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core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence Class Reference

#include <ChemicalShiftSequence.hh>

Inheritance diagram for core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 ChemicalShiftSequence ()
 ctors More...
 ChemicalShiftSequence (FileName const &fn)
 ChemicalShiftSequence (utility::vector1< utility::vector1< core::Real > > cs_prof, std::string const &seq, std::string const &ident, Size start_idx=1)
 ChemicalShiftSequence (ChemicalShiftSequence const &src)
 copy ctor More...
ChemicalShiftSequenceoperator= (ChemicalShiftSequence const &rhs)
 assignment operator. More...
virtual ~ChemicalShiftSequence ()
 dtor More...
virtual SequenceOP clone () const
 Returns an owning pointer to a new ChemicalShiftSequence object, with data that is a deep copy of the information in this object. More...
void read_from_file (FileName const &fn)
 Read an profile matrix from the given filename using the format. More...
utility::vector1< std::string > alphabet () const
 Return the alphabet used by this sequence profile. This is an N-dimensional vector1 where N is the width of the profile, and the ith entry of any row in the profile represents the probability of ith character at that row in the sequence. More...
void alphabet (utility::vector1< std::string > new_alphabet)
Real sigma (Size, Size idx)
- Public Member Functions inherited from core::sequence::SequenceProfile
 SequenceProfile ()
 ctors More...
 SequenceProfile (FileName const &fn)
 SequenceProfile (utility::vector1< utility::vector1< core::Real > > prof, std::string const &sequence, std::string const &id, Size start=1, bool negative_better=false)
 SequenceProfile (SequenceProfile const &src)
 copy ctor More...
SequenceProfileoperator= (SequenceProfile const &rhs)
 assignment operator. More...
 ~SequenceProfile ()
 dtor More...
virtual void generate_from_sequence (Sequence const &seq, std::string matrix="BLOSUM62")
 Generate the profile matrix from a sequence and a given substitution matrix. More...
void rescale (core::Real factor=1)
 Multiply all profile weights by factor. More...
void convert_profile_to_probs (core::Real temp=1.0)
 Use boltzman scaling on a per-residue basis to convert the current profile values to probabilities ( range 0.0-1.0 ) More...
void global_auto_rescale ()
 Use linear rescaling (with a fixed zero) to fit the values within the range -1.0 to 1.0. More...
void read_from_checkpoint (FileName const &fn, bool negative_better=true)
 Read profile matrix from the given filename using the NNMAKE .checkpoint format. For compatability, negative_better defaults to true. Set manually if necessary. More...
void read_from_binary_chk (FileName const &fn)
 Read profile matrix from the given filename in the legacy BLAST binary format. More...
< utility::vector1< Real >
> const & 
profile () const
 Returns the 2D vector1 of Real values representing this profile. More...
< utility::vector1< Real >
> const & 
occurrence_data () const
 Returns the 2D vector1 of Real values of the probabilties of each aa. More...
void profile (utility::vector1< utility::vector1< Real > > const &new_profile)
 Sets the 2D vector1 of Real values representing this profile. More...
void occurrence_data (utility::vector1< utility::vector1< Real > > const &new_occurrence_data)
 Sets the 2D vector1 of Real values of the probabilties of each aa. More...
virtual void insert_char (core::Size pos, char new_char)
 Inserts a character at the given position. More...
virtual void delete_position (core::Size pos)
 Deletes the given position from the Sequence and shifts everything else back by one. More...
virtual std::string type () const
Size width () const
 Returns the number of distinct values at each position in this profile. More...
utility::vector1< Real > const & prof_row (Size pos) const
 Returns the vector1 of values at this position. More...
utility::vector1< Real > const & probability_row (Size pos) const
 Returns the vector1 of values at this position. More...
void prof_row (utility::vector1< Real > const &new_prof_row, core::Size pos)
 Sets the 1D vector1 of Real values representing this profile at pos X. More...
void probabilty_row (utility::vector1< Real > const &new_prob_row, core::Size pos)
Size size () const
bool negative_better () const
 Returns true if negative values are better identities. More...
void negative_better (bool negbet)
 Set whether negative identities are better. More...
core::Real temp () const
 returns the temperature used in computing profile probabilities More...
utility::vector1< std::string > alphabet () const
 Return the alphabet used by this sequence profile. This is an N-dimensional vector1 where N is the width of the profile, and the ith entry of any row in the profile represents the probability of ith character at that row in the sequence. More...
void alphabet (utility::vector1< std::string > new_alphabet)
- Public Member Functions inherited from core::sequence::Sequence
 Sequence ()
 ctor More...
 Sequence (std::string seq, std::string id, core::Size start=1)
 Sequence (core::pose::Pose const &pose)
 Sequence (Sequence const &src)
 copy constructor. More...
virtual ~Sequence ()
 dtor More...
virtual core::Size length () const
 Returns the number of characters in this object. More...
virtual std::string to_string () const
void sequence (std::string sequence)
 sets sequence to the given value. More...
void id (std::string new_id)
 sets id to the given value. More...
void start (core::Size new_start)
 sets starting index to the given value. More...
void gap_char (char gap_char)
 sets gap_char to the given value. More...
core::Size ungapped_length () const
 Returns the number of characters in this object, ignoring gaps. More...
core::Size start () const
 Returns the start of this object. More...
std::string id () const
 Returns the id of this object. More...
char gap_char () const
 Returns the character used to represent a gap for this object. More...
std::string ungapped_sequence () const
 Returns the string representing this sequence without gaps. More...
std::string sequence () const
 Returns the full sequence, which may include gaps. More...
Sequenceoperator= (Sequence const &rhs)
 assignment operator. More...
bool operator< (const Sequence &s) const
 Returns true if this Sequence object's id is lexicographically less than the given Sequence object's id, returns false otherwise. Uses C++ string < operator to compare this Sequence object's id() to the given Sequence object's id(). More...
bool operator== (const Sequence &s) const
 Returns true if the given Sequence object is equal to this Sequence object. Tests for string equality of id(), start(), and sequence(), and returns false if any of these are not equal. More...
char operator[] (core::Size pos) const
 Returns the character at the given sequence position. More...
char at (core::Size pos) const
void insert_gap (core::Size pos)
 Inserts a gap at the given position, where insert_gap( 0 ) inserts the character at the beginning of the sequence, and insert_gap( length() ) inserts the character at the end of the sequence. More...
void append_char (char new_char)
 Append a character. More...
void append_gap ()
 Append a gap. More...
bool is_gap (core::Size pos) const
 Returns true if this position in the sequence represents a gap, returns false otherwise. More...
void read_data (std::istream &in)
 Initializes the information in this sequence from the given std::istream. The istream should yield three pieces of information in the following order: More...
core::Size resnum (core::Size idx) const
 Returns the index of the given sequence position, which is the position in the sequence minus any gaps that occur earlier in the sequence. For example, if the sequence is —AT, resnum(5) will return 2. Returns 0 for unaligned positions. More...

Private Types

typedef std::string string
typedef utility::file::FileName FileName

Private Member Functions

void check_internals_ () const

Private Attributes

utility::vector1< std::string > alphabet_


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ChemicalShiftSequence &p)
 Print this ChemicalShiftSequence object to the given std::ostream. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef utility::file::FileName core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence::FileName
typedef std::string core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence::string

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence::ChemicalShiftSequence ( )


Referenced by clone().

core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence::ChemicalShiftSequence ( FileName const &  fn)

References read_from_file().

core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence::ChemicalShiftSequence ( utility::vector1< utility::vector1< core::Real > >  cs_prof,
std::string const &  seq,
std::string const &  ident,
Size  start_idx = 1 
core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence::ChemicalShiftSequence ( ChemicalShiftSequence const &  src)

copy ctor

virtual core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence::~ChemicalShiftSequence ( )


Member Function Documentation

utility::vector1< std::string > core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence::alphabet ( ) const

Return the alphabet used by this sequence profile. This is an N-dimensional vector1 where N is the width of the profile, and the ith entry of any row in the profile represents the probability of ith character at that row in the sequence.

References alphabet_.

Referenced by operator=().

void core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence::alphabet ( utility::vector1< std::string >  new_alphabet)

References alphabet_.

void core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence::check_internals_ ( ) const
virtual SequenceOP core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence::clone ( ) const

Returns an owning pointer to a new ChemicalShiftSequence object, with data that is a deep copy of the information in this object.

Reimplemented from core::sequence::SequenceProfile.

References ChemicalShiftSequence().

ChemicalShiftSequence& core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence::operator= ( ChemicalShiftSequence const &  rhs)
void core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence::read_from_file ( FileName const &  fn)
Real core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence::sigma ( Size  ,
Size  idx 

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const ChemicalShiftSequence p 

Print this ChemicalShiftSequence object to the given std::ostream.

Member Data Documentation

utility::vector1< std::string > core::sequence::ChemicalShiftSequence::alphabet_

Referenced by alphabet(), and read_from_file().

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