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Rosetta 3 - Build/Install

Excessive disk use in Rosetta download and build processes

The software I build and install gets pushed to standalone installations on about 100 different machines, and the installation usually lives on higher-cost storage (i.e. RAID or a SAN, etc), and then all those installations are backed up somewhere or other, so I usually take the time to weed out as many unnecessary files as possible. It makes everyone's life a little better.

Looking at the Rosetta packaging, there are a number of opportunities for improvements. The first one is very easy. Here's an expanded rosetta3.2_bundles.tgz:

$ du -k --max-depth=1 | sort -n
48 ./.svn

Post Situation: 

Build Error, ubuntu 10.10, scons 2.0, python 2.6.6 and gcc 4.4.5, truncation

I'm using ubuntu 10.10, scons 2.0, python 2.6.6 and gcc 4.4.5
I built a release version of Rosetta, here are the last few lines of the building process
sh: o: not found
Install file: "build/src/release/linux/2.6/32/x86/gcc/rna_extract.linuxgccrelease" as "bin/rna_extract.linuxgccrelease"

Post Situation: 

3.2 with Intel Compilers on OS X Intel

Is building Rosetta 3.2 with the Intel compilers on OS X Intel supported? I ran the build like so:

./ bin mode=release cxx=icc

And the resulting commands look like this:

g++ -o build/src/release/macos/10.5/64/x86/icc/super_aln.macosiccrelease build/src/release/macos/10.5/64/x86/icc/apps/public/comparative_modeling/super_aln.o -Llib -Lexternal/lib -Lbuild/src/release/macos/10.5/64/x86/icc -Lsrc -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib -ldevel -lprotocols -lcore -lnumeric -lutility -lObjexxFCL -lz

Post Situation: 

3.2 and Intel Compilers 12.0

It looks like there is some buggy interaction between Rosetta, Scons and the latest version of the Intel compilers.

I edited tools/build/options.settings to enable the 12.0 compiler version and tools/build/user.settings to find the Intel compilers and the error looks like this:

$ ./ bin mode=release cxx=icc extras=static tatic
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
svn: '.' is not a working copy
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...

Post Situation: 

Rosetta parallel installation

Hi all,
have been using Rosetta for a while, but could not figure out exactly how to install parallel. I am very happy to see Rosetta3.2 latest version. I will be grateful to you if anyone suggest me how to install (best way)parallel and how to run applications in parallel.

Thank you in advance

Best regards,

Post Situation: 

Rosetta 3.2

I used pc with Fedora 14. I used gcc 4.5 and mpich2 to compile Rosetta 3.2. However I encounter this erros when I try to compile Rosetta 3,2 with scons.

src/core/conformation/symmetry/ In function 'void core::conformation::symmetry::make_symmetric_pose(core::pose::Pose&, core::conformation::symmetry::SymmetryInfo)':
src/core/conformation/symmetry/ error: expected type-specifier
src/core/conformation/symmetry/ error: conversion from 'int*' to non-scalar type 'core::pose::PDBInfoOP' requested

Post Situation: 

unable to propagate location of libraries to scons for Rosetta 3.1 [FIXED...SORT OF...]

I am unable to propagate our cluster environment to the Rosetta scons scripts (most likely the library environment)

Here is my situation:

On our cluster, compilers are loaded using "module" (e.g. "module load compilers/gcc/4.4.2" or "module load mpi/openmpi/1.4.3_gcc").
-> Consequently, compilers (gcc, g++, ...) are not in "normal" PATH, and the same goes for some required libraries (and for INCLUDE paths also)

Post Situation: 

ROsetta installation on windows

Hi all,

I am new to rosetta and I tried installing rosetta on windows 7 ... First I installed scons using scons-2.0.1.win32.exe file downloaded from scons website... after that I tried using the command -> scons bin mode=release
in cygwin but its saying that the command not found ... I already added the location of scons to environment variables

Pls help


Post Situation: 

problems installing Rosetta on CentOS (fixed)

WhenI type:
[root@localhost rosetta_source]# python external/scons-local/
This happens:
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
sh: svnversion: command not found
sh: svn: command not found
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
o build/src/debug/linux/2.6/64/x86/gcc/numeric/constants.os -c -std=c++98 -pipe
-ffor-scope -W -Wall -pedantic -Wno-long-long -O0 -g -ggdb -ffloat-store -fPIC -
Isrc -Iexternal/include -Isrc/platform/linux/64/gcc -Isrc/platform/linux/64 -Isr

Post Situation: 


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