Rosetta  2020.11
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Classes | Typedefs | Functions
core::scoring::hbonds::hbtrie Namespace Reference


class  HBAtom
class  HBCountPairFunction
class  HBCPData
class  HBondsTrieVsTrieCachedDataContainer
 A class for passing data to the trie-vs-trie calculation for hydrogen bonds, without having to cache it in mutable data in the HBondEnergy method or whatnot. More...


using HBondsTrieVsTrieCachedDataContainerOP = utility::pointer::shared_ptr< HBondsTrieVsTrieCachedDataContainer >
using HBondsTrieVsTrieCachedDataContainerCOP = utility::pointer::shared_ptr< HBondsTrieVsTrieCachedDataContainer const >
typedef trie::RotamerTrieBaseOP HBondRotamerTrieOP
typedef trie::RotamerTrieBaseCOP HBondRotamerTrieCOP


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, HBAtom const &atom)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, HBCPData const &hbcpdat)

Typedef Documentation

Function Documentation

std::ostream & core::scoring::hbonds::hbtrie::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
HBCPData const &  hbcpdat 
std::ostream & core::scoring::hbonds::hbtrie::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
HBAtom const &  atom 