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Rosetta 3 - Build/Install cannot open shared object file


I am attempting to install Rosetta/3.8 on a Linux Cluster running Redhat 5.6. I am compiling with gcc/4.9.3 and mpich 3.2. I have come across the following error:

/exports/apps/gcc/4.9.3/libexec/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.9.3/cc1plus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Post Situation: 

Did RosettaScripts recently switch to fully parallel MPI?

Structure prediction

Hi, trying to figure out if something isn't working properly or if it's working as intended and I missed it. I was using the Topology Broker via Rosetta Scripts from the 2016/Week 46 build of Rosetta and when I ran my script via MPI, it would create one nstruct per core, not including the controlling core. I was able to see this in the log; different commands were marked with (0), (1), (2) etc, for presumably which core the message came from. So if my command was: 

mpiexec -np 4 rosetta_scripts @flags -nstruct 10

Post Situation: 

Error running unit test executable



I was trying to test my Rosetta installation and at the begining of test I've got an error:

I didn't find any solution on Rosetta Forum. 

server@localhost:~$ python test/
Identifying platform...

Platform found: debug/linux/4.10/64/x86/gcc/6.3/default
Error running unit test executable for protocols.test - not all tests may be availible.

Error running unit test executable for core.test - not all tests may be availible.

Post Situation: 

build rosetta3 with gpu support failed


I tried to install rosetta3 with gpu support with the follow command: 

 sudo ./ -j 20 mode=release bin extras=opencl

but failed with the follow error message:

scons: *** [build/src/release/linux/3.10/64/x86/gcc/4.8/opencl/protocols/hotspot_hashing/SurfaceSearchPattern.os] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.

My system is centos7 implemented with 2 c2050 gpu, and cuda-8.0 has been installed in the system. Why does the error occurs? Is there some way to solve this problem?

Post Situation: 

build error in linux-centos


Hello everyone!

 I recently upgraded to CentOS7. So, I had to do a fresh installation of Rosetta. I am trying to build the latest version of rosetta with this command:-

$ sudo ./ -j10 bin mode=release extras=static

The building terminates with an error like this:-

I think the same type of error is popping up while trying to compile different applications. Could someone help me with this?

Post Situation: 

Rosetta build error on MacOS Sierra


Hello everyone!

I am trying to build rosetta with mpi in macOS sierra. But, it gives the following errors. 

I tried rebuilding without mpi (after deleting build/ contents), but it gives the same error.

Could any one please help?

$ sudo ./ -j 3 mode=release bin extras=mpi

1 error generated.

scons: *** [build/src/release/macos/16.0/64/x86/clang/8.1/mpi/protocols/init/init.os] Error 1

Post Situation: 

Build with mpi error


Hello everyone!

I am trying to install rosetta with mpi on CentOS 6.9. I installed openmpi and openmpi-devel using yum. I copied the file site.settings.topsail as site.settings and run the command './ bin mode=release extras=mpi -j5'

I am getting the following error.


Post Situation: 

Rosetta 3.8 GPU compilation



I am having an error while compiling Rosetta with GPU options. I am using the following command to build Rosetta 3.8 with opencl GPU options:

scons mode=release extras=opencl bin

The log produced during the building of executables is as follows:

Post Situation: 

main/source/external/boost_1_55_0/boost/bimap/tags/ being ignored by git



I'm using git for version control while developing some additional score terms for internal use. We are not official developers, so I can't clone the official repo, so I just downloaded the source I need (2017.08), and ran the following to get a starting point for my development:

Post Situation: 


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