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protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase Class Referenceabstract

Tags used to tag messeges sent by MPI functions used to decide whether a slave is requesting a new job id or flagging as job as being a bad input. More...

#include <ArchiveBase.hh>

Inheritance diagram for protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

virtual ~AbstractArchiveBase ()
 Automatically generated virtual destructor for class deriving directly from ReferenceCount. More...
 AbstractArchiveBase (BaseArchiveManagerAP ptr)
 AbstractArchiveBase ()
virtual bool finished () const =0
 is archive converged ? More...
virtual void initialize ()=0
virtual bool still_interested (jd2::archive::Batch const &) const
 old-batches might be outdated and should not be computed anymore return true for this query if this is the case for old_batch More...
virtual void generate_batch ()=0
 create a new batch with manager().start_new_batch() and manager().finalize_batch(); More...
virtual core::Size generate_batch (jd2::archive::Batch &, core::Size)
 create a batch for the current stage, return ct != 0 if more batches should be created at current stage. (e.g., harvest_batches) More...
virtual void idle ()=0
 do some computations on archive that can be done while we are waiting More...
virtual void read_structures (core::io::silent::SilentFileData &returned_decoys, core::io::silent::SilentFileData &alternative_decoys, Batch const &batch)=0
 read 'returned_decoys' from 'batch' into archive. More...
virtual void save_to_file (std::string suffix="")=0
 save archive to file .. you can put 'suffix' at end of dirname to save other snapshots than the 'current' More...
virtual void save_status (std::ostream &) const =0
virtual bool restore_from_file ()=0
 restore archive More...
virtual void init_from_decoy_set (core::io::silent::SilentFileData const &sfd)=0
void set_name (std::string const &set)
 set name of archive ( used also for save_to_file and restore_from_file ) More...
std::string const & name () const
BaseArchiveManagermanager ()
 access to the ArchiveManager (control of batches) More...
virtual void set_manager (BaseArchiveManagerAP manager)

Protected Member Functions

BaseArchiveManagerAP manager_ptr ()

Private Attributes

BaseArchiveManagerAP manager_
std::string name_

Detailed Description

Tags used to tag messeges sent by MPI functions used to decide whether a slave is requesting a new job id or flagging as job as being a bad input.

This job distributor is meant for running jobs where the machine you are using has a large number of processors, the number of jobs is much greater than the number of processors, or the runtimes of the individual jobs could vary greatly. It dedicates the head node (whichever processor gets processor rank #0) to handling job requests from the slave nodes (all nonzero ranks). Unlike the MPIWorkPartitionJobDistributor, this JD will not work at all without MPI and the implementations of all but the interface functions have been put inside of ifdef directives. Generally each function has a master and slave version, and the interface functions call one or the other depending on processor rank.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::~AbstractArchiveBase ( )

Automatically generated virtual destructor for class deriving directly from ReferenceCount.

Auto-generated virtual destructor

protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::AbstractArchiveBase ( BaseArchiveManagerAP  ptr)
protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::AbstractArchiveBase ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::finished ( ) const
pure virtual
virtual void protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::generate_batch ( )
pure virtual
virtual core::Size protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::generate_batch ( jd2::archive::Batch ,

create a batch for the current stage, return ct != 0 if more batches should be created at current stage. (e.g., harvest_batches)

Reimplemented in protocols::abinitio::IterativeBase, protocols::abinitio::IterativeAbrelax, and protocols::abinitio::IterativeFullatom.

virtual void protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::idle ( )
pure virtual

do some computations on archive that can be done while we are waiting

Implemented in protocols::jd2::archive::ArchiveBase, protocols::abinitio::IterativeBase, and protocols::abinitio::IterativeAbrelax.

Referenced by protocols::jd2::archive::ArchiveManager::idle().

virtual void protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::init_from_decoy_set ( core::io::silent::SilentFileData const &  sfd)
pure virtual
virtual void protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::initialize ( )
pure virtual
BaseArchiveManager& protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::manager ( )
BaseArchiveManagerAP protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::manager_ptr ( )
std::string const& protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::name ( ) const
virtual void protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::read_structures ( core::io::silent::SilentFileData returned_decoys,
core::io::silent::SilentFileData alternative_decoys,
Batch const &  batch 
pure virtual
virtual bool protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::restore_from_file ( )
pure virtual
virtual void protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::save_status ( std::ostream &  ) const
pure virtual
virtual void protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::save_to_file ( std::string  suffix = "")
pure virtual
virtual void protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::set_manager ( BaseArchiveManagerAP  manager)
void protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::set_name ( std::string const &  set)
virtual bool protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::still_interested ( jd2::archive::Batch const &  ) const

old-batches might be outdated and should not be computed anymore return true for this query if this is the case for old_batch

Reimplemented in protocols::abinitio::IterativeBase, and protocols::abinitio::IterativeAbrelax.

Referenced by protocols::jd2::archive::ArchiveBase::count_structure(), protocols::jd2::archive::BaseArchiveManager::finalize_batch(), and protocols::abinitio::IterativeBase::still_interested().

Member Data Documentation

BaseArchiveManagerAP protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::manager_

Referenced by manager(), manager_ptr(), and set_manager().

std::string protocols::jd2::archive::AbstractArchiveBase::name_

Referenced by name(), and set_name().

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