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Rosetta 3 - Build/Install

Error while loading shared libraries:



I am trying to install CSRosetta and Rosetta on a computer running Fedora 20, but I keep on getting the following error message:

/home/crowlab/Rosetta/main/source/bin/AbinitioRelax.linuxgccrelease: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

We have CBFlib- package installed, but the software seems to not recognize it. We are not sure what we should have installed instead.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Post Situation: 

Unit Tests failing for Rosetta installed with mpi on Ubuntu 16.04


Dear Users,

I have been trying to install and run Rosetta 2016.15 weekly build (with MPI) on a  core i7 system on Ubuntu 16.04. For installation, I used the following command

> python ./ mode=release extras=mpi bin

and compiled the test scripts using:

> python ./ mode=release extras=mpi cat=test

The system already has openmpi-1.10.2. The installation was without any errors. However, when I ran the unit tests, I got numerous errors with a 27% pass statistic.

Post Situation: 

Problems compiling on cluster



I've gotten a fair way through the installation process for the latest weekly build of Rosetta, but have run into an issue.

I start SCons using:

./ -j3 mode=release bin

and everything seems good until about 30 minutes into compiling this happens:

Post Situation: 

Adding included libries to scons



I am running a pilot app which uses a test class that requires the cxx test header. I was able to include the path to the compiler by using the -I parameter. However when I try to use scons to build the pilot app executable I don't know how to get scons to add in the extra -I parameter.

Thank you.

Post Situation: 

Intel Compiler - Inaccurate G! step errors



We are trying to get Rosetta setup fo a user here at UT Southwestern, and have downloaded and built the 2015.39 release using the Intel Composer XE 2015 compiler suite, with MVAPICH2 2.1 as the MPI stack. This is the standard compiler/mpi stack we use for a large amount of other software on the cluster. Compilation of Rosetta followed the site settings file distributed for the TACC stampede cluster.

When the user runs a simple test of relax.linuxiccrelease:

Post Situation: 

Unit tests on a non-Intel CPU


Hello Rosetta forum!

I've been trying to run Rosetta (2015wk39) on an IBM Power8 machine. It has 64-bit PowerPC processors, which, according to our CS department, have been set up to work with little-endian byte ordering. Rosetta compiles fine* but I've been getting failures when running unit-tests.

I've attached the full log, and the epilogue is attached inline at the end of this message. Of all failed tests, I can only find details to the test_rotamer_trials test, which have the following error:

Post Situation: 


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