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Having trouble producing a .pdb file from a silent output file after running abinitio relax

Well I have run AbinitioRelax.linuxgccrelease for the first time and had it produce a t000_silent.out file. The documentation says to use score.linuxgccrelease but that no longer exists in rosetta 3.2. What do I need to do to get .pdb files from the silent output file? Thanks.

Post Situation: 

first run of abinitio in rosetta 3.2 produces an error right away

I just got Rosetta 3.2 built on linux and I'm trying to run abinitio for the first time. I am getting this error when I run AbinitioRelax.linuxgccrelease.

ERROR: [ERROR] Unable to open kill_hairpins file
ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/scoring/ line: 344

Post Situation: 

How to use new functions introduced in 2.0?

I would like to use new functions introduced in PyRosetta2.0 (based on Rosetta3.2).

How and where can I find such functions and make them run?

For example, when I try to run "matcher" application and "comparative modeling" application how can I find/set commands and options for them in PyRosetta2.0?
I see folders named "comparative_modeling" and "match" in the build/rosetta/protocols folder.

I am running PyRosetta on Windows XP. I have never run Rosetta3.2 on the same machine because the compilation using cygwin/MinGW is not done properly.

Any information would be helpful.

Post Situation: 

constrain files tutorial


I are there any tutorial or comment constrains file available. I have been unable to find any in the documentations. What I am particular is looking into is make a constrain between the cofactor and the ligand.I would be happy to see any constrain files that are available for the public. There was a set of good tutorial at Meierlab but it seems that they have removed them. A good example would be to have a distant between the Oxygen and the iron of hemoglobin.

Knut J

Post Situation: 

ab inito memberane error

I've got an error while I am running the following command:

/soft/rosetta-3.2/rosetta_source/src/apps/public/membrane_abi nitio/ test.ali test.span /usr/bin/blastp /home/albert/softbake/biosoft/rosettadb/nrdb /soft/rosetta-3.2/rosetta_source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/

Error in blast output file test.ali truncated:
readline() on closed filehandle MSA at /soft/rosetta-3.2/rosetta_source/src/ap ps/public/membrane_abinitio/ line 91.

could you please tell me how to solve this?


Post Situation: 

FlexPepDocking.mpi.linuxgccrelease bails out ERROR: total_residue() != 0 ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/pose/ line: 1369

When I tries to use FlexPepDocking it bails out ERROR: total_residue() != 0. Though I have been able to use the same pdb file with the web server. It appears that FlexPepDocking generate a pose that do not contain any residues and that the assert statement in bails out due to this reason. Is there anything wrong with my pdb file, I have also tried to include a co-factor which is parameterized. This error appear but with and witouth any co-factor.

FlexPepDockingPoseMetrics: (1) Isc: -8.11514
FlexPepDockingPoseMetrics: (1) Total BSA is: 659.381

Post Situation: 

gcc 4.4 (4.4.2) compile error with mode=release related to -finline-limit=20000 compile option [SOLVED]

There are several reports of build failures with gcc 4.4 in these forums. I also had compile errors with gcc 4.4, but I have found a workaround (although I have yet to evaluate the impact of this workaround on performance)

Here is my situation:
- working on a cluster where I have little control on available compilers
- readily available compiler is gcc 4.4.2
- working with Rosetta 3.1

Compile results with "./ -j8 bin extras=static" :
scons: done building targets.
no errors
310 warnings

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