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Rosetta 3 - Build/Install

Compiling and running in different linux machines

I'm trying to compile Rosetta in my local machine and then run it in a different one (I am using the extras=static flag). It compiles fine, however when I try to run it in the other machine (cluster) it gives me the error:

FATAL: kernel too old

Post Situation: 

Rosetta 3.4 on Mac OS X v 10.6.8


I just downloaded Rosetta 3.4 from the RosettaCommons website and am trying to compile it. However, it keeps failing with the following message (while Rosetta 3.3 compiles fine) :

Processor: 2.66 GHz Intel Core i&
Memory: 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Command Line: (executed from within rosetta_source directory): ./ bin mode=release

Post Situation: 

rosetta compilation error

I am trying to build rosetta on a cluster that is running SUSE 2.6.16
I use scons supplied with the rosetta 3.4 package.
In rosetta_source I run this command: external/scons-local/ bin mode=release

At first everything seems to be working, it keeps on compiling for 1 hour and then I get the message below.
Any idea what could have gone wrong ?


Post Situation: 

Rosetta build OS check

Hi all,

My cluster situation has changed, and my sysadmin needs to install a new OS on the cluster I'm currently using. He asked me if I could verify Rosetta's compatibility with the new OS he is planning on installing so we can recompile Rosetta on the new OS. I know the supported builds page of the documentation is a bit outdated from the last time I checked, so I thought it would be safer to run it past the devs first...the OS he's planning on running is OpenSUSE Linux 12.2.


Post Situation: 

Rosetta 3.4 on Ubuntu 12.04 - g++-4.6 not found

Hi Rosettaers,

I am building Rosetta 3.4 on Unbuntu 12.04 running in VMWare player. I got the following error when I built it with scons bin mode=release:

Running versioning script ... fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Done. (0.1 seconds)
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...

Post Situation: 

The problem of compiling omp in Rosetta 3.4

When I execute the command:
./ -j? extras=omp bin mode=dubug
I get the following error:
build/src/release/linux/2.6/64/x86/gcc/4.3/omp/ undefined reference to `boost::this_thread::disable_interruption::disable_interruption()'
build/src/release/linux/2.6/64/x86/gcc/4.3/omp/ undefined reference to `boost::detail::get_current_thread_data()'
build/src/release/linux/2.6/64/x86/gcc/4.3/omp/ undefined reference to `boost::thread::~thread()'

Post Situation: 

mpi mode problem

Hey everyone, I'm trying to compile in mpi mode on a cluster. I used:
./ bin mode=release extra=mpi

After entering the command, it gave me this error:
Running versioning script ... fatal: Not a git repository

But the compiling went on well and gave me "scons: done building targets." at the end.

Post Situation: 

KeyError: "Unknown version number 4.7 for compiler 'gcc'" on Fedora 17


I am trying to compile Rosetta 3.4 on Fedora 17 but I get the following error:

$ python bin mode=release
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/thomas/Programs/Rosetta3.4/rosetta_source/SConstruct", line 141, in main
build = SConscript("tools/build/")
File "/home/thomas/Programs/Rosetta3.4/rosetta_source/external/scons-local/scons-local-2.0.1/SCons/Script/", line 614, in __call__
return method(*args, **kw)

Post Situation: 


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