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protocols::jd2::JobInputter Class Referenceabstract

The JobInputter class is responsible for. More...

#include <JobInputter.hh>

Inheritance diagram for protocols::jd2::JobInputter:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 ~JobInputter () override
JobInputterCOP get_self_ptr () const
 Get self const owning pointers. More...
JobInputterOP get_self_ptr ()
 Get self owning pointers. More...
JobInputterCAP get_self_weak_ptr () const
 Get self const weak pointers. More...
JobInputterAP get_self_weak_ptr ()
 Get self weak pointers. More...
virtual void pose_from_job (core::pose::Pose &pose, JobOP job)=0
 this function is responsible for returning the starting pose to use for the input job. The Job object (within its InnerJob) contains a PoseCOP. This function needs to either create a new Pose from the InnerJob Pose or, on first demand of a pose from that InnerJob, instantiate the pose, hand off a COP to the InnerJob, and fill the reference. More...
virtual void fill_jobs (JobsContainer &jobs)=0
 this function determines what jobs exist. This function neither knows nor cares what jobs are already complete on disk/memory - it just figures out what ones should exist given the input. NOTE: your JobInputter should order Job objects in the Jobs vector to have as few "transitions" between inputs as possible (group all Jobs of the same input next to each other). This improves efficiency of the "FAIL_BAD_INPUT" functionality. Note I (Brave Sir Steven) said "should", not "must". More...
virtual void update_jobs_list (JobsContainerOP jobs)
 This function is only called by certain JobInputters to update the jobs list after it has already been created. More...
input_source () const =0
 return the type of input source that the JobInputter is currently using More...
virtual bool updates_jobs_list () const
 Does this type of JobInputter update the jobs list? More...

Static Public Member Functions

static std::string job_inputter_input_source_to_string (JobInputterInputSource::Enum source)
 call this with input_source() to get the input source of a particular job inputter More...

Protected Member Functions

void load_pose_into_job (core::pose::Pose const &pose, JobOP job)
 this function modifies the InnerJob's pose. Access to that pose is via friendship. More...
void load_pose_into_job (core::pose::PoseCOP pose, JobOP job)
 this function modifies the InnerJob's pose. Access to that pose is via friendship. More...
virtual core::Size get_nstruct () const
 this code is here to restrict the use of inner_job_nonconst (this class is a friend class and can do it) More...

Detailed Description

The JobInputter class is responsible for.

NOTE: your JobInputter should order Job objects in the Jobs vector to have as few "transitions" between inputs as possible (group all Jobs of the same input next to each other). This improves efficiency of the "FAIL_BAD_INPUT" functionality. I said "should", not "must" on purpose.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

protocols::jd2::JobInputter::~JobInputter ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual void protocols::jd2::JobInputter::fill_jobs ( JobsContainer jobs)
pure virtual

this function determines what jobs exist. This function neither knows nor cares what jobs are already complete on disk/memory - it just figures out what ones should exist given the input. NOTE: your JobInputter should order Job objects in the Jobs vector to have as few "transitions" between inputs as possible (group all Jobs of the same input next to each other). This improves efficiency of the "FAIL_BAD_INPUT" functionality. Note I (Brave Sir Steven) said "should", not "must".

Implemented in protocols::features::DatabaseJobInputter, protocols::jd2::EnsembleJobInputter, protocols::jd2::BatchJobInputter, protocols::jd2::SilentFileJobInputter, protocols::comparative_modeling::ThreadingJobInputter, protocols::jd2::AtomTreeDiffJobInputter, protocols::jd2::LargeNstructJobInputter, protocols::comparative_modeling::GenericJobInputter, protocols::jd2::EmptyPoseJobInputter, protocols::make_rot_lib::MakeRotLibJobInputter, protocols::jd2::PDBJobInputter, protocols::jd2::SerializedPoseJobInputter, protocols::jd2::PoseInputStreamJobInputter, protocols::jd2::ScreeningJobInputter, and protocols::jd2::LazySilentFileJobInputter.

core::Size protocols::jd2::JobInputter::get_nstruct ( ) const
JobInputterCOP protocols::jd2::JobInputter::get_self_ptr ( ) const

Get self const owning pointers.

Referenced by protocols::jd2::LargeNstructJobInputter::fill_jobs().

JobInputterOP protocols::jd2::JobInputter::get_self_ptr ( )

Get self owning pointers.

JobInputterCAP protocols::jd2::JobInputter::get_self_weak_ptr ( ) const

Get self const weak pointers.

JobInputterAP protocols::jd2::JobInputter::get_self_weak_ptr ( )

Get self weak pointers.

virtual JobInputterInputSource::Enum protocols::jd2::JobInputter::input_source ( ) const
pure virtual
std::string protocols::jd2::JobInputter::job_inputter_input_source_to_string ( JobInputterInputSource::Enum  source)
void protocols::jd2::JobInputter::load_pose_into_job ( core::pose::Pose const &  pose,
JobOP  job 

this function modifies the InnerJob's pose. Access to that pose is via friendship.

this code is here to restrict the use of inner_job_nonconst (this class is a friend class and can do it)

Referenced by protocols::jd2::ScreeningJobInputter::pose_from_job(), protocols::jd2::SerializedPoseJobInputter::pose_from_job(), protocols::make_rot_lib::MakeRotLibJobInputter::pose_from_job(), and protocols::enzdes::EnzdesJobInputter::pose_from_job().

void protocols::jd2::JobInputter::load_pose_into_job ( core::pose::PoseCOP  pose,
JobOP  job 

this function modifies the InnerJob's pose. Access to that pose is via friendship.

this code is here to restrict the use of inner_job_nonconst (this class is a friend class and can do it)

virtual void protocols::jd2::JobInputter::pose_from_job ( core::pose::Pose pose,
JobOP  job 
pure virtual
void protocols::jd2::JobInputter::update_jobs_list ( JobsContainerOP  jobs)

This function is only called by certain JobInputters to update the jobs list after it has already been created.

An example case would be the LargeNstructJobInputter, which uses this function to load additional jobs after the first N have started to come back.

Reimplemented in protocols::jd2::LargeNstructJobInputter.

virtual bool protocols::jd2::JobInputter::updates_jobs_list ( ) const

Does this type of JobInputter update the jobs list?

False by default. Override this function in derived classes to make it true.

Reimplemented in protocols::jd2::LargeNstructJobInputter.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: