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tyrosine structure error

I am using Rosetta 3.3 and I have a problem with matching. In my cstfile I want to model a H-bond using the atom_type: Hpol of several residues. Results from Matcher are completely wrong in the case of Tyr. Hpol atom is not located on the phenolic oxygen but on the CD1 atom of Tyr which is now double protonated. I was looking into ~/rosetta3.3/database/chemical/residue_type_sets/fa_standard/residue_types/l-caa but Tyr is here defined correctly. I tried to delete and create Dunbrack02.lib.bin once again but no change was observed.

Post Situation: 

How to optimize the orientations of polar hydrogens in PyRosetta


I wonder if there is a way to trigger the optimization of polar hydrogens in PyRosetta just like the "-no_optH" option in Rosetta when reading structure information from PDB files into Pose. Because I found many potential hydrogen bonds in the original PDB structures were interrupted by the wrongly added hydrogens by default which result very high energy scores.

I have not found any routines to set free the movemenet of hydrogens in the MoveMap settings.

Post Situation: 

Problem with clustering 1000 centroid pdbs

I am trying to use rosetta3.1 cluster function to cluster 1000 pdbs of a homodimer that were created by Symmdock of rosetta3.2 and are still in centroid mode. Even if I get the pdb outputs for the clusters , I still get an output txt file that crashes at line 2,707,992 and doesn't give me the clustering information. The problem is that there are so many warning messages of the following types for each atom:
core.conformation.Conformation: [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom... [ WARNING ] can't find atom for res 84 atom CEN...

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double mutations scan

Dear ALL,
I try to scan all the possible double mutations use this command"~/rosettabin/pmut_scan_parallel.macosgccrelease -database ~/rosettadb -s 1ABC.pdb.gz -double_mutant_scan -output_mutant_structures -ex1 -ex2 -extrachi_cutoff 1 -use_input_sc
-ignore_unrecognized_res -no_his_his_pairE -multi_cool_annealer 10 -mute basic core".
But I also want to fix all the residues as NATRO except the mutated residues. What command should I use? Thank you!

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Picking the correct model from a large set of decoys (30,000+)

Hi everybody,

I'm been fairly successful at creating a large list of decoys for several of my project (de novo, loop modeling, etc). My runs typically produce 30,000 to 50,000 decoy structures, which I am under the impression is a decent number.

What is the best method to determining the "most accurate" structure from these decoys? Do I cluster first, take the lowest energy (c.0.0.pdb). Or do I look at the top scoring structures from each cluster? (c.0.0.pdb, c.1.0.pdb, etc). Or do I score the entire set and take the lowest scoring structure to be the most accurate, without clustering?

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Simple FoldTree Question

Hopefully a fairly simple foldtree problem:

I have a two chain protein complex where the end of the floppy tail of domain B also happens to be the root of domain B.
Since the interaction with domain A is significant I'd like to re-root and sample according to something like:

FOLD_TREE EDGE 1 645 -1 EDGE 1 646 1 EDGE 646 1500 -1

FOLD_TREE EDGE 1 645 -1 EDGE 1 646 1 EDGE 1400 646 -1 EDGE 1400 1500 -1

So I use:

ft = FoldTree()

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