Rosetta  3.8
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Typedefs | Functions | Variables File Reference
#include <core/types.hh>
#include <core/chemical/AA.hh>
#include <core/conformation/Residue.hh>
#include <core/scoring/ScoreFunction.hh>
#include <core/scoring/ScoreFunctionFactory.hh>
#include <core/scoring/Energies.hh>
#include <core/pack/task/PackerTask.hh>
#include <core/pack/task/TaskFactory.hh>
#include <core/pose/Pose.hh>
#include <core/pack/task/ResfileReader.hh>
#include <basic/options/util.hh>
#include <basic/options/after_opts.hh>
#include <basic/options/option_macros.hh>
#include <basic/options/keys/OptionKeys.hh>
#include <basic/options/keys/ddg.OptionKeys.gen.hh>
#include <basic/options/keys/in.OptionKeys.gen.hh>
#include <basic/options/keys/score.OptionKeys.gen.hh>
#include <basic/options/keys/packing.OptionKeys.gen.hh>
#include <basic/database/open.hh>
#include <devel/init.hh>
#include <numeric/xyzVector.hh>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <ObjexxFCL/format.hh>
#include <protocols/ddg/ddGMover.hh>
#include <protocols/scoring/Interface.hh>
#include <protocols/simple_moves/PackRotamersMover.hh>
#include <protocols/relax/FastRelax.hh>
#include <protocols/rigid/RigidBodyMover.hh>
#include <core/import_pose/import_pose.hh>
#include <utility/vector0.hh>
#include <utility/vector1.hh>
#include <utility/exit.hh>
#include <utility/excn/Exceptions.hh>
#include <utility/file/FileName.hh>
#include <utility/file/file_sys_util.hh>
#include <utility/io/izstream.hh>
#include <utility/io/ozstream.hh>
#include <basic/Tracer.hh>


typedef utility::vector1
< core::chemical::AA > 
typedef utility::vector1< boolbools


void find_neighbors (bools const &is_mutated, Pose const &pose, bools &is_flexible, Real const heavyatom_distance_threshold=6.0)
void read_in_mutations (utility::vector1< mutations > &res_to_mut, bools &is_mutated, std::string filename, Pose &pose)
 The input file is a list of mutation blocks. Usually, this will be a set of point mutations. where each "block" lists a single mutation. However, it is possible to specify multiple mutations together in a single block. More...
void compute_folding_energies (ScoreFunctionOP fa_scorefxn, Pose &pose, bools const &is_flexible, bools const &is_mutpos, Size bbnbrs=0)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])


static basic::Tracer TR ("apps.pilot.wendao.ddg")

Typedef Documentation

typedef utility::vector1< core::chemical::AA > mutations

Function Documentation

void compute_folding_energies ( ScoreFunctionOP  fa_scorefxn,
Pose pose,
bools const &  is_flexible,
bools const &  is_mutpos,
Size  bbnbrs = 0 
void find_neighbors ( bools const &  is_mutated,
Pose const &  pose,
bools is_flexible,
Real const  heavyatom_distance_threshold = 6.0 
int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 
void read_in_mutations ( utility::vector1< mutations > &  res_to_mut,
bools is_mutated,
std::string  filename,
Pose pose 

The input file is a list of mutation blocks. Usually, this will be a set of point mutations. where each "block" lists a single mutation. However, it is possible to specify multiple mutations together in a single block.

The file format is: "total N" followed by N blocks, where each block is "M" specifying followed by M lines of wt/resid/mutaa triples "wtaa resid mutaa" N, M and resid are all supposed to be integers. wtaa, and mutaa are supposed to be 1-letter amino acid codes.

References basic::Tracer::Debug, basic::Tracer::Error, basic::options::OptionKeys::mp::mutate_relax::mutation, clean_pdb_keep_ligand::resnum, runtime_assert, TR, and revert_app::wt.

Referenced by main().

Variable Documentation

basic::Tracer TR("apps.pilot.wendao.ddg")

Referenced by read_in_mutations().