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Scripts and/or strategies for saturation mutagenesis simulations?


Just wanted to confirm there is no semi-official script or protocol for DMS using Rosetta and ddg cartesian? 

Seems like an easy enough thing to script using existing methods and protocols....but ideally, I would like a strategy that avoided generating 19 WT models per-site, per-iteration (since just one set would suffice for all DDGs).

That would same me a lot of comput time. For a 500aa protein with 10 iterations per DDG estimate, that would save me from building (18x500x10=90,000  superfulous models.

Post Situation: 

Global Docking with output analysis RMS


Hello, Rosetta team

I performed global docking for two proteins and got the file, there are different "RMS"s reported, Irms, Irms_leg, cen_rms, rms, and st_rmsd, what values are more useful for analysis?  I wonder if term "rms" is calcualted based on what? since I started with two far away proteins for global docking, I wonder if this rms is calcualted based on the intinial structure?

I did not provide native structure for global docking. 

Post Situation: 

Error with SapScoreMetric (SimpleMetric sap_score not found in basic::datacache::DataMap)


Hello, I encountered an error while attempting to use the 'SapScoreMetric' in RosettaScript.

I encountered the following error, but when I exclude the 'SapScoreMetric' parts, it works well.


[ ERROR ]: An issue with your Rosetta run was detected

Please correct the following issue and retry:


SimpleMetric sap_score not found in basic::datacache::DataMap.


Post Situation: 

JD3 w/ Silent file output crashing - Option filename not found

<Job nstruct="5">
          <PDB filename="pdb_basename.pdb" />
          <SilentFile path="pdb_basename" filename="pdb_basename_relaxed.silent"  />
          <ScoreFile path="pdb_basename" filename="" />
          <parser__protocol value="path/to/RELAX_MONOMER_RS" />

Post Situation: 

different relaxed energy scores for one same protein structure


Hello everyone,


By chance, I tried several times relax module for one same protein structure.

I got all different relaxed energy socres.

Which score is representive for this protein structure?


And of two similar structures mutated by 1 or 2 different positions, which structure can have the better structure?

By what criteria did you think that?

Post Situation: 


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