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core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet Class Reference

A collection of ResidueType defined. More...

#include <ResidueTypeSet.hh>

Inheritance diagram for core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

typedef std::list< AA >
typedef std::map< std::string,
ResidueTypeCOP >

Public Member Functions

 ResidueTypeSet ()
 default c-tor More...
 ResidueTypeSet (std::string const &name, std::string const &directory)
 constructor from directory More...
virtual ~ResidueTypeSet ()
void init (std::vector< std::string > const &extra_res_param_files=std::vector< std::string >(), std::vector< std::string > const &extra_patch_files=std::vector< std::string >())
ResidueTypeSetCOP get_self_ptr () const
 self pointers More...
ResidueTypeSetOP get_self_ptr ()
ResidueTypeSetCAP get_self_weak_ptr () const
std::string const & name () const
 name of the residue type set More...
AtomTypeSetCOP atom_type_set () const
ElementSetCOP element_set () const
MMAtomTypeSetCOP mm_atom_type_set () const
orbitals::OrbitalTypeSetCOP orbital_type_set () const
void atom_type_set (AtomTypeSetCOP atom_types)
void element_set (ElementSetCOP elements)
void mm_atom_type_set (MMAtomTypeSetCOP mm_atom_types)
void orbital_type_set (orbitals::OrbitalTypeSetCOP orbital_types)
void add_custom_residue_type (ResidueTypeOP new_type)
 adds a new residue type to the set, one that CANNOT be generated from a base_residue_type and patches More...
void add_custom_residue_type (std::string const &filename)
 adds a new residue type to the set, one that CANNOT be generated from a base_residue_type and patches More...
void apply_patches (utility::vector1< std::string > const &patch_filenames, utility::vector1< std::string > const &metapatch_filenames)
 delete a custom residue type from the set (Use with care) More...
void remove_custom_residue_type (std::string const &name)
 delete a custom residue type from the set (Use with care) More...
void read_files_for_custom_residue_types (utility::vector1< std::string > const &filenames)
 adds new residue types, ones that CANNOT be generated from a base_residue_type and patches More...
void remove_base_residue_type_DO_NOT_USE (std::string const &name)
 delete a custom residue type from the set (Use with extreme care) More...
virtual ResidueType const & name_map (std::string const &name) const
 query ResidueType by its unique residue id. More...
ResidueTypeCOP name_mapOP (std::string const &name) const
 Get ResidueType by exact name, returning COP Will return null pointer for no matches. More...
ResidueTypeCOP get_representative_type_aa (AA aa, utility::vector1< std::string > const &variants) const
 Get the base ResidueType with the given aa type and variants. More...
ResidueTypeCOP get_representative_type_aa (AA aa) const
ResidueTypeCOP get_representative_type_name1 (char name1, utility::vector1< std::string > const &variants) const
 Get the base ResidueType with the given name1 and variants. More...
ResidueTypeCOP get_representative_type_name1 (char name1) const
ResidueTypeCOP get_representative_type_name3 (std::string const &name3, utility::vector1< std::string > const &variants) const
 Get the base ResidueType with the given name3 and variants. More...
ResidueTypeCOP get_representative_type_name3 (std::string const &name3) const
ResidueTypeCOPs get_base_types_aa (AA aa) const
 Gets all non-patched types with the given aa type. More...
ResidueTypeCOPs get_base_types_name1 (char name1) const
 Get all non-patched ResidueTypes with the given name1. More...
ResidueTypeCOPs get_base_types_name3 (std::string const &name3) const
 Get all non-patched ResidueTypes with the given name3. More...
ResidueTypeCOP get_d_equivalent (ResidueTypeCOP l_rsd) const
 Given a D-residue, get its L-equivalent. More...
ResidueTypeCOP get_l_equivalent (ResidueTypeCOP d_rsd) const
 Given an L-residue, get its D-equivalent. More...
ResidueTypeCOP get_mirrored_type (ResidueTypeCOP original_rsd) const
 Given a residue, get its mirror-image type. More...
bool generates_patched_residue_type_with_name3 (std::string const &base_residue_name, std::string const &name3) const
 Check if a base type (like "SER") generates any types with another name3 (like "SEP") More...
bool generates_patched_residue_type_with_interchangeability_group (std::string const &base_residue_name, std::string const &interchangeability_group) const
 Check if a base type (like "CYS") generates any types with a new interchangeability group (like "SCY" (via cys_acetylated)) More...
ResidueTypeCOPs get_all_types_with_variants_aa (AA aa, utility::vector1< std::string > const &variants) const
 Gets all types with the given aa type and variants. More...
ResidueTypeCOPs get_all_types_with_variants_aa (AA aa, utility::vector1< std::string > const &variants, utility::vector1< VariantType > const &exceptions) const
 Gets all types with the given aa type and variants, making exceptions for some variants. More...
ResidueTypeCOPs get_all_types_with_variants_name1 (char name1, utility::vector1< std::string > const &variants) const
 Get all non-patched ResidueTypes with the given name1. More...
ResidueTypeCOPs get_all_types_with_variants_name3 (std::string const &name3, utility::vector1< std::string > const &variants) const
 Get all non-patched ResidueTypes with the given name3. More...
bool has_name (std::string const &name) const
 query if a ResidueType of the unique residue id (name) is present. More...
bool has_name3 (std::string const &name3) const
 query if any ResidueTypes in the set have a "name3" tat matches the input name3 More...
bool has_interchangeability_group (std::string const &name) const
 Does this ResidueTypeSet have ResidueTypes with the given interchangeability group? More...
ResidueType const & get_residue_type_with_variant_added (ResidueType const &init_rsd, VariantType const new_type) const
 Query a variant ResidueType by its base ResidueType and VariantType. More...
ResidueType const & get_residue_type_with_variant_removed (ResidueType const &init_rsd, VariantType const old_type) const
 return the residuetype we get from variant rsd type after removing the desired variant type More...
std::string const & database_directory () const
 accessor for database_directory More...
MergeBehaviorManager const & merge_behavior_manager () const
 accessor for merge behavior manager More...
ResidueTypeCOPs base_residue_types () const
 the residues with no patches applied More...
ResidueTypeCOPs custom_residue_types () const
 the residues with no patches applied More...
utility::vector1< PatchCOP >
const & 
patches () const
 the patches More...
utility::vector1< MetapatchCOP >
const & 
metapatches () const
 the metapatches More...
std::map< std::string,
utility::vector1< PatchCOP >
> const & 
patch_map () const
 the patches, index by name. More...
MetapatchCOP metapatch (std::string name) const

Private Member Functions

void read_list_of_residues (std::string const &list_filename)
 read a list of residue types More...
void read_files (utility::vector1< std::string > const &filenames)
void update_info_on_name3_and_interchangeability_group (ResidueTypeCOPs base_residue_types)
void generate_all_residue_types ()
bool generate_residue_type (std::string const &rsd_name) const
void figure_out_last_patch_from_name (std::string const &rsd_name, std::string &rsd_name_base, std::string &patch_name) const
bool update_base_residue_types_if_replaced (ResidueTypeCOP rsd_type, ResidueTypeCOP rsd_type_new)
 helper function used during replacing residue types after, e.g., orbitals. More...
void load_shadowed_ids (std::string const &directory, std::string const &file="shadow_list.txt")
 From a file, read which IDs shouldn't be loaded from the components. More...
bool lazy_load_base_type (std::string const &rsd_base_name) const
 Attempt to lazily load the given residue type from data. More...
ResidueTypeOP load_pdb_component (std::string const &pdb_id) const
 Load a residue type from the components dictionary. More...
 ResidueTypeSet (ResidueTypeSet const &)
ResidueTypeSet const & operator= (ResidueTypeSet const &)

Private Attributes

std::string name_
 What does the ChemicalManager call this ResidueTypeSet? More...
AtomTypeSetCOP atom_types_
ElementSetCOP elements_
MMAtomTypeSetCOP mm_atom_types_
orbitals::OrbitalTypeSetCOP orbital_types_
ResidueTypeCOPs base_residue_types_
 residue types with no patches applied, read in from database. More...
std::map< std::string,
std::set< std::string > > 
 information on residue types whose name3's can be changed by patches. More...
std::map< std::string,
std::set< std::string > > 
 interchangeability groups that appear upon patch application. More...
ResidueTypeCOPs custom_residue_types_
 new residue types added at runtime with, e.g., custom variants. More...
const std::string database_directory_
 the database directory of the generating files —> allows to use cached dunbrack libs More...
MergeBehaviorManagerCOP merge_behavior_manager_
utility::vector1< PatchCOPpatches_
 the patches More...
utility::vector1< MetapatchCOPmetapatches_
std::map< std::string,
utility::vector1< PatchCOP > > 
 patches indexed by name More...
std::map< std::string,
std::set< std::string > shadowed_ids_
 Which components shouldn't be loaded from the components file. More...
std::string pdb_components_filename_
 data for lazy loading of PDB components More...
ResidueTypeSetCacheOP cache_
 all cached residue_type information including generated residue_types, name3_map, etc. By making the following an OP (instead of COP) the cache effectively becomes mutable even when in a const ResidueTypeSet. More...
std::map< ResidueTypeCOP,
 A list of L-chirality base types with an equivalent D-chirality base type. More...
std::map< ResidueTypeCOP,
 A list of D-chirality base types with an equivalent L-chirality base type. More...

Detailed Description

A collection of ResidueType defined.

One thing that is not nailed down is whether a single ResidueSet can have ResidueType's with different AtomTypeSets. I've left open this possibility currently although there isnt any code for this yet (PB-07/07)

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::list< AA >::const_iterator core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::AAsIter
typedef std::map< std::string, ResidueTypeCOP >::const_iterator core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::const_residue_iterator

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::ResidueTypeSet ( )

default c-tor

core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::ResidueTypeSet ( std::string const &  name,
std::string const &  directory 

constructor from directory

c-tor from directory

References load_shadowed_ids().

core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::~ResidueTypeSet ( )
core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::ResidueTypeSet ( ResidueTypeSet const &  )

Member Function Documentation

void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::add_custom_residue_type ( ResidueTypeOP  new_type)
void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::add_custom_residue_type ( std::string const &  filename)

adds a new residue type to the set, one that CANNOT be generated from a base_residue_type and patches

References add_custom_residue_type(), atom_types_, elements_, get_self_weak_ptr(), mm_atom_types_, orbital_types_, and core::chemical::read_topology_file().

void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::apply_patches ( utility::vector1< std::string > const &  patch_filenames,
utility::vector1< std::string > const &  metapatch_filenames 
AtomTypeSetCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::atom_type_set ( ) const

References atom_types_.

void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::atom_type_set ( AtomTypeSetCOP  atom_types)

References atom_types_.

ResidueTypeCOPs core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::base_residue_types ( ) const
ResidueTypeCOPs core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::custom_residue_types ( ) const
std::string const & core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::database_directory ( ) const

accessor for database_directory

References database_directory_.

ElementSetCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::element_set ( ) const

References elements_.

void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::element_set ( ElementSetCOP  elements)

References elements_.

void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::figure_out_last_patch_from_name ( std::string const &  rsd_name,
std::string &  rsd_name_base,
std::string &  patch_name 
) const
void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::generate_all_residue_types ( )
bool core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::generate_residue_type ( std::string const &  rsd_name) const
bool core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::generates_patched_residue_type_with_interchangeability_group ( std::string const &  base_residue_name,
std::string const &  interchangeability_group 
) const

Check if a base type (like "CYS") generates any types with a new interchangeability group (like "SCY" (via cys_acetylated))

References interchangeability_group_generated_by_base_residue_name_.

Referenced by core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::filter_by_interchangeability_group(), and core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::fixes_interchangeability_group().

bool core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::generates_patched_residue_type_with_name3 ( std::string const &  base_residue_name,
std::string const &  name3 
) const

Check if a base type (like "SER") generates any types with another name3 (like "SEP")

References name3_generated_by_base_residue_name_.

Referenced by core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::filter_by_name3(), and core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::fixes_name3().

ResidueTypeCOPs core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_all_types_with_variants_aa ( AA  aa,
utility::vector1< std::string > const &  variants 
) const

Gets all types with the given aa type and variants.

The number of variants must match exactly. Variants can be custom variants. (It's assumed that the passed VariantTypeList contains no duplicates.)

The number of variants must match exactly. (It's assumed that the passed VariantTypeList contains no duplicates.)

References cache_.

Referenced by core::pack::task::ResidueLevelTask_::reset().

ResidueTypeCOPs core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_all_types_with_variants_aa ( AA  aa,
utility::vector1< std::string > const &  variants,
utility::vector1< VariantType > const &  exceptions 
) const

Gets all types with the given aa type and variants, making exceptions for some variants.

The number of variants must match exactly. Variants can be custom variants, but exceptions must be standard types, listed in VariantType.hh. (It's assumed that the passed VariantTypeList contains no duplicates.)

References cache_.

ResidueTypeCOPs core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_all_types_with_variants_name1 ( char  name1,
utility::vector1< std::string > const &  variants 
) const

Get all non-patched ResidueTypes with the given name1.

Gets all types with the given name1 and variants.

The number of variants must match exactly. (It's assumed that the passed VariantTypeList contains no duplicates.)

Get all non-patched ResidueTypes with the given name1

The number of variants must match exactly. (It's assumed that the passed VariantTypeList contains no duplicates.)

References core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::get_all_possible_residue_types(), core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::name1(), and core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::variants().

ResidueTypeCOPs core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_all_types_with_variants_name3 ( std::string const &  name3,
utility::vector1< std::string > const &  variants 
) const

Get all non-patched ResidueTypes with the given name3.

Gets all types with the given name3 and variants.

The number of variants must match exactly. (It's assumed that the passed VariantTypeList contains no duplicates.)

References core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::get_all_possible_residue_types(), core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::name3(), and core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::variants().

ResidueTypeCOPs core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_base_types_aa ( AA  aa) const
ResidueTypeCOPs core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_base_types_name1 ( char  name1) const

Get all non-patched ResidueTypes with the given name1.

References core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::get_possible_base_residue_types(), and core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::name1().

ResidueTypeCOPs core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_base_types_name3 ( std::string const &  name3) const

Get all non-patched ResidueTypes with the given name3.

References core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::get_possible_base_residue_types(), and core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::name3().

ResidueTypeCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_d_equivalent ( ResidueTypeCOP  l_rsd) const

Given a D-residue, get its L-equivalent.

Returns NULL if there is no equivalent, true otherwise. Throws an error if this is not a D-residue. Preserves variant types.

Vikram K. Mulligan (

References core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::base_type(), core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::get_representative_type(), l_to_d_mapping_, and core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::variants().

Referenced by get_mirrored_type().

ResidueTypeCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_l_equivalent ( ResidueTypeCOP  d_rsd) const

Given an L-residue, get its D-equivalent.

Returns NULL if there is no equivalent, true otherwise. Throws an error if this is not an L-residue. Preserves variant types.

Vikram K. Mulligan (

References core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::base_type(), d_to_l_mapping_, core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::get_representative_type(), and core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::variants().

Referenced by get_mirrored_type().

ResidueTypeCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_mirrored_type ( ResidueTypeCOP  original_rsd) const

Given a residue, get its mirror-image type.

Returns the same residue if this is an ACHIRAL type (e.g. gly), the D-equivalent for an L-residue, the L-equivalent of a D-residue, or NULL if this is an L-residue with no D-equivalent (or a D- with no L-equivalent). Preserves variant types.

References get_d_equivalent(), and get_l_equivalent().

ResidueTypeCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_representative_type_aa ( AA  aa,
utility::vector1< std::string > const &  variants 
) const

Get the base ResidueType with the given aa type and variants.

Returns 0 if one does not exist. The returned type will have at least all the variants given, but may have more if a minimal variant type isn't availible.

Returns 0 if one does not exist.

References core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::aa(), core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::get_representative_type(), and core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::variants().

Referenced by get_representative_type_aa(), and core::fragment::make_pose_from_sequence_().

ResidueTypeCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_representative_type_aa ( AA  aa) const
ResidueTypeCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_representative_type_name1 ( char  name1,
utility::vector1< std::string > const &  variants 
) const

Get the base ResidueType with the given name1 and variants.

Returns 0 if one does not exist. The returned type will have at least all the variants given, but may have more if a minimal variant type isn't availible.

Returns 0 if one does not exist.

References core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::get_representative_type(), core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::name1(), and core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::variants().

Referenced by get_representative_type_name1().

ResidueTypeCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_representative_type_name1 ( char  name1) const
ResidueTypeCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_representative_type_name3 ( std::string const &  name3,
utility::vector1< std::string > const &  variants 
) const

Get the base ResidueType with the given name3 and variants.

Returns 0 if one does not exist. The returned type will have at least all the variants given, but may have more if a minimal variant type isn't availible.

Returns 0 if one does not exist.

References core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::get_representative_type(), core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::name3(), and core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::variants().

Referenced by get_representative_type_name3(), and has_name3().

ResidueTypeCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_representative_type_name3 ( std::string const &  name3) const
ResidueType const & core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_residue_type_with_variant_added ( ResidueType const &  init_rsd,
VariantType const  new_type 
) const
ResidueType const & core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_residue_type_with_variant_removed ( ResidueType const &  init_rsd,
VariantType const  old_type 
) const
ResidueTypeSetCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_self_ptr ( ) const
ResidueTypeSetOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_self_ptr ( )
ResidueTypeSetCAP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::get_self_weak_ptr ( ) const
bool core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::has_interchangeability_group ( std::string const &  name) const

Does this ResidueTypeSet have ResidueTypes with the given interchangeability group?

References core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::get_representative_type(), and core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::interchangeability_group().

bool core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::has_name ( std::string const &  name) const

query if a ResidueType of the unique residue id (name) is present.

checks if name exists.

actually instantiates the residue type if it does not exist.

References generate_residue_type().

Referenced by protocols::simple_filters::ResidueCountFilter::add_residue_type_by_name(), figure_out_last_patch_from_name(), and protocols::ligand_docking::generate_unique_name().

bool core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::has_name3 ( std::string const &  name3) const

query if any ResidueTypes in the set have a "name3" tat matches the input name3

any residue types with this name3?

References get_representative_type_name3().

void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::init ( std::vector< std::string > const &  extra_res_param_files = std::vector< std::string >(),
std::vector< std::string > const &  extra_patch_files = std::vector< std::string >() 
bool core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::lazy_load_base_type ( std::string const &  rsd_base_name) const

Attempt to lazily load the given residue type from data.

References cache_, get_self_weak_ptr(), load_pdb_component(), shadowed_ids_, and core::chemical::tr().

Referenced by generate_residue_type().

ResidueTypeOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::load_pdb_component ( std::string const &  pdb_id) const
void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::load_shadowed_ids ( std::string const &  directory,
std::string const &  file = "shadow_list.txt" 

From a file, read which IDs shouldn't be loaded from the components.

References name(), shadowed_ids_, and core::chemical::tr().

Referenced by ResidueTypeSet().

MergeBehaviorManager const & core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::merge_behavior_manager ( ) const

accessor for merge behavior manager

References merge_behavior_manager_.

MetapatchCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::metapatch ( std::string  name) const

References metapatch_map_.

utility::vector1< MetapatchCOP > const& core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::metapatches ( ) const
MMAtomTypeSetCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::mm_atom_type_set ( ) const

References mm_atom_types_.

void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::mm_atom_type_set ( MMAtomTypeSetCOP  mm_atom_types)

References mm_atom_types_.

std::string const& core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::name ( ) const
ResidueType const & core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::name_map ( std::string const &  name_in) const
ResidueTypeCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::name_mapOP ( std::string const &  name_in) const

Get ResidueType by exact name, returning COP Will return null pointer for no matches.


References cache_, core::chemical::fixup_patches(), generate_residue_type(), and name().

Referenced by generate_residue_type(), core::chemical::ResidueTypeFinder::get_possible_base_residue_types(), and name_map().

ResidueTypeSet const& core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::operator= ( ResidueTypeSet const &  )
orbitals::OrbitalTypeSetCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::orbital_type_set ( ) const

References orbital_types_.

void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::orbital_type_set ( orbitals::OrbitalTypeSetCOP  orbital_types)

References orbital_types_.

std::map< std::string, utility::vector1< PatchCOP > > const& core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::patch_map ( ) const

the patches, index by name.

References patch_map_.

utility::vector1< PatchCOP > const& core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::patches ( ) const
void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::read_files ( utility::vector1< std::string > const &  filenames)
void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::read_files_for_custom_residue_types ( utility::vector1< std::string > const &  filenames)

adds new residue types, ones that CANNOT be generated from a base_residue_type and patches

References add_custom_residue_type().

void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::read_list_of_residues ( std::string const &  list_filename)

read a list of residue types

the file contains a list of names of residue type parameter files stored in the database path

References read_files().

void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::remove_base_residue_type_DO_NOT_USE ( std::string const &  name)

delete a custom residue type from the set (Use with extreme care)

References base_residue_types_, and cache_.

void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::remove_custom_residue_type ( std::string const &  name)

delete a custom residue type from the set (Use with care)

References cache_, and custom_residue_types_.

bool core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::update_base_residue_types_if_replaced ( ResidueTypeCOP  rsd_type,
ResidueTypeCOP  rsd_type_new 

helper function used during replacing residue types after, e.g., orbitals.

helper function used during replacing residue types after, e.g., orbitals. Could possibly expand to update all maps.

References base_residue_types_.

Referenced by apply_patches(), and init().

void core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::update_info_on_name3_and_interchangeability_group ( ResidueTypeCOPs  base_residue_types)

following assumes that all new name3 and interchangeability groups for residue types can be discovered by applying patches to base residue types – i.e. on the 'first patch'. Probably should set up a runtime_assert in ResidueTypeFinder to check this assumption.

References interchangeability_group_generated_by_base_residue_name_, core::chemical::ResidueType::name(), core::chemical::ResidueType::name3(), name3_generated_by_base_residue_name_, and patches_.

Referenced by apply_patches().

Member Data Documentation

AtomTypeSetCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::atom_types_
ResidueTypeCOPs core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::base_residue_types_

residue types with no patches applied, read in from database.

Referenced by apply_patches(), base_residue_types(), init(), read_files(), remove_base_residue_type_DO_NOT_USE(), and update_base_residue_types_if_replaced().

ResidueTypeSetCacheOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::cache_

all cached residue_type information including generated residue_types, name3_map, etc. By making the following an OP (instead of COP) the cache effectively becomes mutable even when in a const ResidueTypeSet.

Referenced by add_custom_residue_type(), apply_patches(), generate_residue_type(), get_all_types_with_variants_aa(), init(), lazy_load_base_type(), name_mapOP(), remove_base_residue_type_DO_NOT_USE(), and remove_custom_residue_type().

ResidueTypeCOPs core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::custom_residue_types_

new residue types added at runtime with, e.g., custom variants.

Referenced by add_custom_residue_type(), custom_residue_types(), and remove_custom_residue_type().

std::map< ResidueTypeCOP , ResidueTypeCOP > core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::d_to_l_mapping_

A list of D-chirality base types with an equivalent L-chirality base type.

For reverse searches.

Vikram K. Mulligan (

Referenced by apply_patches(), and get_l_equivalent().

const std::string core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::database_directory_

the database directory of the generating files —> allows to use cached dunbrack libs

Referenced by database_directory(), and init().

ElementSetCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::elements_
std::map< std::string, std::set< std::string > > core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::interchangeability_group_generated_by_base_residue_name_

interchangeability groups that appear upon patch application.

Referenced by generates_patched_residue_type_with_interchangeability_group(), and update_info_on_name3_and_interchangeability_group().

std::map< ResidueTypeCOP , ResidueTypeCOP > core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::l_to_d_mapping_

A list of L-chirality base types with an equivalent D-chirality base type.

Vikram K. Mulligan (

Referenced by apply_patches(), and get_d_equivalent().

MergeBehaviorManagerCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::merge_behavior_manager_

Referenced by merge_behavior_manager().

std::map< std::string, MetapatchCOP > core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::metapatch_map_
utility::vector1< MetapatchCOP > core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::metapatches_

Referenced by apply_patches(), and metapatches().

MMAtomTypeSetCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::mm_atom_types_
std::map< std::string, std::set< std::string > > core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::name3_generated_by_base_residue_name_

information on residue types whose name3's can be changed by patches.

Referenced by generates_patched_residue_type_with_name3(), and update_info_on_name3_and_interchangeability_group().

std::string core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::name_

What does the ChemicalManager call this ResidueTypeSet?

Referenced by apply_patches(), init(), and name().

orbitals::OrbitalTypeSetCOP core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::orbital_types_
std::map< std::string, utility::vector1< PatchCOP > > core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::patch_map_

patches indexed by name

Referenced by apply_patches(), generate_residue_type(), and patch_map().

utility::vector1< PatchCOP > core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::patches_
std::string core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::pdb_components_filename_

data for lazy loading of PDB components

Referenced by init(), and load_pdb_component().

std::set< std::string > core::chemical::ResidueTypeSet::shadowed_ids_

Which components shouldn't be loaded from the components file.

Referenced by lazy_load_base_type(), and load_shadowed_ids().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: