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utility::io Namespace Reference




class  FileContentsMap
 The FileContentsMap is a class that will minimize the number of times files are accessed from disk. The first time the contents of a file are requested, it will cache the contents the file in memory as a strings. All subsequent requests for the contents of that file will then be delivered without having to go to disk. WARNING: The FileContentsMap will not update the contents that it holds for a file after the first time it loads it, so if the contents change on disk, the FileContentsMap will be out of date. More...
class  icstream
 icstream: Input channel stream wrapper class More...
class  irstream
 orstream: Input stream wrapper abstract base class More...
class  izstream
 izstream: Input file stream wrapper for uncompressed and compressed files More...
class  ocstream
 ocstream: Output channel stream wrapper class More...
class  orstream
 orstream: Output stream wrapper base class More...
class  ozstream
 ozstream: Output file stream wrapper for uncompressed and compressed files More...


< FileContentsMap
< FileContentsMap const > 


izstreamgetline (izstream &stream, std::string &line)
 std::getline( std::istream, std::string ) wrapper More...
izstreamgetline (izstream &stream, std::string &line, char const delim)
 std::getline( std::istream, std::string, char ) wrapper More...
std::istream & skip (izstream &stream)
 Skip rest of line and line terminator (manipulator) More...
std::istream & skip (std::istream &stream)
 Skip rest of line and line terminator (manipulator) More...
utility::vector1< std::string > get_lines_from_file_data (std::string const &filename)
 General method that opens a file and returns its data as a list of lines after checking for errors. More...
template<class T >
void read_vector (std::istream &is, vector1< T > &vec)
template<class T >
void write_vector (std::ostream &out, vector1< T > const &vec)
template<class T >
void write_vector (std::string filename, vector1< T > const &vec)


std::streamsize const OZSTREAM_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 921600
 default buffer size for ozstreams (900KB) More...

Typedef Documentation

typedef utility::pointer::shared_ptr< FileContentsMap const > utility::io::FileContentsMapCOP
typedef utility::pointer::shared_ptr< FileContentsMap > utility::io::FileContentsMapOP

Function Documentation

utility::vector1< std::string > utility::io::get_lines_from_file_data ( std::string const &  filename)

General method that opens a file and returns its data as a list of lines after checking for errors.

Blank and commented lines are not returned and the file is closed before returning the lines.


References utility::io::izstream::close(), app.delta_score_per_mutation::data, basic::options::OptionKeys::in::file::file, utility::file::file_exists(), getline(), utility::io::izstream::good(), line, clean_pdb_keep_ligand::lines, utility::trim(), and utility_exit_with_message.

izstream& utility::io::getline ( izstream &  stream,
std::string &  line 

std::getline( std::istream, std::string ) wrapper

References getline().

Referenced by get_lines_from_file_data().

izstream& utility::io::getline ( izstream &  stream,
std::string &  line,
char const  delim 

std::getline( std::istream, std::string, char ) wrapper

Referenced by utility::io::izstream::getline(), and getline().

template<class T >
void utility::io::read_vector ( std::istream &  is,
vector1< T > &  vec 

References test.T007_TracerIO::T.

std::istream& utility::io::skip ( izstream &  stream)

Skip rest of line and line terminator (manipulator)

References utility::io::izstream::ignore(), and max().

std::istream& utility::io::skip ( std::istream &  stream)

Skip rest of line and line terminator (manipulator)

References max().

template<class T >
void utility::io::write_vector ( std::ostream &  out,
vector1< T > const &  vec 

Referenced by write_vector().

template<class T >
void utility::io::write_vector ( std::string  filename,
vector1< T > const &  vec 

Variable Documentation

std::streamsize const utility::io::OZSTREAM_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 921600

default buffer size for ozstreams (900KB)

this must be at least 4KB, otherwise zipstream will break