id,
Real  setting 
void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::set_torsion_angle ( AtomID const &  atom1,
AtomID const &  atom2,
AtomID const &  atom3,
AtomID const &  atom4,
Real  setting,
bool  quiet = false 
void core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::set_xyz ( AtomID const &  id,
PointPosition const &  position 
SymmetryInfoCOP core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::Symmetry_Info ( ) const

References symm_info_.

Referenced by protocols::hybridization::add_non_protein_cst(), protocols::simple_moves::AddConstraintsToCurrentConformationMover::apply(), protocols::electron_density::DensityMorphingMover::apply(), protocols::electron_density::ScaleMapIntensities::apply(), protocols::electron_density::ReportFSC::apply(), protocols::symmetric_docking::SymFoldandDockSlideTrialMover::apply(), protocols::simple_moves::symmetry::SymmetricRMSMover::apply(), protocols::protein_interface_design::movers::SaveAndRetrieveSidechains::apply(), protocols::matdes::SymDofMover::apply(), protocols::symmetric_docking::SymFoldandDockRbTrialMover::apply(), protocols::simple_moves::ReturnSidechainMover::apply(), protocols::hybridization::CartesianSampler::apply(), protocols::simple_moves::symmetry::SymDockingInitialPerturbation::apply(), protocols::hybridization::CartesianHybridize::apply(), protocols::toolbox::task_operations::SeqprofConsensusOperation::apply(), protocols::simple_moves::ReportEffectivePKA::apply(), protocols::relax::ClassicRelax::apply(), protocols::simple_moves::symmetry::SymDockingSlideIntoContact::apply(), protocols::comparative_modeling::LoopRelaxMover::apply(), protocols::idealize::IdealizeMover::apply(), protocols::hybridization::HybridizeProtocol::apply(), protocols::symmetric_docking::membrane::MPSymDockMover::apply(), protocols::simple_moves::symmetry::FaSymDockingSlideTogether::apply(), protocols::hybridization::CartesianSampler::apply_constraints(), protocols::hybridization::CartesianHybridize::apply_frame(), protocols::idealize::basic_idealize(), protocols::electron_density::BfactorMultifunc::BfactorMultifunc(), protocols::symmetric_docking::SymDockProtocol::calc_interaction_energy(), protocols::symmetric_docking::SymDockProtocol::calc_rms(), protocols::hybridization::HybridizeProtocol::check_and_create_fragments(), protocols::cryst::ReportGradientsMover::compute(), protocols::simple_filters::SymmetricMotifFilter::compute_d2(), core::pack::rotamer_set::symmetry::SymmetricRotamerSet_::compute_one_body_energies(), core::scoring::symmetry::SymmetricScoreFunction::correct_finalize_score(), core::pack::create_packer_graph(), core::scoring::electron_density::ElectronDensity::dCCdBs(), protocols::electron_density::BfactorMultifunc::dfunc(), protocols::rigid::MovePoseToMembraneCenterMover::estimate_membrane_center(), core::scoring::methods::ChainbreakEnergy::eval_atom_derivative(), core::scoring::methods::RG_Energy_Fast::eval_atom_derivative(), core::scoring::symmetry::SymmetricScoreFunction::eval_long_range_twobody_energies(), core::scoring::symmetry::SymmetricScoreFunction::eval_twobody_neighbor_energies(), core::pose::symmetry::extract_asymmetric_unit(), core::pose::symmetry::extract_asymmetric_unit_pdb_info(), core::scoring::symmetry::SymmetricEnergies::fill_point_graph(), core::pack::rotamer_set::symmetry::SymmetricRotamerSets::final_visit_to_edge(), core::scoring::methods::ChainbreakEnergy::finalize_total_energy(), core::scoring::methods::D2H_SA_Energy::finalize_total_energy(), core::scoring::methods::MembraneLipo::finalize_total_energy(), protocols::electron_density::find_best_anchor(), core::pose::symmetry::find_new_symmetric_jump_residues(), protocols::hybridization::generate_centroid_constraints(), core::conformation::symmetry::get_asymm_unit_fold_tree(), protocols::hybridization::get_num_residues_nonvirt(), protocols::hybridization::get_num_residues_prot(), core::util::getMLweight(), core::util::getMLweight_cart(), core::scoring::SecondaryStructurePotential::hspair(), protocols::hybridization::FragmentBiasAssigner::init(), protocols::floppy_tail::FloppyTailMover::init_on_new_input(), protocols::hybridization::HybridizeFoldtreeDynamic::initialize(), protocols::hybridization::HybridizeProtocol::initialize_and_sample_loops(), core::scoring::symmetry::SymmetricScoreFunction::intersubunit_hbond_energy(), core::optimization::symmetry::SymAtomTreeMinimizer::make_assymetric_movemap(), core::pack::make_new_symmetric_PackerTask_by_intersection(), core::pack::make_new_symmetric_PackerTask_by_union(), core::pose::symmetry::make_residue_mask_symmetric(), core::optimization::symmetry::SymAtomTreeMinimizer::make_semisymmetric_movemap(), core::pose::symmetry::make_symmetric_movemap(), core::pack::make_symmetric_PackerTask_by_truncation(), protocols::simple_moves::symmetry::SymPackRotamersMover::make_symmetric_task(), protocols::simple_moves::symmetry::SymRotamerTrialsMover::make_symmetric_task(), protocols::simple_moves::symmetry::SymEnergyCutRotamerTrialsMover::make_symmetric_task(), protocols::loops::loop_mover::perturb::LoopMover_Perturb_QuickCCD_Moves::model_loop(), protocols::loops::loop_mover::perturb::LoopMover_Perturb_QuickCCD::model_loop(), core::scoring::MembranePotential::non_helix_in_membrane_penalty(), protocols::cryst::ReportGradientsMover::normalization(), protocols::electron_density::BfactorMultifunc::operator()(), protocols::comparative_modeling::pick_loops_chainbreak(), core::pack::rotamer_set::symmetry::SymmetricRotamerSets::precompute_two_body_energies(), core::pack::rotamer_set::symmetry::SymmetricRotamerSets::prepare_symm_otf_interaction_graph(), protocols::simple_filters::AlaScan::report_symmetry(), core::scoring::symmetry::SymmetricEnergies::require_context_graph_(), core::scoring::electron_density::ElectronDensity::rescale_fastscoring_temp_bins(), core::scoring::methods::MembraneCenPairEnergy::residue_pair_energy(), core::scoring::membrane::MPPairEnergy::residue_pair_energy(), core::optimization::symmetry::SymAtomTreeMinimizer::run(), core::scoring::MembranePotential::score_normal_center(), core::pose::symmetry::sealed_symmetric_fold_tree(), protocols::symmetric_docking::SymDockingLowRes::set_default_protocol(), protocols::symmetric_docking::SymDockingHiRes::set_dock_mcm_protocol(), protocols::symmetric_docking::SymDockingHiRes::set_dock_ppk_protocol(), core::pack::interaction_graph::SymmOnTheFlyInteractionGraph::set_pose(), core::scoring::symmetry::SymmetricScoreFunction::set_symmetric_cenlist(), core::scoring::symmetry::SymmetricScoreFunction::set_symmetric_residue_neighbors_hbonds(), protocols::simple_moves::symmetry::SymmetrySlider::setup(), protocols::hybridization::FoldTreeHybridize::setup_foldtree(), core::scoring::methods::EnvSmoothEnergy::setup_for_derivatives(), core::scoring::symmetry::SymmetricScoreFunction::setup_for_derivatives(), core::scoring::symmetry::SymmetricScoreFunction::setup_for_minimizing(), protocols::idealize::IdealizeMover::setup_idealize_constraints(), protocols::membrane::symmetry::SymmetricAddMembraneMover::setup_membrane_virtual(), core::scoring::SecondaryStructurePotential::sheets_from_dimers(), core::conformation::symmetry::shift_jump_numbers_in_dofs(), core::conformation::symmetry::show_foldtree(), protocols::simple_moves::symmetry::SymmetrySlider::slide(), protocols::simple_moves::symmetry::SymmetrySlider::slide_away(), core::scoring::SecondaryStructurePotential::sspair(), core::util::switch_to_residue_type_set(), core::scoring::sym_rmsd_with_super_subset(), core::pack::symmetric_pack_rotamers_run(), core::pack::symmetric_repackable_residues(), core::pack::symmetric_rotamer_trials(), core::scoring::symmetry::SymmetricScoreFunction::symmetrical_allow_hbonds(), core::conformation::symmetry::symmetrize_fold_tree(), protocols::membrane::symmetry::symmetrize_spans(), protocols::electron_density::symmetrizeBfactors(), core::pose::symmetry::symmetry_info(), core::scoring::MembranePotential::termini_penalty(), protocols::simple_moves::ddG::unbind(), core::scoring::symmetry::SymmetricEnergies::update_neighbor_links(), and protocols::simple_moves::symmetry::SymmetrySlider::very_far_away().

SymmetryInfoOP core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::Symmetry_Info ( )

References symm_info_.

Member Data Documentation

SymmetryInfoOP core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::symm_info_
std::map< char, utility::vector1< numeric::HomogeneousTransform< core::Real > > > core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetricConformation::Tsymm_

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