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molfile to params polymer python errors

Chemically Modified Residues

I am trying to generate parameters for a non-cannonical amino acid using the script using python 2.7.5.python --clobber --polymer --no-pdb --name OCT -k OCT.kin OCT.mol

Edit: this is where I found the python script that is giving the errors.  /path/rosetta_demos/public/design_with_ncaa/scripts/python/apps/public/

I get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "", line 1995, in <module>

Post Situation: 

Relax output mmCIF file to a particular path

Structure prediction

Hello, how can I specify the path of a Relax output mmCIF file?

I know that I can specify the path of a Relax output pdb file using the flag "-out:path:pdb Sample/Subdirectory." I can specify the Relax output to be an mmCIF file with the flag "-out:mmCIF." However, the flag "-out:path:mmCIF Sample/Subdirectory" doesn't work. When I do this, I get a pdb file in the current working directory, and a message that says "The following options have been set, but have not yet been used: -out:path:mmCIF Sample/Subdirectory/"

Post Situation: 

InterfaceAnalyzer packstat score = 0.000



I am using the InterfaceAnalyzer to obtain packing scores of antibody-antigen strucutres from the PDB database but the packstat score always ends up being 0 for some reason. I am specifying for the activation of packstat calculation as can be seen in my flags.txt file below

-in:file:s 1A14_atomlines.pdb
-interface HL_N
-compute_packstat = 1
-out:file:score_only 1a14_interface.out

The output file is attached below. 

Post Situation: 

Rosetta-based projects using and licensing


Dear Rosetta Team,

Is it possible to share a code of my Rosetta-dependent non-profit research project and upload it to a publicly accessible GitHub repository licensed under open source license? Is Rosetta License restricts that?

For example, I have "project" like this:

1. Source files that links to Rosetta headers:

Post Situation: 




I'm getting an unusal error when using SPLINE EPR_DISTANCE constraints with the score.linuxgccrelease function. I generated some structures ab initio using SPLINE EPR_DISTANCE constraints with rosetta_scripts.linuxgccrelease and I wanted to rescore the binary output file with some different constraint weights using score.linuxgccrelease. However, if my input constraint file (cst_fa_file) to the score.linuxgccrelease release function contains any SPLINE EPR_DISTANCE constraints, I get:

Post Situation: 

known disulfides in Remodel sequence


I have a protein structure solved by iTasser against a distant relative. But it has a loop that was not solved correctly and it has two cysteines that probably form a disulfide, so I want to remodel the loop with a disulfide (Rosetta Remodel 3.9 on Linux).

I want to keep the sequences as is, so the disulfide scanner is not for me.

I tried with a PDB template with the following lines:

Post Situation: 

Reading chloride anions

Small Molecules

Hi everyone, 

I am trying to read a pdb file that  has a chloride anion important for its structure. The error is that it is not recognized by rosetta, as sometimes happily happen with other small ions. Looking through the database file I found a params file for a chloride ion model, located at: $ROSETTA_HOME/main/database/chemical/residue_type_sets/fa_standard/residue_types/anions/CL.params. The file reads:

Post Situation: 

Introducing N/C-terminal residues to a pose


Hello everyone,

I work with a protein where the crystal structure does not include the first 14 amino acids, which are intrinsically disordered.

I would like to add the missing 14 residues using PyRosetta, and I have therefore looked into the FAQ and tried to find the relevant methods in the documentation.  After some considerations I have come up with strategy:

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