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Small Molecules

Problem with relaxing a PDB around a chemically bound ligand

Small Molecules


I have downloaded a PDB with a chemically bound ligand (small molecule)

I have followed (in every way that I can see) all the details presented in the tutorial/demo here:

Post Situation: 

EMERALD method not working, Rosetta version not available for download

Small Molecules


I am trying to reproduce the the results from this paper 'Automatic and accurate ligand structure determination guided by cryo-electron microscopy maps', but when I try to run the script from the paper (de3mo) i'm getting the following error:

File: src/utility/options/
Option matching -in:file:override_database_params not found in command line top-level context

Post Situation: 

relax protein with multi-conformer bound ligand

Small Molecules

I am working with a protein with a bound small molecule (non-covalent). I've managed in creating parameters for the ligand and relaxing the complex following this workflow:

Post Situation: 


Small Molecules

Hi,  I am having trouble minimizing a protein that contains trehalose. Unfortunately, Rosetta does not like trehalose and always deforms it.  

I have no problems with glucose, that's weird because trehalose is a glucose disaccharide.   I am using the flag -include_sugars and the relaxed structure has unrealistic energies because it forces the formation of non-existing bonds.  The main problem is that rosetta assumes it is ->2)-alpha-D-GlucP


Post Situation: 

PDB weird to PDB rosetta friendly

Small Molecules

Dear all,


I want to relax a protein with a ligand in a specific position using the simple "relax.linuxgccrelease" program. However, I found that if the atom names (third column at the PDB) are not as expected, the output "relaxed" PDB shows a weird ligand (it looks more like an insect than a molecule), regardless if the ligand is already parameterized in Rosetta (Sorbitol [SOR] in this case). Once the atom names are fixed, the relaxed structures make sense.

Post Situation: 

Ligand Docking with ROSETTA

Small Molecules


I have been trying to perform Ligand Docking with the ROSETTA software. I describe what I have done:

1. First, I have the ligands in sdf/mol2 format one per file. I add hydrogens to these and create the params files with the "" script.

2. Second, I clean the protein (no ligands or cofactors) and add H to the protein.

3. Third, I concatenate the protein with each ligand in a different file for each ligand (the ligand has chain identifier X, the protein A).

Post Situation: 

-ignore_unrecognized_res doesn't work

Small Molecules

Hi, I'm minimizing structures in a list of PDB's using the -l option. Some structures have different ligands which I'd like to ignore or skip. The -ignore_unrecognized_res doesn't work. Minimize got bumped out trying to fill in missing atoms. Apparently it did not see or understand the flag.

Post Situation: 

Pose is full atom and mover expects centroid, how do I handle it the best?

Small Molecules

I'm trying to use pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.quantum_annealing.ExternalPackerResultLoader for a project of side-chain packing small peptides with a fixed backbone. I've gotten as far as building the Mover: instantiate the mover, giving it rebuild info and the string with selected rotamers.

The problem I run into comes when I try to apply it to the starting pose; I get a warning:

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