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The problem has been solved

Cannot confirm registration to the Rosie site

I solved it, I think there was a cookies problem...

Thanks anyway,



Dear all,

I registered to Rosie web site, which sent to my email a confirmation link. This link though produces an error message instead a confirmation.

Error 500

We're sorry but we weren't able to process this request.

Can you please help me to complete the registration so I can use ROSIE?

I tried with two different users names: fglaser and fglaser_rosie, and with different emails and, nothing worked....

Post Situation: 

MPI stall

Hi all,

Has anyone ever had any problems with the master MPI process stalling as it's cleaning up / giving more work to a slave or a little afterward?

I am running more tests tomorrow, but I have had it stall (While still saying it at 100 % cpu) with its output garbled like this before it just stops communicating with the rest the slaves. Once it stops communicating, all the slaves continue to run, but nothing gets output and the job needs to be cancelled. Also, no error message is reported from MPI or Rosetta. It just silently stops:

Post Situation: 

Sequence design with mixed fixbb-relax protocol


I would like to design a protein sequence using a mixed fixbb-relax protocol.

Basically, I want to do something like in this publication:

(The idea is to iterate between fixbb and relax protocols as long as the Rosetta energy difference between models is bigger than 1.0 REU)

Does anybody have an idea how to use RosettaScripts to implement this?

Post Situation: 

Rosetta 3.5 Compiling Error - Mac OSX 10.8.5

Hi All,

I'm attempting to build Rosetta3.5 on my Mac and keep running into a compiling error with Calculator.os that terminates the build. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. I've also tried building within Xcode, and the build terminates with a number of similar errors (apparently missing files). I downloaded Rosetta3.5 as a single bundle, by the way.

My command line compiler:
[Ryans-iMac:~/applications/rosetta-3.5/rosetta_source] Ryan% gcc -v
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/ --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1

Post Situation: 

Error with FlexPepDock

I am running FlexPepDock-Refine, and getting the following error:
ERROR: this_pose.total_residue() == residue_packstat_.size()
ERROR:: Exit from: src/protocols/toolbox/pose_metric_calculators/ line: 164
I think it may have to do with non-Rosetta numbering in the input pdbs...
Can someone explain what variables this error is pointing too?

Edit: I renumbered my PDBs and it is working correctly now. But if anyone wants to explain the code a bit I would still be interested.


Post Situation: 

Script for precalculating rotamer energies


I've attached a script I've written for pre-processing the rotamer energies and writing out to specific file formats. I am working on discrete optimization of side-chain configuration, which happens outside of Rosetta and requires building the backbone-dependent rotamer library and precalculating all single and pairwise rotamer energies.

Post Situation: 

Calculate residue-residue pairwise energies

I am trying to calculate all residue-residue pairwise energies for a given conformation. It doesn't appear that these are stored when the score is computed, and that I need to access them directly for every residue pair. I have a few questions regarding this:

Post Situation: 

Please help - mpiCC Error

I'm trying to install mpi version of rosetta-3.4 in cluster.
I got the error when i did "scons bin mode=release extras=mpi (with and without cxx=icc) ", mpiCC : Command not found

In the cluster there is mpicc, mpicxx. There is NO mpic++, mpiCC.

What should i do now?

How do i install mpiCC without administrative previleges?

Please help me:)

Note:- I'm from non cs background.

Post Situation: 


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