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How to eliminate "NUL"s when scoring PDBs?


Dear friends,
Can I ask how to eliminate "NUL"s when scoring PDBs? When I want to score PDB files, I have tried

1) -s /mnt/hgfs/test/name.pdb
2) -s /mnt/hgfs/test/*.pdb # for all the PDB files in the "test" folder
3) -l /mnt/hgfs/test/list.txt

Post Situation: 

Memory leak? Memory consumption rises quickly when using JD2 app(s)



I don't know if this is a known issue or not, but when I run score_jd2 with a -in:list:l I get increasing memory consumption, which passes 1.4g (RES column untop `top`) within a minute. Using score with same flags has constant memory usage. I did this check because a JD2 app I'm developing also showed increasingly high memory usage, so I suspect it's a JD2 issue (?)

Post Situation: 

Converting charmm parameter files (.par)

Non-Canonical Peptides

Is there perhaps a (python) script lying around somewhere in the src distribution to convert charmm parameter files (.prm) into mm_torsion_params.txt and mm_atom_properties.txt (in the database directory database\chemical\mm_atom_type_sets\fa_standard)?
I have added the MM parameters for R1A and now I naturally have a lot of missing types for the mm_* score terms. I’m thinking the easiest way to sort this out is just to regenerate the mm_torsion_params.txt and mm_atom_properties.txt from my working charmm parameter files?

Post Situation: 



I used flexpepdock_score_only find the rmsca between 2 complexes. I also caculated the rmsca between the 2 complexes ((deltax^2+deltay^2+deltaz^2)^0.5) but the rmsCA score I got was different than the one I got using flexpepdock_score_only. Why is that happening?

Note - both complexes have the same sequence of aa.


Post Situation: 

Viewing and modifying hydrogen bond detection criteria


Hello! I have been working with PyRosetta for a while to model protein-ligand interactions. I was getting hydrogen-bond information from other software, but wanted to use PyRosetta's Hbond set for my pose. Rosetta did not find all the expected hydrogen bonds, so I wanted to check what criteria was used by Rosetta to find the HBs, and also see whether I could tweak these criteria in any way (things like maximum distance, or maximum angles, etc.).

Post Situation: 

Inconsistencies in full atom energy calculations



I'd like to decompose the energy in one body energy terms (for each residue) and pairwise energy terms for residue-residue interactions.
I tried to check if I could decompose these terms and sum them up to retrieve the score returned by the scoring function.
The problem is that I try 3 different ways of computing the energy, and I get 3 different numbers.
Could someone please tell me what's wrong ?

Here is my code:

Post Situation: 

Approximating CHARMM energy by the rosetta scoring function


Is it possible to approxmate the CHARMM energy (function) by the rosetta scoring function?

As a starting point I could work with fixed angles and bond lengths, so I guess setting the weghts for fa_atr, fa_rep and fa_elec to 1 and all the rest to zero is a good start. But is it possible to somehow load the CHARMM diheral parameters?

Thank you for your help,
Ajasja Ljubetič

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