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protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild Class Reference

instruction to rebuild a segment More...

#include <SegmentRebuild.hh>

Inheritance diagram for protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

typedef Super::Size Size
typedef Super::Real Real
typedef Super::ResidueTypeSetCAP ResidueTypeSetCAP
typedef Super::LengthEvent LengthEvent
typedef Super::MoveMap MoveMap
typedef Super::Pose Pose
typedef Super::Positions Positions
typedef Super::String String
- Public Types inherited from protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction
typedef core::Size Size
typedef core::Real Real
typedef core::kinematics::MoveMap MoveMap
typedef core::pose::Pose Pose
typedef utility::vector1
< BuildInstructionCAP
typedef utility::signals::Link Link
typedef std::set< SizePositions
typedef std::string String

Public Member Functions

 SegmentRebuild ()
 default constructor More...
 SegmentRebuild (Interval const &i, String const &ss, ResidueTypeSetCAP rts=core::chemical::ChemicalManager::get_instance() ->residue_type_set(core::chemical::FA_STANDARD), bool const keep_known_bb_torsions_at_junctions=false)
 sec.struct only constructor (poly-alanine for new region) More...
 SegmentRebuild (Interval const &i, String const &ss, String const &aa, ResidueTypeSetCAP rts=core::chemical::ChemicalManager::get_instance() ->residue_type_set(core::chemical::FA_STANDARD), bool const keep_known_bb_torsions_at_junctions=false)
 full constructor More...
 SegmentRebuild (SegmentRebuild const &rval)
 copy constructor More...
virtual ~SegmentRebuild ()
 default destructor More...
SegmentRebuildoperator= (SegmentRebuild const &rval)
 copy assignment More...
virtual BuildInstructionOP clone () const
 clone this object More...
String const & ss () const
 get secondary structure string More...
String const & aa () const
 get annotated amino acid string More...
bool keep_known_bb_torsions_at_junctions () const
 Attempt to keep the omega at original_interval().left-1, the phi at original_interval().left and the psi+omega at original_interval().right present from the original Pose in the modified Pose? Default False. More...
virtual bool original_interval_valid () const
 is the original interval storing valid information, or is empty or being used for something else? More...
virtual Interval interval () const
 a copy of the working range of residues specifying the modified region More...
virtual Positions preexisting_positions () const
 return a copy of the set of positions within the new region that were pre-existing in the original Pose prior to modify() More...
virtual Positions new_positions () const
 return a copy of the set of positions that are "new" and did not exist in the original Pose. More...
virtual Positions defined_positions () const
 return a copy of the set of positions within the newly modified region that has a defined conformation. E.g. existing or copied residues. More...
virtual Positions undefined_positions () const
 return a copy of the set of positions within the newly modified region that has an undefined conformation. E.g. newly created residues. More...
virtual MoveMap movemap () const
 return a copy of the MoveMap that defines the moveable/fixed positions/dofs for this instruction More...
virtual void on_residue_append (LengthEvent const &event)
 update indexing on residue append More...
virtual void on_residue_prepend (LengthEvent const &event)
 update indexing on residue prepend More...
virtual void on_residue_delete (LengthEvent const &event)
 update indexing on residue delete More...
virtual Positions original_kept_positions () const
 return the set of positions within the original interval that will be kept in this BuildInstruction More...
virtual Positions original_deleted_positions () const
 return set of positions within the original interval that will be deleted in this BuildInstruction More...
virtual Positions original_fixed_positions () const
 return set of any fixed positions necessary with respect to the original interval and original Pose numbering More...
virtual Positions original_mutable_positions () const
 return set of any mutable positions necessary with respect to the original interval and original Pose numbering More...
virtual bool creates_undefined_backbone () const
 does this object create undefined backbone in the modified region? More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction
 BuildInstruction ()
 default constructor More...
 BuildInstruction (Interval const &i, ResidueTypeSetCAP rts=core::chemical::ChemicalManager::get_instance() ->residue_type_set(core::chemical::FA_STANDARD))
 interval constructor More...
 BuildInstruction (BuildInstruction const &rval)
 copy constructor More...
virtual ~BuildInstruction ()
 default destructor More...
BuildInstructionoperator= (BuildInstruction const &rval)
 copy assignment More...
BuildInstructionState::Enum modify (Pose &pose)
 modify this pose More...
BuildInstructionState::Enum state () const
 return the state of this BuildInstruction More...
bool ready () const
 Is the BuildInstruction's state at READY? More...
bool waiting_on_dependencies () const
 Is the BuildInstruction's state at WAITING_ON_DEPENDENCIES? More...
bool modify_was_successful () const
 Is the BuildInstruction's state at MODIFY_WAS_SUCCESSFUL? More...
void attach_to (Pose &pose)
 attach to a Pose's conformation More...
void detach_from ()
 detach from a Pose's conformation More...
void on_length_change (LengthEvent const &event)
 update any indexing wrt length change to Pose/Conformation being watched More...
bool detach_after_modify () const
 detach after modify()? More...
Interval const & original_interval () const
 return original residue range of this instruction More...
ResidueTypeSet const & residue_type_set () const
 the residue type set being used More...
bool has_dependencies () const
 does this BuildInstruction have dependencies? More...
Size n_dependencies () const
 the number of dependencies this BuildInstruction has More...
BuildInstructionCAPs const & dependencies () const
 the list of instructions whose modify() must complete before the modify() for this instruction may be called successfully More...
void detach_after_modify (bool const flag)
 set detach after modify() More...
void reset_accounting ()
 reset intervals, positions, etc to initial state and drop observers. State set to READY. More...
virtual void add_dependency_to (BuildInstructionCAP i)
 add an instruction to this BuildInstruction's dependency list More...
virtual bool dependent_on (BuildInstructionCAP i) const
 is this instruction dependent upon the given instruction? More...
void clear_dependencies ()
 clear the list of dependencies More...
virtual bool compatible_with (BuildInstruction const &rval) const
 compares fixed and mutable positions to determine compatibility with another instruction More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool dependencies_satisfied () const
 are dependencies satisfied so that modify_impl() can complete successfully? More...
virtual void modify_impl (Pose &pose)
 do the actual work of modifying the Pose More...
virtual void reset_accounting_impl ()
 do the actual reset of intervals, positions, etc to initial state More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction
Link const & length_obs_link () const
 access to the Conformation length observer link More...
void state (BuildInstructionState::Enum const s)
 set the BuildInstruction's current state More...

Private Types

typedef BuildInstruction Super

Private Attributes

Interval interval_
 the working range of residues More...
String ss_
 secondary structure string, also defines length of extension More...
String aa_
 annotated amino acid string, length of the one-letter version must be equal to length of ss More...
bool keep_known_bb_torsions_at_junctions_
 Attempt to keep the omega at original_interval().left-1, the phi at original_interval().left and the psi+omega at original_interval().right present from the original Pose in the modified Pose? More...

Detailed Description

instruction to rebuild a segment

Handles both cut based rebuilding (i.e. loops) and continuous rebuilding adjacent to the boundary of a chain, such as n-term/c-term extensions.

Member Typedef Documentation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::SegmentRebuild ( )

default constructor

Referenced by clone().

protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::SegmentRebuild ( Interval const &  i,
String const &  ss,
ResidueTypeSetCAP  rts = core::chemical::ChemicalManager::get_instance()->residue_type_setcore::chemical::FA_STANDARD ),
bool const  keep_known_bb_torsions_at_junctions = false 

sec.struct only constructor (poly-alanine for new region)

[in]intervalrebuild this range of residues
[in]ssthe secondary structure desired, also defines length of new build region
[in]rtsthe residue type set to use, default FA_STANDARD
[in]keep_known_bb_torsions_at_junctionsAttempt to keep the omega at original_interval().left-1, the phi at original_interval().left, and the psi+omega at original_interval().right present from the original Pose in the modified Pose.
length of the one-letter aa must equal the length of ss

References aa_, core::pose::annotated_to_oneletter_sequence(), and ss_.

protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::SegmentRebuild ( Interval const &  i,
String const &  ss,
String const &  aa,
ResidueTypeSetCAP  rts = core::chemical::ChemicalManager::get_instance()->residue_type_setcore::chemical::FA_STANDARD ),
bool const  keep_known_bb_torsions_at_junctions = false 

full constructor

[in]intervalrebuild this range of residues
[in]ssthe secondary structure desired, also defines length of new build region
[in]aathe annotated amino acid sequence desired, default is poly-alanine
[in]rtsthe residue type set to use, default FA_STANDARD
[in]keep_known_bb_torsions_at_junctionsAttempt to keep the omega at original_interval().left-1, the phi at original_interval().left, and the psi+omega at original_interval().right present from the original Pose in the modified Pose.
length of the one-letter aa must equal the length of ss

References aa_, core::pose::annotated_to_oneletter_sequence(), and ss_.

protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::SegmentRebuild ( SegmentRebuild const &  rval)

copy constructor

protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::~SegmentRebuild ( )

default destructor

Member Function Documentation

String const& protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::aa ( ) const

get annotated amino acid string

References aa_.

BuildInstructionOP protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::clone ( ) const

clone this object

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

References SegmentRebuild().

virtual bool protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::creates_undefined_backbone ( ) const

does this object create undefined backbone in the modified region?


Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

SegmentRebuild::Positions protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::defined_positions ( ) const

return a copy of the set of positions within the newly modified region that has a defined conformation. E.g. existing or copied residues.

An empty set – no positions are defined.

This set can change wrt length changes in Pose/Conformation being watched.

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

virtual bool protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::dependencies_satisfied ( ) const

are dependencies satisfied so that modify_impl() can complete successfully?

always True, this BuildInstruction has no dependencies

Reimplemented from protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

virtual Interval protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::interval ( ) const

a copy of the working range of residues specifying the modified region

this can change if listening to Conformation LengthEvents

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

References interval_.

Referenced by movemap(), and new_positions().

bool protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::keep_known_bb_torsions_at_junctions ( ) const

Attempt to keep the omega at original_interval().left-1, the phi at original_interval().left and the psi+omega at original_interval().right present from the original Pose in the modified Pose? Default False.

References keep_known_bb_torsions_at_junctions_.

void protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::modify_impl ( Pose pose)

do the actual work of modifying the Pose

There are two cases:

  • internal rebuild where no residue of the segment is a terminus
  • boundary rebuild where one residue of the segment is a terminus

In the case of an internal rebuild, the old segment will be removed and a new segment containing a random cutpoint will be inserted. The new jump will be created between (left-1) and (right+1) of the new segment.

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

References aa_, core::pose::add_lower_terminus_type_to_pose_residue(), core::pose::add_upper_terminus_type_to_pose_residue(), protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction::attach_to(), core::kinematics::FoldTree::begin(), core::conformation::Conformation::chain_endings(), core::pose::Pose::clear(), protocols::forge::methods::closest_larger_peptide_vertex(), protocols::forge::methods::closest_smaller_peptide_vertex(), core::pose::Pose::conformation(), protocols::sparta::contains(), core::conformation::Conformation::delete_chain_ending(), core::conformation::Conformation::delete_residue_range_slow(), core::kinematics::dir_jump, core::kinematics::FoldTree::end(), protocols::forge::methods::find_connecting_jump(), core::pose::Pose::fold_tree(), core::conformation::get_anchor_atomno(), protocols::forge::methods::grow_left_rtype(), protocols::forge::methods::grow_right_rtype(), core::conformation::idealize_position(), interval_, core::kinematics::FoldTree::is_cutpoint(), core::conformation::Residue::is_lower_terminus(), core::conformation::Residue::is_upper_terminus(), protocols::forge::methods::jumps_and_cuts_from_pose(), protocols::forge::methods::jumps_connected_to_position(), keep_known_bb_torsions_at_junctions_, protocols::forge::build::Interval::left, protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction::length_obs_link(), core::conformation::Conformation::num_chains(), core::pose::Pose::num_jump(), core::pose::Pose::omega(), protocols::forge::methods::order(), protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction::original_interval(), core::pose::Pose::pdb_info(), core::pose::Pose::phi(), core::pose::Pose::psi(), protocols::forge::methods::remove_cutpoint_variants(), core::kinematics::FoldTree::reorder(), core::pose::Pose::residue(), protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction::residue_type_set(), core::pose::residue_types_from_sequence(), core::scoring::rg, protocols::forge::build::Interval::right, core::kinematics::FoldTree::root(), core::pose::Pose::set_omega(), core::pose::Pose::set_phi(), core::pose::Pose::set_psi(), core::pose::Pose::set_secstruct(), core::pose::Pose::size(), ss_, and protocols::forge::methods::trans_omega().

SegmentRebuild::MoveMap protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::movemap ( ) const

return a copy of the MoveMap that defines the moveable/fixed positions/dofs for this instruction

a MoveMap with [interval.left, interval.right] bb & chi set to true at the MoveMapTorsionID level

This set can change wrt length changes in Pose/Conformation being watched.

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

References core::id::BB, core::sequence::end, interval(), keep_known_bb_torsions_at_junctions_, protocols::forge::build::Interval::left, core::id::omega_torsion(), core::id::phi_torsion(), core::id::psi_torsion(), protocols::forge::build::Interval::right, core::kinematics::MoveMap::set(), core::kinematics::MoveMap::set_bb(), and core::kinematics::MoveMap::set_chi().

SegmentRebuild::Positions protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::new_positions ( ) const

return a copy of the set of positions that are "new" and did not exist in the original Pose.

A set of positions spanning the entire modified interval – all positions are undefined.

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

References protocols::forge::methods::closed_range(), interval(), protocols::forge::build::Interval::left, and protocols::forge::build::Interval::right.

Referenced by undefined_positions().

void protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::on_residue_append ( LengthEvent const &  event)

update indexing on residue append

left and right endpoints of the interval can travel independently

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

References interval_, protocols::forge::build::Interval::left, core::conformation::signals::LengthEvent::position, and protocols::forge::build::Interval::right.

void protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::on_residue_delete ( LengthEvent const &  event)
void protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::on_residue_prepend ( LengthEvent const &  event)

update indexing on residue prepend

left and right endpoints of the interval can travel independently

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

References interval_, protocols::forge::build::Interval::left, core::conformation::signals::LengthEvent::position, and protocols::forge::build::Interval::right.

SegmentRebuild & protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::operator= ( SegmentRebuild const &  rval)
SegmentRebuild::Positions protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::original_deleted_positions ( ) const

return set of positions within the original interval that will be deleted in this BuildInstruction

A set containing all positions in the original interval.

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

References protocols::forge::methods::closed_range(), core::sequence::left, and protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction::original_interval().

SegmentRebuild::Positions protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::original_fixed_positions ( ) const

return set of any fixed positions necessary with respect to the original interval and original Pose numbering

Used for ensuring build regions for instructions do not overlap and so that jumps may be placed correctly. If SegmentRebuild has dependencies, the set of positions shrinks from the endpoints of [original_left - 1, original_right + 1] down to an empty set in the assumption that the user is requesting an advanced feature and knows what they're doing around the endpoints, e.g. rebuilding directly adjacent to a swapped out section.
empty set if no fixed positions
Used for ensuring build regions for instructions do not overlap and so that jumps may be placed correctly. If SegmentRebuild has dependencies, the set of positions shrinks from the endpoints of [original_left - 1, original_right + 1] down to an empty set in the assumption that the user is requesting an advanced feature and knows what they're doing around the endpoints, e.g. rebuilding directly adjacent to a swapped out section.
empty set if no fixed positions necessary

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

References protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction::has_dependencies(), core::sequence::left, and protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction::original_interval().

virtual bool protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::original_interval_valid ( ) const

is the original interval storing valid information, or is empty or being used for something else?

true, stores valid interval

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

SegmentRebuild::Positions protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::original_kept_positions ( ) const

return the set of positions within the original interval that will be kept in this BuildInstruction

An empty set – no positions are kept.

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

SegmentRebuild::Positions protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::original_mutable_positions ( ) const

return set of any mutable positions necessary with respect to the original interval and original Pose numbering

Used for ensuring build regions for instructions do not overlap and so that jumps may be placed correctly.
empty set if no mutable positions

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

References protocols::forge::methods::closed_range(), core::sequence::left, and protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction::original_interval().

SegmentRebuild::Positions protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::preexisting_positions ( ) const

return a copy of the set of positions within the new region that were pre-existing in the original Pose prior to modify()

An empty set – no positions are pre-existing.

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

void protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::reset_accounting_impl ( )

do the actual reset of intervals, positions, etc to initial state

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

References interval_, and protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction::original_interval().

String const& protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::ss ( ) const

get secondary structure string

References ss_.

SegmentRebuild::Positions protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::undefined_positions ( ) const

return a copy of the set of positions within the newly modified region that has an undefined conformation. E.g. newly created residues.

A set of positions spanning the entire modified interval – all positions are undefined.

This set can change wrt length changes in Pose/Conformation being watched.

Implements protocols::forge::build::BuildInstruction.

References new_positions().

Member Data Documentation

String protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::aa_

annotated amino acid string, length of the one-letter version must be equal to length of ss

Referenced by aa(), modify_impl(), operator=(), and SegmentRebuild().

Interval protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::interval_

the working range of residues

this range can shift if listening to a Pose/Conformation and the number of residues changes

Referenced by interval(), modify_impl(), on_residue_append(), on_residue_delete(), on_residue_prepend(), operator=(), and reset_accounting_impl().

bool protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::keep_known_bb_torsions_at_junctions_

Attempt to keep the omega at original_interval().left-1, the phi at original_interval().left and the psi+omega at original_interval().right present from the original Pose in the modified Pose?

If True, during modify(), will (1) set the omega of interval_.left-1 in the newly modified Pose equal to the omega of the original Pose at original_interval().left-1, (2) set the phi of interval_.left in the newly modified Pose equal to the phi of the original Pose in original_interval().right, and (3) set the psi+omega of interval_.right in the newly modified Pose equal to the original psi+omega of original_interval().right. Default False.

Referenced by keep_known_bb_torsions_at_junctions(), modify_impl(), movemap(), and operator=().

String protocols::forge::build::SegmentRebuild::ss_

secondary structure string, also defines length of extension

Referenced by modify_impl(), operator=(), SegmentRebuild(), and ss().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: