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Rosetta 3 - Build/Install

Rosetta's building is OK, but the program is running failed

I encountered a problem with rosetta that I can not solve it myself. could anyone do me a favor.
I installed rosetta on Cent Os, and everything looks OK. But when I ran the test command "phenix_regression.wizards.test_command_line_rosetta_quick_tests", it failed as following:

Running all command_line tests
Number of tests to run: 38
Running test_autobuild
Running test_autobuild_double

Post Situation: 

rosetta 3.3 installation error on ubuntu 11.10

hi everyone;

Hard time installing rosetta on ubuntu 11.10.
different problems, very frustrating.

Linux 3.0
ubuntu 11.10
python 2.7
gcc 4.6

Here is the recent one;

/tmp/ccIDDP8t.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccIDDP8t.s: Error: .size expression for _ZN7utility7options15VectorOption_T_INS0_19PathVectorOptionKeyENS_4file8PathNameEE5valueERKS4_ does not evaluate to a constant
/tmp/ccIDDP8t.s: Error: .size expression for _ZSt22__uninitialized_move_aIPN7utility7options10PathOptionES3_SaIS2_EET0_T_S6_S5_RT1_ does not evaluate to a constant

Post Situation: 

Rosetta 3.3 installation error


I am trying to install rosetta 3.3 on fedora core 14 platform. I am getting the following error after executing scons bin mode=release command :-

[pauling@BME rosetta_source]$ scons bin mode=release
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pauling/Downloads/rosetta3.3_bundles/rosetta_source/SConstruct", line 139, in main
build = SConscript("tools/build/")
File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/Script/", line 614, in __call__
return method(*args, **kw)

Post Situation: 

Can one use a non-write privileged rosetta executable?

I am trying to do a comparative modelling using /sware/rosetta3.3/linux/rosetta_source/bin/minirosetta.linuxgccrelease.
The program didn't run, and the last few lines of the log file are:

Warning: Unable to locate database file Dunbrack02.lib.bin
core.pack.dunbrack: Dunbrack library took 8.4 seconds to load from ASCII
Warning: Unable to locate database file Dunbrack02.lib.bin
Warning: Unable to locate database file Dunbrack02.lib.bin
core.pack.dunbrack: Opening file /sware/rosetta3.3/linux/rosetta_database/dun02bwtPgW for output.

Post Situation: 

Rosetta 3.3 installation warnings

I am trying to install Rosetta 3.3 on a cluster, but every time I try to install it, I get a ton of warnings (but no actual errors). I was wondering if these warnings are something I should worry about and, if so, how I should fix them. Some examples of the warnings are below and I have attached the whole error file.

src/protocols/toolbox/pose_metric_calculators/ In mem\
ber function 'protocols::moves::MinMoverOP protocols::toolbox::pose_metric_calc\
ulators::RotamerBoltzCalculator::init_minmover(core::pose::Pose&, core::Size, b\

Post Situation: 

Calling A Protocol From Another Protocol


I am having trouble calling other movers from the protocol I created and cannot find a solution. Maybe it is obvious again, but I cannot see it.

I modified the minirosetta routine to call my protocol (SymEns), which looks like the following code. This works fine and indeed generates useful output.

SymEnsProtocolOP assembly_mover = new SymEnsProtocol;
protocols::moves::symmetry::SetupForSymmetryMoverOP setup_mover = new protocols::moves::symmetry::SetupForSymmetryMover;

Post Situation: 

Windows 7 64 bit OS using Cygwin build error?

Hi all, new poster, new to Rosetta.

I've been trying to get Rosetta to run on a Windows 7 64 bit OS using Cygwin. I thought I had finally made progress when I got the build to successfully complete (my Bin and Build directories were populated, as expected), but whenever I try to run any program from my Bin folder (I'm focusing on docking programs), it gives me an error:

"error while loading shared libraries: protocols.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

Post Situation: 

Duplicated Magic Number


I modified an existing mover. Compilation finishes without any problems. When starting Rosetta I get the following error:

../rosetta_source/bin/minirosetta.macosgccrelease @flags
Duplicate magic number in random object initialization! Number:84195
ERROR:: Exit from: src/numeric/random/ line: 136

It seems basically all movers initialize their own RandomnumberGenerator with different seeds. So why is Rosetta complaining in this particular case and not with the other movers? What have I missed?

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