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protocols::jobdist Namespace Reference


class  AtomTreeDiffJobDistributor
 Distributor for use with atomtree_diff silent files. More...
class  BaseJobDistributor
 Coordinates processing of jobs across multiple Rosetta processes. More...
class  BasicJob
 Each Job object describes a particular input to Rosetta. More...
class  PlainPdbJobDistributor
 Distributor for use with plain old PDB files. Use is strongly discouraged in production environments! More...
class  PlainRawJobDistributor
 Distributor for use with raw files. More...
class  PlainSilentFileJobDistributor
 Distributor for use with silent files. More...


< BaseJobDistributor
< PlainSilentFileJobDistributor
< BasicJob
< BasicJob const > 


static THREAD_LOCAL basic::Tracer JobDistributorTracer ("protocols.jobdist.JobDistributors")
static THREAD_LOCAL basic::Tracer jobs_tracer ("")
static THREAD_LOCAL basic::Tracer tr ("protocols.jobdist.not_universal_main")
bool pose_matches_user_tag (core::pose::Pose &pose, utility::vector1< std::string > const &user_tags)
int not_universal_main (protocols::moves::Mover &mover)
 main function that applies a mover to a set of input poses and only does silent-file output. Similar in idea to universal_main, but without all of the code duplication for silent-files/PDB files. More...
static THREAD_LOCAL basic::Tracer TR ("protocols.jobdist.main")
utility::vector1< BasicJobOPload_s_and_l ()
 Reads inputs from -s/-l/-nstruct and writes atomtree_diff silent files. Supplied Mover is used to transform input structure into output structure. undefined - commenting out to make pyrosetta compile... More...
std::string get_output_tag (core::pose::Pose const &pose)
 Helper function to safely get current output tag that's cached in Pose. More...
std::map< std::string, core::Realget_score_map (core::pose::Pose const &pose)
 Helper function to safely get score_map that's cached in Pose. More...
void register_options_universal_main ()
 Handles loading and writing of silent files and or PDB files - superseeds the bottom two functions. More...
int universal_main (protocols::moves::Mover &mover, float thinout_factor)
int main_plain_mover (protocols::moves::Mover &mover, bool random_permutation=true)
 Reads inputs from -s/-l/-nstruct and writes (possibly gzipped) PDB files. Supplied Mover is used to transform input structure into output structure. More...
int main_plain_pdb_mover (protocols::moves::Mover &mover, core::scoring::ScoreFunctionOP scorefxn)
 Reads inputs from -s/-l/-nstruct and writes (possibly gzipped) PDB files. Supplied Mover is used to transform input structure into output structure. More...
int main_atom_tree_diff_mover (protocols::moves::Mover &mover, core::scoring::ScoreFunctionOP scorefxn)

Typedef Documentation

typedef utility::pointer::shared_ptr< BaseJobDistributor > protocols::jobdist::BaseJobDistributorOP
typedef utility::pointer::shared_ptr< BasicJob const > protocols::jobdist::BasicJobCOP
typedef utility::pointer::shared_ptr< BasicJob > protocols::jobdist::BasicJobOP

Function Documentation

std::string protocols::jobdist::get_output_tag ( core::pose::Pose const &  pose)

Helper function to safely get current output tag that's cached in Pose.

References core::pose::Pose::data(), and core::pose::datacache::CacheableDataType::JOBDIST_OUTPUT_TAG.

std::map< std::string, core::Real > protocols::jobdist::get_score_map ( core::pose::Pose const &  pose)

Helper function to safely get score_map that's cached in Pose.

References core::pose::Pose::data(), and core::pose::datacache::CacheableDataType::SCORE_MAP.

Referenced by main_plain_mover().

static THREAD_LOCAL basic::Tracer protocols::jobdist::JobDistributorTracer ( "protocols.jobdist.JobDistributors"  )
static THREAD_LOCAL basic::Tracer protocols::jobdist::jobs_tracer ( ""  )
utility::vector1< BasicJobOP > protocols::jobdist::load_s_and_l ( )

Reads inputs from -s/-l/-nstruct and writes atomtree_diff silent files. Supplied Mover is used to transform input structure into output structure. undefined - commenting out to make pyrosetta compile...

Makes BasicJob objects from command line flags -s, -l, and -nstruct.

References protocols::jd2::input_pdb_files_from_command_line().

Referenced by main_atom_tree_diff_mover(), main_plain_mover(), main_plain_pdb_mover(), and universal_main().

int protocols::jobdist::main_atom_tree_diff_mover ( protocols::moves::Mover mover,
core::scoring::ScoreFunctionOP  scorefxn 

Example of how to use the job distributor with silent files. If this function doesn't meet your needs as is, please COPY it into your own main method rather than modifying it in place! The goal is to keep this one as a simple-as-possible EXAMPLE for others, although it will suffice for many protocols as-is.

References protocols::moves::Mover::apply(), protocols::jobdist::AtomTreeDiffJobDistributor::dump_pose(), core::pose::datacache::CacheableDataType::JOBDIST_OUTPUT_TAG, load_s_and_l(), core::import_pose::atom_tree_diffs::map_of_weighted_scores(), protocols::jobdist::BaseJobDistributor::next_job(), core::import_pose::PDB_file, core::import_pose::pose_from_file(), core::scoring::rg, protocols::jobdist::AtomTreeDiffJobDistributor::shutdown(), protocols::jobdist::BaseJobDistributor::startup(), and TR().

int protocols::jobdist::main_plain_mover ( protocols::moves::Mover mover,
bool  random_permutation 

Reads inputs from -s/-l/-nstruct and writes (possibly gzipped) PDB files. Supplied Mover is used to transform input structure into output structure.

Example of how to use the job distributor that will write either a pdb or a raw_data (silent) file depending on an input flag Because PDBs are so big and inefficient, this function is NOT RECOMMENDED for use in production environements. If this function doesn't meet your needs as is, please COPY it into your own main method rather than modifying it in place! The goal is to keep this one as a simple-as-possible EXAMPLE for others, although it will suffice for many protocols as-is.

References protocols::moves::Mover::apply(), core::import_pose::centroid_pose_from_pdb(), get_score_map(), core::pose::datacache::CacheableDataType::JOBDIST_OUTPUT_TAG, load_s_and_l(), core::import_pose::PDB_file, core::import_pose::pose_from_file(), core::scoring::rg, protocols::moves::Mover::set_input_pose(), protocols::moves::Mover::set_native_pose(), and TR().

int protocols::jobdist::main_plain_pdb_mover ( protocols::moves::Mover mover,
core::scoring::ScoreFunctionOP  scorefxn 

Reads inputs from -s/-l/-nstruct and writes (possibly gzipped) PDB files. Supplied Mover is used to transform input structure into output structure.

Example of how to use the job distributor with plain old PDB files. Because PDBs are so big and inefficient, this function is NOT RECOMMENDED for use in production environements. If this function doesn't meet your needs as is, please COPY it into your own main method rather than modifying it in place! The goal is to keep this one as a simple-as-possible EXAMPLE for others, although it will suffice for many protocols as-is.

References protocols::moves::Mover::apply(), core::scoring::CA_rmsd(), core::import_pose::centroid_pose_from_pdb(), core::io::silent::ProteinSilentStruct_Template< T >::fill_struct(), core::pose::datacache::CacheableDataType::JOBDIST_OUTPUT_TAG, load_s_and_l(), core::scoring::native_CA_rmsd(), core::import_pose::PDB_file, core::import_pose::pose_from_file(), core::scoring::rg, core::pose::setPoseExtraScore(), and TR().

int protocols::jobdist::not_universal_main ( protocols::moves::Mover mover)
bool protocols::jobdist::pose_matches_user_tag ( core::pose::Pose pose,
utility::vector1< std::string > const &  user_tags 
void protocols::jobdist::register_options_universal_main ( )

Handles loading and writing of silent files and or PDB files - superseeds the bottom two functions.

Universal IO handler for score, relax and cluster (and hopefully more) executables Handles reading/writing of Silent OR PDB files.

static THREAD_LOCAL basic::Tracer protocols::jobdist::tr ( "protocols.jobdist.not_universal_main"  )
static THREAD_LOCAL basic::Tracer protocols::jobdist::TR ( "protocols.jobdist.main"  )
int protocols::jobdist::universal_main ( protocols::moves::Mover mover,
float  thinout_factor 