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Docking-RMS value nan



I am new to Rosetta3 and jsut trying to dock some generated ligands into a protein PDB. Based on the generated structures it appears the docking program is working well however, when I look at the file the rms vlaues for all the generated structures is nan. I do not really understand if I should be expecting rms values. I am docking a ligand into an unbound protein substrate. Any information would be helpful.


Post Situation: 

selecting pivot_residue in Backrub for ensemble generation



I need to generate an ensemble of proteins to capture backbone flexibility in docking. I ran relax with thorough flag, but the resultants decoys are not that much different (RMSD ranges fro 0.2 to 0.7). Then I ran Backrub without defining pivot_residue and without resfile. The resultant decoys of Backrub are also similar. Does anyone have suggestions to define pivot_residue? or how can I sample conformational space enough to consider backbone flexibility?



Post Situation: 

Error when trying docking protocol with different ligand



I'm coaching an iGEM team at the University of Warwick and they're doing some dock design to try to switch the specificity of a transcription factor to a different ligand. We've been able to run the docking protocol with the protein and it's native ligand and it is able to recapitualte the the native binding. However, when we try the docking protocol with the new ligand we run into this error:

Post Situation: 

mpirun docking_protocol


Hi all,

I was running mpi docking_protocol (docking_protocol.cxx11threadmpiserialization.linuxgccrelease) to generate 500 decoys. I got this error and only 470 decoys as output:

[ ERROR ]: Error(s) were encountered when running jobs.
12 jobs failed;
Check the output further up for additional error messages.

Post Situation: 

Calling SnugDock from PyRosetta


I am very new to the PyRosetta platform and was hoping to get some guidance on how I can do a SnugDock run from the PyRosetta interface with an antibody pdb and antigen pdb, as I know that the ROSIE queue can be quite long. I've seen the PyRosetta 4.0 documentation for SnugDock but am a little bit overwhelmed as I'm not too well versed in Python. Any level of guidance would be greatly appreciated! 


Post Situation: 

Zero residues error in docking


Hello, I need some help.

I have no residues error during my docking process. But refining and cleaning worked well with my PDB file.

Also, 1 year ago, docking process worked well with same PDB file and older version of rosetta.

I don't know why it happened.

My PDB file is attatched. please help me.


It is my rosetta crash log.

Post Situation: 

pepspec anchor dock


What am I doing wrong?

Here is the call command:

/Users/andreserobian/Documents/rosetta/main/source/bin/./pepspec_anchor_dock.macosclangrelease -in:file:s her2+ile_ABC.pdb -out:pdb 1

Here is the output:

core.init: Checking for fconfig files in pwd and ./rosetta/flags 

Post Situation: 

Make fragments


Hi Everyone 

I am currently working with the flexpepdock protocol and I need to create fragments. Unfortunately my peptides are short <27 aa and cannot use robetta. I am doing the fragment creation locally but the procedure is somewhat complex, could someone help me what steps should I follow to modify the script 

Post Situation: 


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