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protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC Class Reference

#include <ReplicaExchangeMC.hh>

Inheritance diagram for protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

typedef MonteCarlo Parent
typedef core::Size Size
- Public Types inherited from protocols::moves::MonteCarlo
typedef core::pose::Pose Pose
typedef core::pose::PoseOP PoseOP
typedef core::pose::PoseCOP PoseCOP
typedef core::Real Real

Public Member Functions

 ReplicaExchangeMC (Pose const &init_pose, ScoreFunction const &scorefxn, utility::vector1< core::Real > const &tlist, core::Size nint)
 ReplicaExchangeMC (ScoreFunction const &scorefxn, utility::vector1< core::Real > const &tlist, core::Size nint)
void init ()
 ~ReplicaExchangeMC () override
void build_temperature_list (const double *elist)
bool boltzmann (Pose &pose, std::string const &move_type="unk", core::Real const proposal_density_ratio=1, core::Real const inner_score_delta_over_temperature=0) override
 Applies the Metropolis Criterion on pose based on the ScoreFunction, temperature, and the last accepted pose. This method evaluates the change in score, compares the trial pose to the last accepted pose, and updates the pose structure and simulation statistics appropriately. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from protocols::moves::MonteCarlo
 MonteCarlo (MonteCarlo const &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 MonteCarlo (Pose const &init_pose, ScoreFunction const &scorefxn, Real const temperature)
 Constructs a useable MonteCarlo object. More...
 MonteCarlo (ScoreFunction const &scorefxn, Real const temperature)
 Constructor without Pose – call reset(pose) before first use. More...
 ~MonteCarlo () override
 Empty destructor in C++ file to reduce number of necessary includes. More...
virtual MonteCarloOP clone ()
void reset_scorefxn (Pose const &init_pose, ScoreFunction const &scorefxn)
 Resets the ScoreFunction. More...
void change_weight (core::scoring::ScoreType const &t, Real const &setting)
 Change the weight on a score term in the object's scorefunction. Useful when we don't want to reset the whole scorefunction during an annealing step. More...
virtual void set_temperature (Real const temp)
 Sets the temperature value used in the Metropolis Criterion to <temp> More...
Real temperature () const
 Returns the temperature value used in the Metropolis Criterion. More...
void set_autotemp (bool const setting, core::Real const quench_temp)
 Sets autotemp to quench_temp example(s): See also: MonteCarlo MonteCarlo.autotemp MonteCarlo.show_state. More...
virtual bool boltzmann (core::Real score, std::string const &move_type="unk", core::Real const proposal_density_ratio=1, core::Real const inner_score_delta_over_temperature=0, bool check_lowest_score=true)
 Applies the Metropolis Criterion on the inputted pose based on the supplied score delta. More...
virtual bool boltzmann (core::Real score, Pose &pose, std::string const &move_type="unk", core::Real const proposal_density_ratio=1, core::Real const inner_score_delta_over_temperature=0, bool check_lowest_score=true)
 Applies the Metropolis Criterion on the inputted pose based on the supplied score delta. Updates the Pose Structure accordingly. More...
virtual void reset (Pose const &pose)
 Sets lowest score pose and last accepted pose to the score of <pose> More...
void set_last_accepted_pose (Pose const &pose)
 Sets the last accepted pose to the score of <pose> More...
void set_last_accepted_pose (core::pose::Pose const &pose, core::Real score)
 Sets the last accepted pose and last accepted score. More...
void set_lowest_score_pose (core::pose::Pose const &pose)
void set_lowest_score_pose (core::pose::Pose const &pose, core::Real score)
void set_last_score (core::Real score)
 Set the last score. More...
Pose const & last_accepted_pose () const
 Returns the last accepted pose. More...
Pose const & lowest_score_pose () const
 Returns the lowest score pose encountered. More...
bool eval_lowest_score_pose (Pose &pose, bool score_pose=true, bool update_stats=false, std::string const &move_type="unk")
 Compares score of <pose> to the lowest score found. If lower, sets the current lowest score pose and lowest score. Use internal pose energies if score_pose is false. Used to evaluate lowest score without boltzmann. Does not change pose structure. More...
template<typename ConformationObserver >
void attach_observer_to_last_accepted_conformation (ConformationObserver &obs)
 attach observer to last accepted conformation More...
template<typename ConformationObserver >
void attach_observer_to_lowest_score_conformation (ConformationObserver &obs)
 attach observer to lowest score conformation More...
template<typename PoseObserver >
void attach_observer_to_last_accepted_pose (PoseObserver &obs)
 attach observer to last accepted pose More...
template<typename PoseObserver >
void attach_observer_to_lowest_score_pose (PoseObserver &obs)
 attach observer to lowest score pose More...
void recover_low (Pose &pose)
 Sets the input <pose> and last accepted pose to the lowest score pose. More...
virtual void score_function (ScoreFunction const &scorefxn)
 Sets the ScoreFunction to <scorefxn> , re-scores last accepted pose and lowest score pose. More...
ScoreFunction const & score_function () const
 Returns the MonteCarlo ScoreFunction. More...
void show_scores () const
 Displays the last accepted score and the lowest score. More...
void reset_counters ()
 Resets the mover counters. More...
void show_state () const
 Displays the entire MonteCarlo state temperature, scores, annealing settings, move statistics, move counters (show_counters) More...
void show_counters () const
 Displays the number of trials performed, fraction of trial moves accepted, and the average energy drop per accepted trial by mover types applied (unknown movers or perturbations are listed as "unktrials") More...
Size total_trials () const
 Set the counter to be used for this simulation. More...
Real last_accepted_score () const
 Manually record that a move was attempted. More...
Real last_score () const
 Returns the score value of the last score. More...
Real lowest_score () const
 Returns the score value of the lowest score pose encountered. More...
MCA mc_accepted () const
 Returns mc_accepted, informative of the last move applied. More...
std::string mc_accepted_string () const
 Returns mc_accepted as a human-readable string, informative of the last move applied. More...
void clear_poses ()
 Removes last accepted pose and lowest score pose. More...
void set_update_boinc (bool setting)
 no brief for now More...
bool get_update_boinc () const
Real total_score_of_last_considered_pose () const
core::Size last_accept () const
 Returns the number of trials since last acceptance. More...
core::Size heat_after_cycles () const
 no brief for now More...
void set_heat_after_cycles (core::Size setting)
 no brief for now More...
void push_back (moves::MonteCarloExceptionConvergeOP)
 no brief for now More...
Size check_frequency () const
void set_total_score_last_considered (core::Real score)
void set_last_accepted (core::Real score)
void set_lowest (core::Real score)

Private Attributes

int rank_
int size_
core::Size nreplica_frequency_
core::Size ntrials_
utility::vector1< core::RealTlist_
< utility::vector1< std::pair
< int, int > > > 
double * last_energylist
int * T_tag
int * T_rev
int T_ndx

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from protocols::moves::MonteCarlo
void autotemp_reject ()
 for managing the temperature, if we need to do so More...
void autotemp_accept ()
void evaluate_convergence_checks (core::pose::Pose const &pose, bool reject, bool final)
Poselast_accepted_pose_non_const ()
 Returns the non-const last accepted pose (for subclasses) More...
void set_last_accepted_score (core::Real score)
void set_mc_accepted (MCA value)

Member Typedef Documentation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::ReplicaExchangeMC ( Pose const &  init_pose,
ScoreFunction const &  scorefxn,
utility::vector1< core::Real > const &  tlist,
core::Size  nint 

References init().

protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::ReplicaExchangeMC ( ScoreFunction const &  scorefxn,
utility::vector1< core::Real > const &  tlist,
core::Size  nint 

References init().

protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::~ReplicaExchangeMC ( )

References last_energylist, T_rev, and T_tag.

Member Function Documentation

bool protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::boltzmann ( Pose pose,
std::string const &  move_type = "unk",
core::Real const  proposal_density_ratio = 1,
core::Real const  inner_score_delta_over_temperature = 0 

Applies the Metropolis Criterion on pose based on the ScoreFunction, temperature, and the last accepted pose. This method evaluates the change in score, compares the trial pose to the last accepted pose, and updates the pose structure and simulation statistics appropriately.

example(s): mc.boltzmann( pose ) See also: MonteCarlo MonteCarlo.last_accepted_score MonteCarlo.lowest_score

Reimplemented from protocols::moves::MonteCarlo.

References protocols::moves::MonteCarlo::boltzmann(), build_temperature_list(), protocols::moves::MonteCarlo::last_accepted_score(), last_energylist, nreplica_frequency_, ntrials_, rank_, protocols::moves::MonteCarlo::set_temperature(), T_ndx, T_tag, and Tlist_.

void protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::build_temperature_list ( const double *  elist)
void protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::init ( void  )

Member Data Documentation

utility::vector1< utility::vector1<std::pair<int, int> > > protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::exchange_schedule

Referenced by build_temperature_list(), and init().

double* protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::last_energylist

Referenced by boltzmann(), init(), and ~ReplicaExchangeMC().

core::Size protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::nreplica_frequency_

Referenced by boltzmann(), and init().

core::Size protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::ntrials_

Referenced by boltzmann().

int protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::rank_

Referenced by boltzmann(), and init().

int protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::size_

Referenced by init().

int protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::T_ndx

Referenced by boltzmann(), and init().

int* protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::T_rev
int* protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::T_tag
utility::vector1<core::Real> protocols::moves::ReplicaExchangeMC::Tlist_

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