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Rosetta 3 - Build/Install

partial success with unit test

I was installing rosetta 3 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS with GCC 4.3,the compilation using 'scons bin mode=release 'went smoothly,and the 'scons cat=test' also went well,however,running 'test/' ended up with a success rate of only 41% .Acutally I will be doing a little bit of development work with rosetta,so I decide it's better to find out what's keeping me from getting a success rate of 100%.Anybody got an idea?

Post Situation: 

Rosetta 3.2.1 CentOS-5 x86_64 gcc: "scons cat=test mode=release" failure

python 2.4
scons 2.0.1
gcc 4.1.2 (CentOS-5 version)

[tru@liberte rosetta_source]$ scons -j8 bin mode=release

finished fine ...

but testing fails:

[tru@liberte rosetta_source]$ scons -j8 cat=test mode=release
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
svn: '.' is not a working copy

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir keyword instead.
File "/c5/shared/rosetta/3.2.1/rosetta_source/SConscript", line 40, in ?

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir keyword instead.

Post Situation: 

How to set up Rosetta 3 in Mac OS


I am brand new for Rosetta. I am planing to do homology modeling, protein-protein docking, and small molecule docking with Rosetta. I bought a MacBook Pro for these purposes, after consulting a few people in this field. I downloaded the most recent version of Rosetta, but I don't know how to have Rosetta to run in my Mac. Your help will be greatly appreicated.


Post Situation: 

Trouble building rosetta in windows with cygwin

I got this error message when trying to build rosetta 3.2 under windows XP in cygwin 1.7.8 using python 2.6.5.

scons: *** [build/src/release/cygwin/1.7/x86/gcc/utility.dll] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.

Does anyone here know what might be causing this and how could get around this problem to get rosetta built? Let me know if you need more information.


Post Situation: 

Error while executing rosetta 3.1 loop modeling


I build the rosetta 3.1 on fedora core 6 and after that I used the loop modeling demo ... while issuing the loop modeling command . I got the following error :-
[root@bmel LoopModeling]# ./loopmodel.linuxgccrelease
./loopmodel.linuxgccrelease: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Also its happening for all the .exe files in bin folder ....

Can anybody tell me how can I rectify this error ??

Thanks in advance for help ..

Post Situation: 

excecutable files don't work -- Rosetta3.2 on WindowsXP

I tried installing rosetta 3.2 on windows XP using cygwin1.7, gcc 3.4.4. following a procedure posted on 10/20/2009.

It seems I was able to compile rosetta3.2. There are "executable files" in rosetta_source/bin folder and rosetta_source/build/src/release/cygwin/1.7/32/x86/gcc folder. They look like AbinitioRelax.cygwingccrelease, backrub.cygwingccrelease and so on.

Post Situation: 

Installation of rosetta 3.2 of fedore core 6 platform

Hi ,

I am trying to install rosetta 3.2 on fedore coer 6 platform but I am getting the following errors after giving scons bin mode=release command :-

[root@bmel rosetta_source]# scons bin mode=release
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
svn: '.' is not a working copy

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir keyword instead.
File "/usr/local/rosetta-3.2/rosetta_source/SConscript", line 40, in

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir keyword instead.

Post Situation: 

installation of rosetta 3.2 on windows 7 home edition using cygwin 6.1 (intel i5 )

Hi I tried installing rosetta 3.2 on windows using cygwin and I have installed zlib while installing cygwin but I am getting the following error :-

End of stack trace
12353592 [main] python 5504 fork: child 3364 - died waiting for dll loading, err
no 11
scons: *** [build/src/release/cygwin/1.7/32/x86/gcc/utility.dll] Resource tempor
arily unavailable
scons: building terminated because of errors.

What could have gone wrong ??

I again tried using the same command and I got the following error :

Post Situation: 

Re : installation of rosetta 3.0 on fedora core 6


I am new to rosetta .. I have downloaded and installed rosetta 3.0 on fedora core 6 platform .. I gave the commnand scons bin mode=release, being in the rosetta3_source directory.. as it was complied wihtout any errors.. but i don't know how to use it for any procedure .. after checking the manual .. I followed some steps and being in the loopmodeling directory rosetta3_demos I gave the following command :-

Post Situation: 

gcc 4.4 (4.4.2) compile error with mode=release related to -finline-limit=20000 compile option [SOLVED]

There are several reports of build failures with gcc 4.4 in these forums. I also had compile errors with gcc 4.4, but I have found a workaround (although I have yet to evaluate the impact of this workaround on performance)

Here is my situation:
- working on a cluster where I have little control on available compilers
- readily available compiler is gcc 4.4.2
- working with Rosetta 3.1

Compile results with "./ -j8 bin extras=static" :
scons: done building targets.
no errors
310 warnings

Post Situation: 


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