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ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename > Class Template Reference

FArray3D: Fortran-Compatible 3D Array. More...

#include <FArray3D.hh>

Inheritance diagram for ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

typedef Super::Base Base
typedef Base::Section Section
typedef Super::IR SIR
typedef DynamicIndexRange IR
typedef Base::value_type value_type
typedef Base::reference reference
typedef Base::const_reference const_reference
typedef Base::pointer pointer
typedef Base::const_pointer const_pointer
typedef Base::size_type size_type
typedef Base::difference_type difference_type
typedef Base::Value Value
typedef Base::Reference Reference
typedef Base::ConstReference ConstReference
typedef Base::Pointer Pointer
typedef Base::ConstPointer ConstPointer
typedef Base::Size Size
typedef Base::Difference Difference
typedef FArrayInitializer< T,
typedef Initializer::function_type InitializerFunction
- Public Types inherited from ObjexxFCL::FArray3< T >
typedef Super::Base Base
typedef Base::Section Section
typedef Base::IR IR
typedef Base::value_type value_type
typedef Base::reference reference
typedef Base::const_reference const_reference
typedef Base::pointer pointer
typedef Base::const_pointer const_pointer
typedef Base::size_type size_type
typedef Base::difference_type difference_type
typedef Base::Value Value
typedef Base::Reference Reference
typedef Base::ConstReference ConstReference
typedef Base::Pointer Pointer
typedef Base::ConstPointer ConstPointer
typedef Base::Size Size
typedef Base::Difference Difference
- Public Types inherited from ObjexxFCL::FArray< T >
typedef FArray< TBase
typedef FArrayTraits< TTraits
typedef FArraySection< TSection
typedef IndexRange IR
typedef T value_type
typedef Treference
typedef T const & const_reference
typedef Tpointer
typedef T const * const_pointer
typedef std::size_t size_type
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type
typedef T Value
typedef TReference
typedef T const & ConstReference
typedef TPointer
typedef T const * ConstPointer
typedef std::size_t Size
typedef std::ptrdiff_t Difference
- Public Types inherited from ObjexxFCL::ObserverMulti
typedef SetWrapper< Observer * > Observers

Public Member Functions

 FArray3D ()
 Default Constructor. More...
 FArray3D (FArray3D const &a)
 Copy Constructor. More...
template<typename U >
 FArray3D (FArray3D< U > const &a)
 Copy Constructor Template. More...
template<typename U >
 FArray3D (FArray3< U > const &a)
 Super Constructor Template. More...
 FArray3D (IR const &I1_a, IR const &I2_a, IR const &I3_a)
 IndexRange Constructor. More...
 FArray3D (IR const &I1_a, IR const &I2_a, IR const &I3_a, T const &t)
 IndexRange + Initializer Value Constructor. More...
 FArray3D (IR const &I1_a, IR const &I2_a, IR const &I3_a, InitializerFunction const &function_a)
 IndexRange + Initializer Function Constructor. More...
template<typename U >
 FArray3D (FArray3< U > const &a, IR const &I1_a, IR const &I2_a, IR const &I3_a)
 Super + IndexRange Constructor Template. More...
template<typename U >
 FArray3D (FArray3< U > const &a, IR const &I1_a, IR const &I2_a, IR const &I3_a, T const &t)
 Super + IndexRange + Fill Value Constructor Template. More...
virtual ~FArray3D ()
 Destructor. More...
FArray3Doperator= (FArray3D const &a)
 Copy Assignment. More...
FArray3Doperator= (Super const &a)
 Super Assignment. More...
template<typename U >
FArray3Doperator= (FArray3< U > const &a)
 Super Assignment Template. More...
template<typename U >
FArray3Doperator+= (FArray3< U > const &a)
 += Array Template More...
template<typename U >
FArray3Doperator-= (FArray3< U > const &a)
 -= Array Template More...
FArray3Doperator= (T const &t)
 = Value More...
FArray3Doperator+= (T const &t)
 += Value More...
FArray3Doperator-= (T const &t)
 -= Value More...
FArray3Doperator*= (T const &t)
 *= Value More...
FArray3Doperator/= (T const &t)
 /= Value More...
T const & operator() (int const i1, int const i2, int const i3) const
 array( i1, i2, i3 ) const More...
Toperator() (int const i1, int const i2, int const i3)
 array( i1, i2, i3 ) More...
Section const a (int const i1, int const i2, int const i3) const
 Section Starting at array( i1, i2, i3 ) More...
size_type index (int const i1, int const i2, int const i3) const
 Linear Index. More...
T const & operator[] (size_type const i) const
 array[ i ] const: Linear Subscript More...
Toperator[] (size_type const i)
 array[ i ]: Linear Subscript More...
bool dimensions_initialized () const
 Dimensions Initialized? More...
bool contains (int const i1, int const i2, int const i3) const
 Contains Indexed Element? More...
bool initializer_active () const
 Initializer Active? More...
IR const & I1 () const
 IndexRange of Dimension 1. More...
int l1 () const
 Lower Index of Dimension 1. More...
int u1 () const
 Upper Index of Dimension 1. More...
IR const & I2 () const
 IndexRange of Dimension 2. More...
int l2 () const
 Lower Index of Dimension 2. More...
int u2 () const
 Upper Index of Dimension 2. More...
IR const & I3 () const
 IndexRange of Dimension 3. More...
int l3 () const
 Lower Index of Dimension 3. More...
int u3 () const
 Upper Index of Dimension 3. More...
size_type size3 () const
 Size of Dimension 3. More...
FArray3Dclear ()
 Clear. More...
FArray3Ddimension (IR const &I1_a, IR const &I2_a, IR const &I3_a)
 Dimension by IndexRanges. More...
FArray3Ddimension (IR const &I1_a, IR const &I2_a, IR const &I3_a, T const &t)
 Dimension by IndexRanges + Initializer Value. More...
FArray3Ddimension (IR const &I1_a, IR const &I2_a, IR const &I3_a, InitializerFunction const &function_a)
 Dimension by IndexRanges + Initializer Function. More...
template<typename U >
FArray3Ddimension (FArray3< U > const &a)
 Dimension by Array Template. More...
template<typename U >
FArray3Ddimension (FArray3< U > const &a, T const &t)
 Dimension by Array + Initializer Value Template. More...
template<typename U >
FArray3Ddimension (FArray3< U > const &a, InitializerFunction const &function_a)
 Dimension by Array + Initializer Function Template. More...
FArray3Dredimension (IR const &I1_a, IR const &I2_a, IR const &I3_a)
 Data-Preserving Redimension by IndexRanges. More...
FArray3Dredimension (IR const &I1_a, IR const &I2_a, IR const &I3_a, T const &t)
 Data-Preserving Redimension by IndexRanges + Fill Value. More...
template<typename U >
FArray3Dredimension (FArray3< U > const &a)
 Data-Preserving Redimension by Array Template. More...
template<typename U >
FArray3Dredimension (FArray3< U > const &a, T const &t)
 Data-Preserving Redimension by Array + Fill Value Template. More...
FArray3Dinitializer (T const &t)
 Set Initializer Value. More...
FArray3Dinitializer (InitializerFunction const &function_a)
 Set Initializer Function. More...
FArray3Dinitializer_clear ()
 Clear Initializer. More...
FArray3Dinitialize ()
 Initialize. More...
FArray3Dswap (FArray3D &v)
 Swap. More...
void update ()
 Update. More...
void destructed (Subject const &)
 Update for Destruction of a Subject. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjexxFCL::FArray3< T >
virtual ~FArray3 ()
 Destructor. More...
FArray3operator= (FArray3 const &a)
 Copy Assignment. More...
FArray3operator= (FArray3< U > const &a)
 Copy Assignment Template. More...
FArray3operator= (T const &t)
 = Value More...
FArray3operator+= (FArray3< U > const &a)
 += Array Template More...
FArray3operator+= (T const &t)
 += Value More...
FArray3operator-= (FArray3< U > const &a)
 -= Array Template More...
FArray3operator-= (T const &t)
 -= Value More...
FArray3operator*= (T const &t)
 *= Value More...
FArray3operator/= (T const &t)
 /= Value More...
T const & operator() (int const i1, int const i2, int const i3) const
 array( i1, i2, i3 ) const More...
Toperator() (int const i1, int const i2, int const i3)
 array( i1, i2, i3 ) More...
Section const a (int const i1, int const i2, int const i3) const
 Const Section Starting at array( i1, i2, i3 ) More...
Section a (int const i1, int const i2, int const i3)
 Section Starting at array( i1, i2, i3 ) More...
size_type index (int const i1, int const i2, int const i3) const
 Linear Index. More...
bool equal_dimension (FArray3< U > const &a) const
 Equal Dimension? More...
size_type size1 () const
 Size of Dimension 1. More...
size_type size2 () const
 Size of Dimension 2. More...
FArray3clear ()
 Clear. More...
FArray3to_default ()
 Assign Default Value to all Elements. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjexxFCL::FArray< T >
virtual ~FArray ()
 Destructor. More...
FArrayoperator= (T const &t)
 = Value More...
FArrayoperator+= (T const &t)
 += Value More...
FArrayoperator-= (T const &t)
 -= Value More...
FArrayoperator*= (T const &t)
 *= Value More...
FArrayoperator/= (T const &t)
 /= Value More...
T const & operator[] (size_type const i) const
 array[ i ] const: Linear Subscript More...
Toperator[] (size_type const i)
 array[ i ]: Linear Subscript More...
bool active () const
 Active? More...
bool array_size_bounded () const
 Array Size Bounded? More...
bool array_size_unbounded () const
 Array Size Unbounded? More...
bool size_bounded () const
 Active Array Size Bounded? More...
bool size_unbounded () const
 Active Array Size Unbounded? More...
bool owner () const
 Owner? More...
bool proxy () const
 Proxy? More...
bool is_default () const
 All Elements Default Valued? More...
bool is_zero () const
 All Elements Zero? More...
bool is_uniform () const
 Uniform Valued? More...
bool is_uniform (T const &t) const
 Uniform Valued with Specified Value? More...
size_type array_size () const
 Array Size. More...
size_type size () const
 Active Array Size. More...
void zero ()
 Assign Zero to all Elements. More...
void to_zero ()
 Assign Zero to all Elements. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjexxFCL::ObserverMulti
virtual ~ObserverMulti ()
 Destructor. More...
void insert_observer (Observer &observer) const
 Insert an Observer. More...
void remove_observer (Observer &observer) const
 Remove an Observer. More...
bool has_observer () const
 Has At Least One Observer? More...
Observers const * observers_p () const
 Observers Pointer. More...
Observers const & observers () const
 Observers. More...
void notify_destructed () const
 Notify Observers That This Subject is Being Destructed. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjexxFCL::Observer
virtual ~Observer ()
 Destructor. More...
void notify () const
 Notify Observers That This Subject Has Changed. More...
bool acyclic (Observer &) const
 Acyclic After Adding an Observer of This Subject? More...

Protected Member Functions

void dimension_assign (SIR const &I1_a, SIR const &I2_a, SIR const &I3_a)
 Dimension by IndexRanges. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ObjexxFCL::FArray3< T >
 FArray3 ()
 Default Constructor. More...
 FArray3 (FArray3 const &a)
 Copy Constructor. More...
 FArray3 (FArray3< U > const &a)
 Copy Constructor Template. More...
 FArray3 (size_type const size_a)
 Size Constructor. More...
 FArray3 (size_type const size_a, InitializerSentinel const &initialized)
 Size + InitializerSentinel Constructor. More...
 FArray3 (ProxySentinel const &proxy)
 Default Proxy Constructor. More...
 FArray3 (FArray3 const &a, ProxySentinel const &proxy)
 Copy Proxy Constructor. More...
 FArray3 (FArray3 &a, ProxySentinel const &proxy)
 Non-Const Copy Proxy Constructor. More...
 FArray3 (Base const &a, ProxySentinel const &proxy)
 Base Proxy Constructor. More...
 FArray3 (Base &a, ProxySentinel const &proxy)
 Non-Const Base Proxy Constructor. More...
 FArray3 (Section const &s, ProxySentinel const &proxy)
 Section Proxy Constructor. More...
 FArray3 (Section &s, ProxySentinel const &proxy)
 Non-Const Section Proxy Constructor. More...
 FArray3 (T const &t, ProxySentinel const &proxy)
 Value Proxy Constructor. More...
 FArray3 (T &t, ProxySentinel const &proxy)
 Non-Const Value Proxy Constructor. More...
void swap3DB (FArray3 &v)
 Swap. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ObjexxFCL::FArray< T >
 FArray ()
 Default Constructor. More...
 FArray (FArray const &a)
 Copy Constructor. More...
 FArray (FArray< U > const &a)
 Copy Constructor Template. More...
 FArray (size_type const size_a)
 Size Constructor. More...
 FArray (size_type const size_a, InitializerSentinel const &)
 Size + InitializerSentinel Constructor. More...
 FArray (ProxySentinel const &)
 Default Proxy Constructor. More...
 FArray (FArray const &a, ProxySentinel const &)
 Array Proxy Constructor. More...
 FArray (FArray &a, ProxySentinel const &)
 Non-Const Array Proxy Constructor. More...
 FArray (Section const &s, ProxySentinel const &)
 Section Proxy Constructor. More...
 FArray (Section &s, ProxySentinel const &)
 Non-Const Section Proxy Constructor. More...
 FArray (T const &t, ProxySentinel const &)
 Value Proxy Constructor. More...
 FArray (T &t, ProxySentinel const &)
 Non-Const Value Proxy Constructor. More...
FArrayoperator= (FArray const &a)
 Copy Assignment. More...
void operator= (FArray< U > const &a)
 Copy Assignment Template. More...
void operator+= (FArray< U > const &a)
 += Array Template More...
void operator-= (FArray< U > const &a)
 -= Array Template More...
void shift_set (int const shift_a)
 Shift Setup. More...
void size_set (size_type const size_a)
 Active Array Size Setup. More...
FArrayresize (size_type const size_a)
 Resize a Real Array. More...
void attach (FArray const &a)
 Attach Proxy/Argument Array to Const Array of Same Rank. More...
void attach (FArray &a)
 Attach Proxy/Argument Array to Array of Same Rank. More...
void attach (FArray const &a, int const shift_a)
 Attach Proxy/Argument Array to Const Array. More...
void attach (FArray &a, int const shift_a)
 Attach Proxy/Argument Array to Array. More...
void attach (Section const &s, int const shift_a)
 Attach Proxy/Argument Array to Const Section. More...
void attach (Section &s, int const shift_a)
 Attach Proxy/Argument Array to Section. More...
void attach (T const &t, int const shift_a)
 Attach Proxy/Argument Array to Const Value. More...
void attach (T &t, int const shift_a)
 Attach Proxy/Argument Array to Value. More...
void detach ()
 Detach Proxy/Argument Array. More...
void update_to (FArray const &a)
 Update Proxy Array Attachment to Const Array. More...
void update_to (FArray &a)
 Update Proxy Array Attachment to Array. More...
void swapB (FArray &v)
 Swap. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ObjexxFCL::ObserverMulti
 ObserverMulti ()
 Default Constructor. More...
 ObserverMulti (ObserverMulti const &)
 Copy Constructor. More...
ObserverMultioperator= (ObserverMulti const &)
 Copy Assignment. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ObjexxFCL::Observer
 Observer ()
 Default Constructor. More...
 Observer (Observer const &)
 Copy Constructor. More...
Observeroperator= (Observer const &)
 Copy Assignment. More...

Private Types

typedef FArray3< TSuper
typedef Super::real_FArray real_FArray
typedef Super::proxy_FArray proxy_FArray
typedef Super::arg_FArray arg_FArray

Private Member Functions

void setup_real ()
 Setup for IndexRange Constructor. More...
void dimension_real ()
 Dimension by Current IndexRanges. More...
void insert_as_observer ()
 Insert as Observer of the IndexRanges. More...

Private Attributes

IR I1_
 Dimension 1 index range. More...
IR I2_
 Dimension 2 index range. More...
IR I3_
 Dimension 3 index range. More...
Initializer initializer_
 Array initializer. More...


template<typename >
class FArray3D
class FArray3P< T >
class FArray3A< T >
template<typename U >
void swap (FArray3D< U > &a, FArray3D< U > &b)
 Swap. More...
FArray3D operator- (Super const &a)
 -Array More...
FArray3D operator+ (Super const &a, Super const &b)
 Array + Array. More...
FArray3D operator- (Super const &a, Super const &b)
 Array - Array. More...
FArray3D operator+ (Super const &a, T const &t)
 Array + Value. More...
FArray3D operator+ (T const &t, Super const &a)
 Value + Array. More...
FArray3D operator- (Super const &a, T const &t)
 Array - Value. More...
FArray3D operator- (T const &t, Super const &a)
 Value - Array. More...
FArray3D operator* (Super const &a, T const &t)
 Array * Value. More...
FArray3D operator* (T const &t, Super const &a)
 Value * Array. More...
FArray3D operator/ (Super const &a, T const &t)
 Array / Value. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from ObjexxFCL::FArray< T >
static size_type const npos
 Unbounded "size". More...
static size_type const max_size
 Max array size. More...
- Protected Types inherited from ObjexxFCL::FArray3< T >
typedef internal::ProxySentinel ProxySentinel
- Protected Types inherited from ObjexxFCL::FArray< T >
typedef internal::ProxySentinel ProxySentinel
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ObjexxFCL::FArray< T >
static size_type size_of (size_type const s1)
 Array Size Product of Specified Bounded Dimensional Sizes. More...
static size_type size_of (size_type const s1, size_type const s2)
 Array Size Product of Specified Bounded Dimensional Sizes. More...
static size_type size_of (size_type const s1, size_type const s2, size_type const s3)
 Array Size Product of Specified Bounded Dimensional Sizes. More...
static size_type size_of (size_type const s1, size_type const s2, size_type const s3, size_type const s4)
 Array Size Product of Specified Bounded Dimensional Sizes. More...
static size_type size_of (size_type const s1, size_type const s2, size_type const s3, size_type const s4, size_type const s5)
 Array Size Product of Specified Bounded Dimensional Sizes. More...
static size_type size_of (size_type const s1, size_type const s2, size_type const s3, size_type const s4, size_type const s5, size_type const s6)
 Array Size Product of Specified Bounded Dimensional Sizes. More...
static size_type size_of (IR const &I1)
 Array Size Product of Specified Bounded IndexRanges. More...
static size_type size_of (IR const &I1, IR const &I2)
 Array Size Product of Specified Bounded IndexRanges. More...
static size_type size_of (IR const &I1, IR const &I2, IR const &I3)
 Array Size Product of Specified Bounded IndexRanges. More...
static size_type size_of (IR const &I1, IR const &I2, IR const &I3, IR const &I4)
 Array Size Product of Specified Bounded IndexRanges. More...
static size_type size_of (IR const &I1, IR const &I2, IR const &I3, IR const &I4, IR const &I5)
 Array Size Product of Specified Bounded IndexRanges. More...
static size_type size_of (IR const &I1, IR const &I2, IR const &I3, IR const &I4, IR const &I5, IR const &I6)
 Array Size Product of Specified Bounded IndexRanges. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ObjexxFCL::FArray3< T >
size_type s1_
 Dimension 1 size. More...
size_type s2_
 Dimension 2 size. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ObjexxFCL::FArray< T >
size_type array_size_
 Size of data array. More...
 Pointer to data array. More...
size_type size_
 Size of active array. More...
bool const owner_
 Owner of data array? More...
int shift_
 Array shift. More...
 Shifted pointer to data array. More...

Detailed Description

class ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >

FArray3D: Fortran-Compatible 3D Array.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename >
typedef Super::arg_FArray ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::arg_FArray
template<typename >
typedef Super::Base ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::Base
template<typename >
typedef Base::ConstPointer ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::ConstPointer
template<typename >
typedef Base::Difference ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::Difference
template<typename >
typedef DynamicIndexRange ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::IR
template<typename >
typedef Base::pointer ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::pointer
template<typename >
typedef Base::Pointer ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::Pointer
template<typename >
typedef Super::proxy_FArray ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::proxy_FArray
template<typename >
typedef Super::real_FArray ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::real_FArray
template<typename >
typedef Base::reference ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::reference
template<typename >
typedef Base::Reference ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::Reference
template<typename >
typedef Base::Section ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::Section
template<typename >
typedef Super::IR ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::SIR
template<typename >
typedef Base::Size ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::Size
template<typename >
typedef Base::size_type ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::size_type
template<typename >
typedef FArray3< T > ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::Super
template<typename >
typedef Base::Value ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::Value
template<typename >
typedef Base::value_type ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::value_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename >
ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::FArray3D ( )
template<typename >
ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::FArray3D ( FArray3D< typename > const &  a)
template<typename >
template<typename U >
ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::FArray3D ( FArray3D< U > const &  a)

Copy Constructor Template.

References ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::insert_as_observer().

template<typename >
template<typename U >
ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::FArray3D ( FArray3< U > const &  a)

Super Constructor Template.

References ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::insert_as_observer().

template<typename >
ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::FArray3D ( IR const &  I1_a,
IR const &  I2_a,
IR const &  I3_a 
template<typename >
ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::FArray3D ( IR const &  I1_a,
IR const &  I2_a,
IR const &  I3_a,
T const &  t 
template<typename >
ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::FArray3D ( IR const &  I1_a,
IR const &  I2_a,
IR const &  I3_a,
InitializerFunction const &  function_a 
template<typename >
template<typename U >
ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::FArray3D ( FArray3< U > const &  a,
IR const &  I1_a,
IR const &  I2_a,
IR const &  I3_a 
template<typename >
template<typename U >
ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::FArray3D ( FArray3< U > const &  a,
IR const &  I1_a,
IR const &  I2_a,
IR const &  I3_a,
T const &  t 
template<typename >
virtual ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::~FArray3D ( )


Member Function Documentation

template<typename >
Section const ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::a ( int const  i1,
int const  i2,
int const  i3 
) const
template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::clear ( )
template<typename >
bool ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::contains ( int const  i1,
int const  i2,
int const  i3 
) const
template<typename >
void ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::destructed ( Subject const &  )

Update for Destruction of a Subject.

Implements ObjexxFCL::Observer.

template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::dimension ( IR const &  I1_a,
IR const &  I2_a,
IR const &  I3_a 
template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::dimension ( IR const &  I1_a,
IR const &  I2_a,
IR const &  I3_a,
T const &  t 
template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::dimension ( IR const &  I1_a,
IR const &  I2_a,
IR const &  I3_a,
InitializerFunction const &  function_a 
template<typename >
template<typename U >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::dimension ( FArray3< U > const &  a)
template<typename >
template<typename U >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::dimension ( FArray3< U > const &  a,
T const &  t 
template<typename >
template<typename U >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::dimension ( FArray3< U > const &  a,
InitializerFunction const &  function_a 
template<typename >
void ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::dimension_assign ( SIR const &  I1_a,
SIR const &  I2_a,
SIR const &  I3_a 
template<typename >
void ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::dimension_real ( )
template<typename >
bool ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::dimensions_initialized ( ) const
template<typename >
IR const& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::I1 ( ) const
template<typename >
IR const& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::I2 ( ) const
template<typename >
IR const& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::I3 ( ) const
template<typename >
size_type ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::index ( int const  i1,
int const  i2,
int const  i3 
) const
template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::initialize ( )
template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::initializer ( T const &  t)
template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::initializer ( InitializerFunction const &  function_a)

Set Initializer Function.

References ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::initializer_.

template<typename >
bool ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::initializer_active ( ) const
template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::initializer_clear ( )
template<typename >
void ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::insert_as_observer ( )
template<typename >
int ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::l1 ( ) const
template<typename >
int ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::l2 ( ) const
template<typename >
int ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::l3 ( ) const
template<typename >
T const& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::operator() ( int const  i1,
int const  i2,
int const  i3 
) const
template<typename >
T& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::operator() ( int const  i1,
int const  i2,
int const  i3 
template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::operator*= ( T const &  t)
template<typename >
template<typename U >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::operator+= ( FArray3< U > const &  a)

+= Array Template

References ObjexxFCL::FArray3< T >::operator+=().

template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::operator+= ( T const &  t)
template<typename >
template<typename U >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::operator-= ( FArray3< U > const &  a)

-= Array Template

References ObjexxFCL::FArray3< T >::operator-=().

template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::operator-= ( T const &  t)
template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::operator/= ( T const &  t)
template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::operator= ( FArray3D< typename > const &  a)
template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::operator= ( Super const &  a)
template<typename >
template<typename U >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::operator= ( FArray3< U > const &  a)
template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::operator= ( T const &  t)
template<typename >
T const& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::operator[] ( size_type const  i) const

array[ i ] const: Linear Subscript

References ObjexxFCL::FArray< T >::array_, and ObjexxFCL::FArray< T >::size_.

template<typename >
T& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::operator[] ( size_type const  i)

array[ i ]: Linear Subscript

References ObjexxFCL::FArray< T >::array_, and ObjexxFCL::FArray< T >::size_.

template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::redimension ( IR const &  I1_a,
IR const &  I2_a,
IR const &  I3_a 

Data-Preserving Redimension by IndexRanges.

References ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::FArray3D().

template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::redimension ( IR const &  I1_a,
IR const &  I2_a,
IR const &  I3_a,
T const &  t 

Data-Preserving Redimension by IndexRanges + Fill Value.

References ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::FArray3D().

template<typename >
template<typename U >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::redimension ( FArray3< U > const &  a)
template<typename >
template<typename U >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::redimension ( FArray3< U > const &  a,
T const &  t 
template<typename >
void ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::setup_real ( )
template<typename >
size_type ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::size3 ( ) const
template<typename >
FArray3D& ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::swap ( FArray3D< typename > &  v)
template<typename >
int ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::u1 ( ) const
template<typename >
int ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::u2 ( ) const
template<typename >
int ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::u3 ( ) const
template<typename >
void ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::update ( )

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<typename >
friend class FArray3A< T >
template<typename >
template<typename >
friend class FArray3D
template<typename >
friend class FArray3P< T >
template<typename >
FArray3D operator* ( Super const &  a,
T const &  t 

Array * Value.

template<typename >
FArray3D operator* ( T const &  t,
Super const &  a 

Value * Array.

template<typename >
FArray3D operator+ ( Super const &  a,
Super const &  b 

Array + Array.

template<typename >
FArray3D operator+ ( Super const &  a,
T const &  t 

Array + Value.

template<typename >
FArray3D operator+ ( T const &  t,
Super const &  a 

Value + Array.

template<typename >
FArray3D operator- ( Super const &  a)


template<typename >
FArray3D operator- ( Super const &  a,
Super const &  b 

Array - Array.

template<typename >
FArray3D operator- ( Super const &  a,
T const &  t 

Array - Value.

template<typename >
FArray3D operator- ( T const &  t,
Super const &  a 

Value - Array.

template<typename >
FArray3D operator/ ( Super const &  a,
T const &  t 

Array / Value.

template<typename >
template<typename U >
void swap ( FArray3D< U > &  a,
FArray3D< U > &  b 


Member Data Documentation

template<typename >
IR ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::I1_
template<typename >
IR ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::I2_
template<typename >
IR ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::I3_
template<typename >
Initializer ObjexxFCL::FArray3D< typename >::initializer_

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